Information for Senators
The Senate year runs from July 1 – June 30. The terms of all senators and all officer, committee, and representative positions run from July 1 – June 30.
Attendance at all full Senate and committee meetings is the primary responsibility of each senator and is essential to the successful operation of the Senate. If you are unable to attend a Senate meeting, please notify the Senate office in advance to be excused.
Please read the agenda and all supporting documents/links before the meeting to enable your active participation. If you would like to propose an amendment to the resolution of any of the committee reports, please email the Executive Secretary in advance of the meeting with the exact wording of the proposed amendment.
Each senator is elected to represent a constituency. The current Senate Roster displays the constituency that each senator is representing. Senators should report on Senate meetings and actions to their constituencies.
The Senate meeting schedule is available on the Senate website under the Meetings tab. The Senate meets monthly, eight times each academic year during the fall and spring semesters.
Senate meeting days typically last from 10:00 a.m. to approximately 4:00 p.m.:
- 10:00 – 11:50 a.m. Senate Standing Committee Meetings
- Each Senator is assigned to a standing committee.
- The standing committee meetings are convened by committee chairs, who will inform committee members of the agenda and meeting details in advance of the meeting.
- 12:00 – 12:50 p.m. Faculty, Student, Staff, and Alumni Caucuses
- The caucus meetings are convened by caucus leaders, who will inform caucus members of the agenda and meeting details in advance of the meeting.
- 1:10 – 4:00 p.m. Full Senate Meeting
- Senate meeting details are available on the Senate website under the Meetings tab. Meeting information will also be distributed in advance via email by the Executive Secretary.
- 10:00 – 11:50 a.m. Senate Standing Committee Meetings
All Senate meetings are on Zoom.
When you log on to Zoom, please ensure your first and last name are clearly identified on the Participants list.
After joining the meeting on Zoom, please go to the Rutgers University Senate website and click the “Senator Meeting Login” button in the top right corner. Logging in will mark you present in the meeting and give you access to the online voting system. Please note you will not see any actionable motions on this page until the floor is opened for debate and/or a vote.
For an overview of the Senate voting system, see the Senate Voting screenshots.
The Senate office records Senate meetings for internal use in developing the meeting minutes. We do not make the recordings publicly available, and they are deleted after the meeting minutes are approved.
Senators should be aware that Senate meetings are open to the public and can be attended by anyone on Zoom. Participants in Senate meetings may be using screen capture methods to record and share the meetings.
A discussion email mailing list has been created to enable senators to communicate with each other. This list includes all current Rutgers University Senators.
Senators may unsubscribe from this list at any time. This list is not used by the Senate office, so if you unsubscribe you will still receive Senate meeting notices and other communications.
Click here to unsubscribe from the email list or to manage your subscription (for example, to receive emails in digest form).
The email list is not moderated, but messages can be delayed for technical reasons. To ensure your message is distributed:
- Do not BCC this list. When emailing this list, put the list email address in the TO or CC field.
- Send the email from the exact same email address that is subscribed to the email list. To change the email address for your subscription, contact the Senate office.
- Share documents using links instead of attachments.
Any member of the University community can propose an issue for the Senate to investigate. Once the charge is received, it is added to the agenda for the next Executive Committee meeting. Please see The Life Cycle of a Senate Charge and Response for more information.
To propose a charge, fill out the form at the University Senate Charge Proposal site.
The charge proposal will ask for:
- a brief statement of the proposed charge
- a short rationale describing the issue with relevant background information
- what committee you anticipate would consider the charge
Senators may submit draft motions, resolutions, and other issues to the Executive Committee for consideration. Click here to submit an agenda item to the Executive Committee.
To submit questions for Dr. Moghe’s Administrative Report to the Senate, click here: Provide Suggested Topics for the Rutgers Administrative Report at University Senate Meetings