Abdelfattah, Dina |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
dina.yassera@rutgers.edu |
Adamo, Lauren |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
lauren.adamo@rutgers.edu |
Adya, Monica |
School of Business-Camden, Dean |
monica.adya@rutgers.edu |
Ahmed, Faizan |
New Brunswick Staff |
faizan@rutgers.edu |
Ahmed, Babar |
Newark Staff |
babar.ahmed@rutgers.edu |
Alkhalili, Adnan |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
adnan.alkhalili@rutgers.edu |
Allen, Warren |
School of Communication and Information, Faculty |
warren.allen@rutgers.edu |
Ameri, Mason |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty |
mason.ameri@rutgers.edu |
Amjad, Fauzan |
Student Charter Trustee |
fauzan.amjad@rutgers.edu |
Anderson, Katie |
Libraries, Faculty |
katie.anderson@rutgers.edu |
Anderson, Cori |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
cori.anderson@rutgers.edu |
Anderson Eloy, Jean |
New Jersey Medical School, Faculty |
eloyj1@njms.rutgers.edu |
Andrews, Rochelle |
Alumni Association |
rochelle.andrews@rutgers.edu |
Anner, Mark |
School of Management and Labor Relations, Dean |
ma2429@smlr.rutgers.edu |
Apel, Robert |
School of Criminal Justice, Faculty |
robert.apel@rutgers.edu |
Ardeshna, Anil |
Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Faculty |
ardeshap@rutgers.edu |
Askew, Consuella |
Vice President for University Libraries and University Librarian |
consuella.askew@rutgers.edu |
Axelsson, Victoria |
School of Engineering, Student |
vka14@rutgers.edu |
Bachmann, Gloria |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
bachmaga@rutgers.edu |
Baker, Mark Doug |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
mb1913@rutgers.edu |
Barbarello Andrews, Liza |
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty |
lbarbarello@pharmacy.rutgers.edu |
Barone, Joseph |
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Dean |
jbarone@pharmacy.rutgers.edu |
Begum, Ferdousi |
School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Student |
fb369@rutgers.edu |
Bernard, Sammara |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate Newark, Student |
sb.2271@rutgers.edu |
Bhuyan, Sanjib |
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty |
bhuyan@rutgers.edu |
Boikess, Robert |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
robert.boikess@rutgers.edu |
Bond, Johanna |
Rutgers Law School, Dean |
jb2225@law.rutgers.edu |
Boppey, Mrudhula Sai |
EJBSPPP, Student |
mrudhulasai.boppey@rutgers.edu |
Borie-Holtz, Debra |
EJBSPPP, Faculty |
dbholtz@ejb.rutgers.edu |
Borisovets, Natalie |
Newark At-Large, Faculty |
natalieb@rutgers.edu |
Boucher, James |
Camden At-Large, Faculty |
jb1514@camden.rutgers.edu |
Boxer, Paul |
School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Faculty |
pboxer@rutgers.edu |
Bridgeman, Mary |
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty |
mary.bridgeman@pharmacy.rutgers.edu |
Brown, Emily |
School of Public Health, Student |
emily.brown1@rutgers.edu |
Cafiero, Christopher |
School of Engineering, Student |
christopher.cafiero@rutgers.edu |
Caponegro, Mihaela |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
mihaelag@english.rutgers.edu |
Carney-Waterton, Jo-leo |
Lecturer-New Brunswick, Faculty |
joleo.carneywaterton@rutgers.edu |
Chao, Philippe |
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Student |
pc725@rutgers.edu |
Chiricolo, Antonio |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
antonio.chiricolo@rutgers.edu |
Choron, Rachel |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
rc1147@rutgers.edu |
Clarke, Alison |
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff |
clarkeal@rutgers.edu |
Collick, Charlie |
New Brunswick Staff |
ccollick@rutgers.edu |
Conway, Francine |
New Brunswick Chancellor |
francine.conway@rutgers.edu |
Cooper, Taryn |
Camden Staff |
tc738@rutgers.edu |
Cotter, Martha |
Past Chair |
macotter@chem.rutgers.edu |
Cuitiño, Alberto |
School of Engineering, Dean |
cuitino@soe.rutgers.edu |
Curchitser, Enrique |
School of Graduate Studies, Faculty |
enrique@marine.rutgers.edu |
Dai, Wei |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
wei.dai@rutgers.edu |
Dane, Perry |
Rutgers Law School in Camden, Faculty |
dane@rutgers.edu |
Davis, Siatta |
Camden Staff |
sd602@rutgers.edu |
DeMatteo, Susan |
