- This meeting has passed.
Mar 5th
12:00 pm
Agenda Items Due On
Noon on Wednesday, February 24th 2021
Agenda Distributed On
Monday, March 1st 2021
Executive Committee
Remote via Zoom
March 5, 2021 – 12:00 p.m.
Chair’s Report– Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
Secretary’s Report– Mary Mickelsen, Senate Executive Secretary
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of the February 5, 2021 Senate Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Administrative Report
Newark Coalition of Concerned Citizens – Deborah Smith-Gregory, President NAACP Newark NJ Branch and Diomedes Tsitouras, Executive Director of AAUP-BHSNJ
- Merger Talking Points
- Future of Academic Medicine – RBHS Report
- Strom Cuts to NJMS Newark – HPAE Brief
- Broken Promises to the People of Newark
- Agreements between Community & Government regarding NJ College of Medicine & Dentistry and Related Matters – April 1968
Annual Review of All Outstanding, Pending Committee Charges: Charges issued to committees lapse in March of the year following the year in which the charge was issued. Full list of Committee Charges
2021-2022 Senate Calendar Approval
Standing Committees/Panels
Proposed Charges:
Proposed Charge to the Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) on Review of the Current Procedures for the Periodic Evaluation of Deans – Submitted by Natalie Borisovets, Libraries (F)
Charge: Review the current procedures for the periodic evaluation of deans.
Background: At least one recent decanal review revealed some shortcomings in the process itself. For example, there is need for better defined timelines. Once the Dean’s Evaluation Committee sends its report to the Dean for comment, there is no set time for the Dean to respond. So, in this case, the DEC sent their report to the Dean on November 2nd; the Dean’s response was not received until the end of January. So there was an almost three month delay before the report could be sent forward. There may be other procedural issues that other recent DECs, or the receiving offices (Chancellors/VPAA) could identify.
Proposed Charge to the Instruction, Curricula, and Advising Committee (ICAC) on Best Practices for Asynchronous Instruction – Submitted by Natalie Borisovets, Libraries (F) and ICAC Chair
Charge: Consider and make recommendations on best practices for asynchronous instruction.
Background: While asynchronous instruction has been an integral part of online instruction during the pandemic, it is likely that the demand for asynchronous instruction will continue once the crisis has passed. The Committee would like to consider both procedural issues (eligibility, limits, how departments may decide who and how many students could elect asynchronous instruction) and pedagogical issues (types of content better suited to this format, the kids of skills faculty need to master, what best promotes interaction and learning in an asynchronous environment, how does a hybrid model fit with asynchronous instruction?).
Proposed Charge to the Instruction, Curricula, and Advising Committee (ICAC) on Exam Conflict Policies – Submitted by Natalie Borisovets, Libraries (F) and ICAC Chair
Charge: Review Rutgers University policies regarding final exam conflicts and possible impacts on students with disabilities. Make recommendations as appropriate.
Background: Rutgers University is responsible for providing equal opportunity and access to its constituents on a University-wide level. Existing policies seem to recognize only three situations that can be considered an exam conflict:
- More than two (2) final exams on one calendar day;
- More than two (2) final exams scheduled in consecutive periods (ex: A student has exams scheduled for 4:00-7:00pm and 8:00-11:00pm on one day and 8:00-11:00am the following day;
- Two (2) final exams scheduled for the same exam period
Historically, the Office of Disability Services has worked individually with faculty and staff when exam conflicts arise due to accommodations. Testing accommodations can extend typically scheduled 3-hour finals to 4.5 or even 6-hour finals, which contributes to an unrealistic expectation that a student could take two of them in the same day. the committee would like to review the exam conflict policies as to inclusivity and recognition of the needs of students with accommodations.
Proposed Charge to the Instruction, Curricula, and Advising Committee (ICAC) on Office of Disability Services – Submitted by Natalie Borisovets, Libraries (F) and ICAC Chair
Charge: Consider the work of the Office of Disability Services and how it has been affected by the pandemic. Examine the patterns of responsibility and interaction between the office, undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty. Identify any perceived issues that might impact ODS’s mission to provide and maintain equal opportunity and access across the University, and potential strategies to support their work.
Background: While enrollment may have decreased during the pandemic, use of ODS services appears to have increased. The office walks a fine line because of federal laws and what is expected of students as young adults, what the office by law can and cannot do, and a lack of understanding by many faculty members, at least some of whom feel that ODS lacks sufficient avenues of communication and response. Students, especially new incoming students, often don’t know kinds of accommodations may be available, or their own responsibilities in making their needs known.
Committee Reports:
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) Response to S-2007: PTL Health and Wellness – FPAC Co-Chairs Farid Alizadeh, RBS:N/NB (F) and Joseph Markert, RBS:N/NB (F)
The FPAC was charged as follows:
S-2007: Investigate the range and awareness of health and wellness services available to part-time lecturers across the University and make recommendations.
Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Response to S-2003: Rutgers-Alumni Relations – SAC Co-Chairs Elizabeth Matto, NB-CBI (F) and Sarah Shobut, SAS-N (S)
The SAC was charged as follows:
S-2003: Evaluate alumni engagement and provide recommendations as to what changes could be made, if necessary, particularly while students are still enrolled, to further Rutgers-Alumni relations.
University Structure and Governance Committee Response to S-2005: Student Governance – USGC Chair Peter Gillett, RBS:UNB (F)
The USGC was charged as follows:
S-2005: Evaluate the formal and informal processes for the creation of student governing association and if appropriate, make recommendations regarding the organization and recognition of SGAs.
University Structure and Governance Committee Response to S-2014: Standing Committees and the Chair of the Senate – USGC Chair Peter Gillett, RBS:UNB (F)
The USGC was charged as follows:
S-2014: Consider the duties of the Chair of the Senate in relation to its various standing committees and make any appropriate recommendations.
Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee Response to S-1910: Grade Inflation – ASRAC Co-Chair Robert Schwartz, NJMS (F)
The ASRAC was charged as follows:
S-1910: Investigate the extent of grade inflation at Rutgers over the past 20-years. Determine what factors contributed to whatever grade inflation exists and make appropriate recommendations.
Nominating Panel 2021: An email has been sent by Mary Mickelsen to all current Senators this week announcing the opportunity to submit self-nominations or nominations of others for 2021-2022 Senate officer and board representative positions. The email will direct Senators to nominating instructions and the Nominating Panel Charge. The Executive Committee is asked to appoint Senators to serve on a Nominating Panel that can be called upon to suggest additional nominees in categories not sufficiently populated within the next several weeks. [Senate rosters will be attached to the agenda of the April 30, 2021 Organizational meeting.]
Old Business
Revisit the Proposed Charge on Review of University Policy 20.1.22 – No Smoking Policy – Nicolette Garthe, Research Teaching Specialist; Michelle Kennedy, Program Coordinator – Center for Tobacco Studies; and Senator Kevin Schroth, RBHS-CBI (F)
The below charge was presented to the Senate Executive Committee on October 9, 2020 by Senator Kevin Schroth, RBHS-CBI (F). After discussion it was decided to bring the proposal back for consideration after the successful completion of the RU Tobacco Free survey.
Proposed Charge: Review the University “No Smoking Policy”. Consider renaming the policy to be inclusive of all tobacco products. Evaluate the current awareness among the community on health risks posed by tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, and education protocol promoting cessation among tobacco users. Make recommendations on any necessary changes.
Background: Tobacco use is the leading cause of premature preventable death in New Jersey and the U.S. Decades of effort have decreased youth cigarette smoking significantly. However, recent trends are threatening those public health gains. Youth e-cigarette use has surged to epidemic levels. Youth cigar use and hookah smoking have also increased. Preventing youth from using nicotine-containing tobacco products is critically important because once they become addicted, they are likely long-term users. Likewise, encouraging tobacco users of all ages to quit can improve their health. This is particularly important in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cigarette smoke and e-cigarette aerosol cause lung inflammation and lower immune function, both of which are associated with more severe cases of COVID-19. Clean air policies reduce smoking rates and secondhand smoke exposure. Nevertheless, only 16% of accredited colleges and universities in the US are 100% smoke-free or tobacco-free. Moreover, among the BIG 10’s fourteen members, nine schools have 100% tobacco-free campuses, and two are 100% smoke-free. Rutgers’ current policy bans smoking and e-cigarette use indoors, but outdoors, it merely bans smoking and using e-cigarettes within thirty feet of buildings. By adopting a 100% tobacco-free campus policy, Rutgers can improve community health and demonstrate its leadership and commitment to public health.
New Business
University Senate March 26, 2021 Agenda
- Regular Senate Meeting via Zoom
- New Brunswick Chancellor’s Report by Christopher Molloy
- USGC Report on S-1908: Honorary Degree and Commencement Speaker Selection Process
- USGC Report on S-1904: Review of Proposed Resolution on Rutgers’ Faculty Councils Inclusion in the University Policy Library
March 5, 2021
MEMBERS PRESENT: Boikess, Borisovets, Giraud, Gillett, Immidisetti, Oliver (Chair), Schwartz, Shobut, Simonds, Struble, Thompson, Willett, Yamaoka
ALSO ATTENDING: Nina Gohel (BoT Undergraduate Student Representative), Anna Haley (BoT Faculty Representative), G. Mayes (BoG Student Representative), P. Moghe (EVP for Academic Affairs), T. Shinbrot (BoG Faculty Representative)
The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, March 5, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. remotely via Zoom.
