2024-25 Access, Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Committee - Rutgers University Senate Skip to main content

2024-2025 Access, Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Committee

Senator Constituency
Malica Dock, Co-ChairNew Brunswick Staff
Ronald Quincy, Co-ChairSchool of Graduate Studies, Faculty
Faizan Ahmed, MemberNew Brunswick Staff
Adnan Alkhalili, MemberSchool of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Ferdousi Begum, MemberSchool of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Student
Enobong (Anna) Branch, Member
Perry Dane, MemberRutgers Law School in Camden, Faculty
Siatta Davis, MemberCamden Staff
Izabela Dylewska, MemberSchool of Public Affairs and Administration, Student
Jeffrey Friedman, MemberMason Gross School of the Arts, Faculty
Morgan Gilmartin, MemberLecturer-Newark, Faculty
Vyshnavi Gnanaprakasam, MemberRutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student
Noah Graham, MemberRutgers Business School: Undergraduate Newark, Student
Nora Jaber, MemberSchool of Graduate Studies, Student
Nikitha Jeyaprakash, MemberSchool of Nursing-Camden, Student
Adam Kustka, MemberSchool of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Faculty
John Lam, MemberSchool of Nursing, Student
Geeny Lee, MemberErnest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty
John Maerhofer, MemberSchool of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Pavani Patel, MemberSchool of Engineering, Student
Javier Robles, MemberSchool of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Gianna Ruocco, MemberSchool of Communication and Information, Student
Priscilla Senger, MemberSchool of Management and Labor Relations, Student
Adrienne Simonds, MemberSchool of Health Professions, Faculty
Ángel Muriel Soler, MemberSchool of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Student
Rabiyatu Sow, MemberCamden College of Arts and Sciences, Student
Marissa Syed, MemberSchool of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Robert Zarouni, MemberRutgers Law School in Newark, Student
Senator Present Excused Absent
Dock, Malica | New Brunswick Staff 3 0 5
Quincy, Ronald | School of Graduate Studies, Faculty 2 0 6
Ahmed, Faizan | New Brunswick Staff 0 0 8
Alkhalili, Adnan | School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student 1 0 5
Begum, Ferdousi | School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Student 1 0 6
Branch, Enobong (Anna) 1 2 5
Dane, Perry | Rutgers Law School in Camden, Faculty 1 1 6
Davis, Siatta | Camden Staff 1 0 7
Dylewska, Izabela | School of Public Affairs and Administration, Student 0 0 7
Friedman, Jeffrey | Mason Gross School of the Arts, Faculty 0 0 1
Gilmartin, Morgan | Lecturer-Newark, Faculty 1 0 6
Gnanaprakasam, Vyshnavi | Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student 0 0 8
Graham, Noah | Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate Newark, Student 0 0 7
Jaber, Nora | School of Graduate Studies, Student 3 0 5
Jeyaprakash, Nikitha | School of Nursing-Camden, Student 1 0 5
Kustka, Adam | School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Faculty 2 0 4
Lam, John | School of Nursing, Student 0 0 4
Lee, Geeny | Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty 3 0 5
Maerhofer, John | School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty 3 0 5
Patel, Pavani | School of Engineering, Student 0 0 7
Robles, Javier | School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty 2 0 6
Ruocco, Gianna | School of Communication and Information, Student 0 0 8
Senger, Priscilla | School of Management and Labor Relations, Student 2 0 6
Simonds, Adrienne | School of Health Professions, Faculty 2 1 5
Soler, Ángel Muriel | School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Student 0 0 8
Sow, Rabiyatu | Camden College of Arts and Sciences, Student 0 0 6
Syed, Marissa | School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student 2 0 6
Zarouni, Robert | Rutgers Law School in Newark, Student 1 0 6

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