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff |
sd1091@sdm.rutgers.edu |
Diaz-Tena, Nuria |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty |
nd796@rutgers.edu |
DiGiovanni, Jeffery |
School of Health Professions, Dean |
jjd340@shp.rutgers.edu |
Dock, Malica |
New Brunswick Staff |
malica.dock@rutgers.edu |
Dylewska, Izabela |
School of Public Affairs and Administration, Student |
izd2@scarletmail.rutgers.edu |
Easley , Lisa |
School of Nursing, Faculty |
le174@sn.rutgers.edu |
Eastman, Wayne |
Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty |
weastman@business.rutgers.edu |
Ebert, Gary |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
ebertga@rutgers.edu |
Elkholy, Nora |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
nwe9@scarletmail.rutgers.edu |
Esposito, Adrienne |
New Brunswick Staff |
aespos@oit.rutgers.edu |
Everett, Brian |
Camden Staff |
be99@camden.rutgers.edu |
Everts, Bart |
Libraries, Faculty |
bart.everts@rutgers.edu |
Fatahzadeh, Mahnaz |
Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Faculty |
fatahza@rutgers.edu |
Fedorko, Brielle |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
brielle.fedorko@rutgers.edu |
Feldman, Cecile |
Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Dean |
feldman@sdm.rutgers.edu |
Feng, Jie |
School of Management and Labor Relations, Faculty |
jf765@smlr.rutgers.edu |
Fenker, Sue |
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff |
fenkersp@gsapp.rutgers.edu |
Figueira, Thomas |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
thomas.figueira@rutgers.edu |
Firat, Sean |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
sean.firat@rutgers.edu |
Foster, Lucille |
Newark Staff |
lufoster@business.rutgers.edu |
Friedman, Jeffrey |
Mason Gross School of the Arts, Faculty |
jfdance@mgsa.rutgers.edu |
Fulton, Abigail |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
abigail.fulton@rutgers.edu |
Geary, Jason |
Mason Gross School of the Arts, Dean |
jg1642@nbcp.rutgers.edu |
Giermanski, Lauren |
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff |
lauren.giermanski@rutgers.edu |
Gilmartin, Morgan |
Lecturer-Newark, Faculty |
morgan.gilmartin@rutgers.edu |
Giraud, Ralph |
School of Business-Camden, Faculty |
ralph.giraud@rutgers.edu |
Gnanaprakasam, Vyshnavi |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student |
vyshnavi.gnanaprakasam@rutgers.edu |
Godoy, Christopher |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
christopher.godoy@rutgers.edu |
Gong, Jie |
School of Engineering, Faculty |
jiegong.cee@rutgers.edu |
Gould, Ann |
Past Chair |
ann.gould@rutgers.edu |
Gower, Michael |
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Administration |
michael.gower@rutgers.edu |
Grachan, Jeremy |
New Jersey Medical School, Faculty |
jeremy.grachan@rutgers.edu |
Graham, Dewanna |
Alumni Association |
dewanna.graham@rutgers.edu |
Graham, Noah |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate Newark, Student |
njg134@rutgers.edu |
Granadeiro, Andre |
New Brunswick Staff |
andre.granadeiro@rutgers.edu |
Green-Mercado, Mayte |
Newark Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty |
mayte.green@rutgers.edu |
Griffin, John |
Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Camden, Dean |
jg1897@camden.rutgers.edu |
Guo, Zhixiong (James) |
School of Engineering, Faculty |
Gurbuzbalaban, Mert |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty |
mgurbuzbalaban@business.rutgers.edu |
Gursoy, Kemal |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty |
kgursoy@business.rutgers.edu |
Haberl, Charles |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
haberl@rutgers.edu |
Haley, Anna |
School of Social Work, Faculty |
ahaley@ssw.rutgers.edu |
Halkitis, Perry |
School of Public Health, Dean |
perry.halkitis@rutgers.edu |
Hamawy, Adam Hisham |
Alumni Association |
adam.hamawy@rutgers.edu |
Hart, Daniel |
Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Dean |
daniel.hart@rutgers.edu |
Haviland, Martha |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
Henderson, Taja-Nia |
Graduate School-Newark, Dean |
tajania@law.rutgers.edu |
Henry, Adrian |
School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Student |
amh482@rutgers.edu |
Hewitt, Vicki |
Senate Office |
vicki.hewitt@rutgers.edu |