1. Chairs Report– Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
Chair Jon Oliver called the March 5, 2021 Senate Executive Committee meeting to order at 12:00pm. He welcomed all to the meeting and introduced the guests. He announced EVP Prabhas Moghe would not be joining, however in lieu of an Administrative Report, Oliver will be presenting topics the President’s office wanted to share and asked all members who have questions to direct them to Executive Secretary Mickelsen, who will relay them to EVP Moghe for his next report.
2. Secretary’s Report – Mary Mickelsen, Senate Executive Secretary
- The February 5, 2021 Executive Committee Agenda was approved
- The February 5, 2021 Senate Executive Committee Minutes were approved as presented
3. Administrative Report
Chair Jon Oliver delivered the administrative report, provided by President Holloway’s office, on behalf of EVP Prabhas Moghe.
- Rutgers has three finalists for the Truman Scholarship – two from Rutgers-Camden and one from Rutgers-New Brunswick;
- Four new historical markers will be placed at Rutgers as a result of the Scarlet & Black project, named for individuals who were involved and profited from slaveholding. The markers invite conversation about the complicated legacies of namesakes and complicated ways blood money from slavery is woven into institutions like Rutgers.
- Hardenburg Hall – Jacob Hardenburgh, Rutgers’ first president, who enslaved people to manage his household and whose family own the abolitionist Sojourner Truth
- Woodlawn Mansion – built for Col. James Nielson, and early trustee who profited from owning enslaved people
- Livingston Campus – William Livingston, NJ states first governor, whose family made a fortune in slave trading
- Frelinghuysen Hall – marker yet to be finalized
- Implications, ranging from student conduct to research, of the recent use of recreational marijuana in New Jersey
- EVP Tony Calcado to convene a task force with representatives across the university to coordinate appropriate policies and practices related to the new legislation
4. Newark Coalition of Concern Citizens – Deborah Smith-Gregory, President NAACP Newark NJ Branch and Diomedes Tsitouras, Executive Director of AAUP-BHSNJ
Smith-Gregory and Tsitouras presented a report encouraging the Senate to closely look at the relationship between the city of Newark and Rutgers University, particularly the medical schools, and the possible ramifications to its people if certain changes are implimented.
- Report presented to the Senate Executive Committee
- Merger Talking Points
- Future of Academic Medicine – RBHS Report
- Strom Cuts to NJMS Newark – HPAE Brief
- Broken Promises to the People of Newark
- Agreements between Community & Government regarding NJ College of Medicine & Dentistry and Related Matters – April 1968
5. Annual Review of All Outstanding, Pending Committee Charges: Charges issued to committees lapse in March of the year following the year in which the charge was issued.
The Executive Committee reviewed the Senate’s Full list of Committee Charges and made the following determinations outline here.
6. The 2021-2022 Senate Calendar was approved.
7. Standing Committees/Panels
Proposed Charges:
Proposed Charge to the Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) on Review of the Current Procedures for the Periodic Evaluation of Deans – Submitted by: Senator Natalie Borisovets
Proposed Charge: Review the current procedures for the periodic evaluation of deans.
Background: At least one recent decanal review revealed some shortcomings in the process itself. For example, there is need for better defined timelines. Once the Dean’s Evaluation Committee sends its report to the Dean for comment, there is no set time for the Dean to respond. So, in this case, the DEC sent their report to the Dean on November 2nd; the Dean’s response was not received until the end of January. So there was an almost three month delay before the report could be sent forward. There may be other procedural issues that other recent DECs, or the receiving offices (Chancellors/VPAA) could identify.
Senator Natalie Borisovets the discussed the background and rationale for the charge. After some discussion the charge was issued to the Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee with a due date of March 2022.
Proposed Charge to the Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee (ICAC) on Best Practices for Asynchronous Instruction – Submitted by: Senator Natalie Borisovets
Proposed Charge: Consider and make recommendations on best practices for asynchronous instruction.
Background: While asynchronous instruction has been an integral part of online instruction during the pandemic, it is likely that the demand for asynchronous instruction will continue once the crisis has passed. The Committee would like to consider both procedural issues (eligibility, limits, how departments may decide who and how many students could elect asynchronous instruction) and pedagogical issues (types of content better suited to this format, the kids of skills faculty need to master, what best promotes interaction and learning in an asynchronous environment, how does a hybrid model fit with asynchronous instruction?).
Senator Natalie Borisovets reviewed the purpose of this charge proposal and relayed the ICACs interest in taking on this charge. The Executive Committee issued this to the Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee with a June 2021 due date.
Proposed Charge to the Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee (ICAC) on Exam Conflict Policies – Submitted by: Senator Natalie Borisovets
Proposed Charge: Review Rutgers University policies regarding final exam conflicts and possible impacts on students with disabilities. Make recommendations as appropriate.