Hoffman, Fred |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty |
fhh6@rutgers.edu |
Holloway, Jonathan |
University President |
holloway@rutgers.edu |
Horan, Kathleen |
School of Nursing, Faculty |
horankm@rutgers.edu |
Izhar, Aalin |
New Jersey Medical School, Student |
aalin.izhar@rutgers.edu |
Jaber, Nora |
School of Graduate Studies, Student |
nj315@rutgers.edu |
Javanmard, Mehdi |
School of Engineering, Faculty |
mehdi.javanmard@rutgers.edu |
Jeyaprakash, Nikitha |
School of Nursing-Camden, Student |
nj317@rutgers.edu |
John, Assa |
Graduate School-Camden, Student |
asa.john@rutgers.edu |
Johnson, Robert |
New Jersey Medical School, Dean |
rjohnson@njms.rutgers.edu |
Jordan-McKinney, Tara |
Alumni Association |
tara.jordanmckinney@rutgers.edu |
Kamen, Madelyn |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
mek234@scarletmail.rutgers.edu |
Kaplan, Joshua |
New Jersey Medical School, Faculty |
joshua.kaplan@rutgers.edu |
Kaye, Rachel |
New Jersey Medical School, Faculty |
kayera@rutgers.edu |
Kayyal, Fadi |
New Brunswick Staff |
fadi.kayyal@rutgers.edu |
Keates, Debra |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
debra.keates@rutgers.edu |
Kettle, John |
Newark At-Large, Faculty |
john.kettle@rutgers.edu |
Khan, Rehan |
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff |
rehan.khan@rutgers.edu |
Khan, Sehrish |
Alumni Association |
sehrish.khan1@rutgers.edu |
Kiss, Geza |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
kissgk@rutgers.edu |
Knievel, Timothy |
Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Camden, Faculty |
tknievel@camden.rutgers.edu |
Kustka, Adam |
School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Faculty |
adam.kustka@rutgers.edu |
La Vigne, Nancy |
School of Criminal Justice, Dean |
Ladell, Ronald |
Alumni Association |
ronald.ladell@rutgers.edu |
Lam, Gavin |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
gavin.lam@rutgers.edu |
Lam, John |
School of Nursing, Student |
jl2814@rutgers.edu |
Lawson, Laura |
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Dean |
ljlawson@sebs.rutgers.edu |
Lee, Geeny |
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty |
geeyoun@rutgers.edu |
Lehman, Richard |
School of Engineering, Faculty |
rllehman@rutgers.edu |
Lei, Lei |
Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Dean |
llei@business.rutgers.edu |
Leibowitz, George |
School of Social Work, Dean |
gsl64@ssw.rutgers.edu |
Lemish, Dafna |
School of Communication and Information, Dean |
dafna.lemish@rutgers.edu |
Lescht, Joseph |
Camden College of Arts and Sciences, Student |
joseph.h.lescht@rutgers.edu |
Lobman, Carrie |
Graduate School of Education, Faculty |
carrie.lobman@gse.rutgers.edu |
Lutz, Carol |
School of Graduate Studies, Faculty |
lutzcs@rutgers.edu |
Maeng Brown, Rachel |
Alumni Association |
rachel.brown.maeng@rutgers.edu |
Maerhofer, John |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
jm2416@rutgers.edu |
Maganti, Kameswari |
RBHS Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty |
km1675@rutgers.edu |
Mahajan-Cusack, Lisa |
Lecturer-Newark, Faculty |
lmahajan@rutgers.edu |
Maliga, Pal |
New Brunswick Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty |
Mao, Zhengyu |
Graduate School-Newark, Faculty |
Markowitz, Norman |
School of Graduate Studies, Faculty |
norman.markowitz@rutgers.edu |
Matise, Michael |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
matisemp@rwjms.rutgers.edu |
Mattis, Jacqueline |
School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Dean |
jacqueline.mattis@rutgers.edu |
Mazurek, Monica |
School of Graduate Studies, Faculty |
mmazurek@rutgers.edu |
Mbadugha, Nkechi |
School of Health Professions, Faculty |
mbadugne@rutgers.edu |
McCarthy, Caitlin |
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty |
c.mccarthy@rutgers.edu |
McKeever, Kenneth |
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty |
mckeever@aesop.rutgers.edu |
Moghe, Prabhas |
Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs |
moghe@rutgers.edu |
Morales, Christine |
New Brunswick At-Large, Faculty |
christine.morales@rutgers.edu |
Morton, Patricia |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
patricia.morton@rutgers.edu |
Morton, Cory |
New Brunswick Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty |
cmorton@ssw.rutgers.edu |
Murphy, Brian |
Faculty Council Chair |
Murphy, Kyle |
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty |
kyle.murphy@rutgers.edu |
Murtha, Amy |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Dean |
amy.murtha@rutgers.edu |
Nadeem, Erum |
Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Faculty |
erum.nadeem@rutgers.edu |
Nickitas, Donna |
School of Nursing-Camden, Dean |
dn329@camden.rutgers.edu |
Nucci, Mary |
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty |
mnucci@rutgers.edu |
O'Connor, James |
New Jersey Medical School, Faculty |
oconnojp@njms.rutgers.edu |
Oberle, Jennifer |
Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Camden, Faculty |
joberle@camden.rutgers.edu |
Oliver, Jon |
Past Chair |
jon.oliver@rutgers.edu |
Olivera, Tiffany |
Graduate School-Newark, Student |
tiffany.olivera@rutgers.edu |
Osorio-Fernandez, Arturo |
Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty |
osorio@business.rutgers.edu |
Özel, Tuğrul |
New Brunswick At-Large, Faculty |
ozel@rutgers.edu |
Parsa, Houshang |
Alumni Association |
houshang.parsa@rutgers.edu |
Patel, Suja |
Newark Staff |
suja@afc.rutgers.edu |
Patel, Kush |
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Student |
kush.patel72@rutgers.edu |
Patel, Anand |
Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Student |
arp217@rutgers.edu |
Patel, Vir |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
vir.p.patel@rutgers.edu |
Patel, Pavani |
School of Engineering, Student |
Perez, Ilce |
Student Charter Trustee |
ip215@scarletmail.rutgers.edu |
Pichugin, Alexander |
New Brunswick At-Large, Faculty |
pichugin@rutgers.edu |
Pierce, Heather |
Lecturer-New Brunswick, Faculty |
heather.pierce@rutgers.edu |
Pintar, John |
School of Graduate Studies, Faculty |
john.pintar@rutgers.edu |
Pontes, Nancy |
School of Nursing-Camden, Faculty |
pontesnh@camden.rutgers.edu |
Purcell, Wendy |
School of Public Health, Faculty |
wendy.purcell@rutgers.edu |
Quincy, Ronald |
School of Graduate Studies, Faculty |
ronald.quincy@rutgers.edu |
Rabinowitz, Sam |
School of Business-Camden, Faculty |
sam.rabinowitz51@rutgers.edu |
Ramachandran, Rohit |
School of Graduate Studies, Faculty |
rohit.r@rutgers.edu |
Ramchandani, Neesha |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student |
ndr45@scarletmail.rutgers.edu |
Ramirez Polo, Laura |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
lr644@rutgers.edu |
Rentzel, Emma |
Mason Gross School of the Arts, Student |
emma.rentzel@rutgers.edu |
Reshamdalal, Sahil |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student |
sahil.reshamdalal@rutgers.edu |
Risman, Rebecca |
School of Graduate Studies, Student |
risman.rebecca@rutgers.edu |
Robinson, Jeffrey |
Newark Chancellor |
jeffrey.robinson@rutgers.edu |
Robles, Javier |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
javier.robles@rutgers.edu |
Robson, Mark |
School of Graduate Studies, Dean |
robson@sebs.rutgers.edu |
Rodriguez, Wendy |
New Brunswick Staff |
wendy.rodriguez1@rutgers.edu |
Rohowsky-Kochan, Christine |
Faculty Council Chair |
rohowscm@njms.rutgers.edu |
Rokerya, Sabeen |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Student |
sabeen.r@rutgers.edu |
Rossman-Murphy, Lisa |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
lisa.rossmanmurphy@rutgers.edu |
Roth, Monica |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
roth@rwjms.rutgers.edu |
Ruocco, Gianna |
School of Communication and Information, Student |
gar119@scarletmail.rutgers.edu |
Salas-de la Cruz, David |
Camden At-Large, Faculty |
ds1191@rutgers.edu |
Saltzman, Cynthia |
Lecturer-Camden, Faculty |
cynthias@camden.rutgers.edu |
Santos Mendoza, Gary |
Newark Staff |
gs858@rutgers.edu |
Sarath, Bharat |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty |
bsarath@business.rutgers.edu |
Savage, Amy |
Camden At-Large, Faculty |
amy.savage@rutgers.edu |
Sayde, Mark |
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff |
mark.sayde@rutgers.edu |
Schafer, Karina |
School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Faculty |
karina.schafer@rutgers.edu |
Schroth, Kevin |
RBHS Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty |
schrothk@rutgers.edu |
Schwartz, Robert |
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences At-Large, Faculty |
roschwar@rutgers.edu |
Scott, Kathleen |
Past Chair |
scott@dls.rutgers.edu |
Searcy, Safanya |
School of Criminal Justice, Student |
safanya.searcy@rutgers.edu |
Senger, Priscilla |
School of Management and Labor Relations, Student |
ps1180@rutgers.edu |
Sergel, Emily |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
emily.sergel@rutgers.edu |
Sese, Richard |
Non-Senator |
richsese@rutgers.edu |
Shah, Chirag |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
shahcn@rwjms.rutgers.edu |
Shapiro, Michael |
New Jersey Medical School, Faculty |
mes362@rutgers.edu |
Shapiro, Stuart |
stuartsh@rutgers.edu |
Shaw, Taylor |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
t.shaw@rutgers.edu |
Shinbrot, Troy |
School of Engineering, Faculty |
shinbrot@soe.rutgers.edu |
Shobut, Sarah |
Student Charter Trustee |
sks234@rutgers.edu |
Silva, Gema |
School of Health Professions, Student |
gema.silva@rutgers.edu |
Simonds, Adrienne |
School of Health Professions, Faculty |
simondad@shrp.rutgers.edu |
Sloan-Power, Elizabeth |
School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Faculty |
elizabeth.sloan@rutgers.edu |
Smart, Michael |
School of Graduate Studies, Faculty |
mike.smart@rutgers.edu |
Smith, Morgan |
Senate Office |
man145@rutgers.edu |
Soler, Ángel Muriel |
School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Student |
angel.murielsoler@rutgers.edu |
Sonnenberg, Frank |
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
sonnenbe@rutgers.edu |
Sow, Rabiyatu |
Camden College of Arts and Sciences, Student |
rabiyatu.sow@rutgers.edu |
Span, Christopher |
Graduate School of Education, Dean |
christopher.span@gse.rutgers.edu |
Spiegel, Menahem |
Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty |
Starkweather, Angela |
School of Nursing, Dean |
as5303@sn.rutgers.edu |
Strom, Brian |
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Chancellor |
chancellor@rbhs.rutgers.edu |
Suh, Nanjoo |
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty |
nsuh@rutgers.edu |
Syed, Marissa |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
marisa.syed@rutgers.edu |
Szatrowski, Ted |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty |
szatrows@business.rutgers.edu |
Taha, Ramez |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
ramez.taha@rutgers.edu |
Takhistov, Paul |
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty |
paul.takhistov@rutgers.edu |
Tewfik, George |
New Jersey Medical School, Faculty |
glt31@rutgers.edu |
Tillis, Antonio |
Camden Chancellor |
chancellor@camden.rutgers.edu |
Tirino, Chloe |
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student |
chloe.tirino@rutgers.edu |
Torres, Jose |
Lecturer-Camden, Faculty |
jose.torres@rutgers.edu |
Truschke, Audrey |
School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Faculty |
audrey.truschke@rutgers.edu |
Usman, Sarah |
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Student |
shu4@rutgers.edu |
Volino, Lucio |
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty |
volinol@pharmacy.rutgers.edu |
Wade, Juli |
School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Executive Dean |
juli.wade@sas.rutgers.edu |
Wagner, Mary |
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty |
mlwagner@pharmacy.rutgers.edu |
Weiss, Robert |
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences At-Large, Faculty |
weissre@rutgers.edu |
White, Carolyne |
Graduate School-Newark, Faculty |
whitecj@andromeda.rutgers.edu |
Wilkinson, Zara |
Faculty Council Chair |
zara.wilkinson@rutgers.edu |
Williams, Payton |
Rutgers Law School in Camden, Student |
prw40@rutgers.edu |
Wirtenberg, Jeana |
Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty |
jwirtenberg@business.rutgers.edu |
Wolfe, Wojtek |
Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Camden, Faculty |
wojwolfe@rutgers.edu |
Yang, Kaifeng |
School of Public Affairs and Administration, Dean |
kaifengy@newark.rutgers.edu |
Yusuf, Nusrath |
School of Graduate Studies, Student |
ny111@rutgers.edu |
Zarouni, Robert |
Rutgers Law School in Newark, Student |
robert.zarouni@rutgers.edu |
Zhang, Yahong |
School of Public Affairs and Administration, Faculty |
yahongzh@rutgers.edu |
Zhou, Zhongren (David) |
RBHS Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty |
zz442@rutgers.edu |
Zwick, Michael |
Senior Vice President for Research |
michael.zwick@rutgers.edu |