Background: Rutgers University is responsible for providing equal opportunity and access to its constituents on a University-wide level. Existing policies seem to recognize only three situations that can be considered an exam conflict:
- More than two (2) final exams on one calendar day;
- More than two (2) final exams scheduled in consecutive periods (ex: A student has exams scheduled for 4:00-7:00pm and 8:00-11:00pm on one day and 8:00-11:00am the following day;
- Two (2) final exams scheduled for the same exam period
Historically, the Office of Disability Services has worked individually with faculty and staff when exam conflicts arise due to accommodations. Testing accommodations can extend typically scheduled 3-hour finals to 4.5 or even 6-hour finals, which contributes to an unrealistic expectation that a student could take two of them in the same day. the committee would like to review the exam conflict policies as to inclusivity and recognition of the needs of students with accommodations.
Senator Natalie Borisovets discussed the merits of the charge proposal and the Executive Committee agreed to issue it to the Instruction, Curricula and Advising committee with a due date of April 2021.
Proposed Charge to the Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee (ICAC) on Office of Disability Services – Submitted by: Senator Natalie Borisovets
Proposed Charge: Consider the work of the Office of Disability Services and how it has been affected by the pandemic. Examine the patterns of responsibility and interaction between the office, undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty. Identify any perceived issues that might impact ODS’s mission to provide and maintain equal opportunity and access across the University, and potential strategies to support their work.
Background: While enrollment may have decreased during the pandemic, use of ODS services appears to have increased. The office walks a fine line because of federal laws and what is expected of students as young adults, what the office by law can and cannot do, and a lack of understanding by many faculty members, at least some of whom feel that ODS lacks sufficient avenues of communication and response. Students, especially new incoming students, often don’t know kinds of accommodations may be available, or their own responsibilities in making their needs known.
Senator Natalie Borisovets reviewed the proposed charge and its background coupled with ICACs interest in working on such a subject. The Executive Committee agreed to issue this to Instruction, Curricula and Advising Committee with a due date of December 2021.
Committee Reports/Resolutions:
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) Response to S-2007: PTL Health and Wellness – FPAC Co-Chairs Farid Alizadeh, RBS:N/NB (F) and Joseph Markert, RBS:N/NB (F)
The FPAC was charged as follows: Investigate the range and awareness of health and wellness services available to part-time lecturers across the University and make recommendations.
Senator Karen Thomson discussed the charge and the recommendations of the committee. The Executive Committee reviewed the report and, with a few grammatical changes, docketed the report for the March 26, 2021 meeting.
Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Response to S-2003: Rutgers-Alumni Relations – SAC Co-Chairs Elizabeth Matto, NB-CBI (F) and Sarah Shobut, SAS-N (S)
The SAC was charged as follows: Evaluate alumni engagement and provide recommendations as to what changes could be made, if necessary, particularly while students are still enrolled, to further Rutgers-Alumni relations.
Senators Tom Struble and Sarah Shobut reviewed the work of the committee and its recommendations. The Executive Committee discussed the SAC report and docketed the report for the March 26, 2021 Senate meeting, with minor changes.
University Structure and Governance Committee Response to S-2005: Student Governance – USGC Chair Peter Gillett, RBS:UNB (F)
The USGC was charged as follows: Evaluate the formal and informal processes for the creation of student governing association and if appropriate, make recommendations regarding the organization and recognition of SGAs.
Senator Peter Gillett reviewed the work of the committee and its recommendations. He reminded the EC this report, when docketed, will go before the Senate twice since, if approved, will make changes to University Policy and the Senate Handbook. The committee agreed to docket the report for the March 26, 2021 meeting for information only and will be voted on at the April 30, 2021 meeting.
University Structure and Governance Committee Response to S-2014: Standing Committees and the Chair of the Senate – USGC Chair Peter Gillett, RBS:UNB (F)
The USGC was charged as follows: Consider the duties of the Chair of the Senate in relation to its various standing committees and make any appropriate recommendations.
Senator Peter Gillett reviewed the work of the committee and its recommendations. He reminded the EC this report, when docketed, will go before the Senate twice since, if approved, will make changes to University Policy and the Senate Handbook. The committee agreed to docket the report for the March 26, 2021 meeting for information only and will be voted on at the April 30, 2021 meeting.
Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee Response to S-1910: Grade Inflation – ASRAC Co-Chair Robert Schwartz, NJMS (F)
The ASRAC was charged as follows: Investigate the extent of grade inflation at Rutgers over the past 20-years. Determine what factors contributed to whatever grade inflation exists and make appropriate recommendations.
Senator Robert Schwartz reviewed the report and recommendations, then answered questions and entertained changes to the format of the resolution. The report was docketed for the March 26, 2021 Senate meeting.
Nominating Panel 2021: An email has been sent by Mary Mickelsen to all current Senators this week announcing the opportunity to submit self-nominations or nominations of others for 2021-2022 Senate officer and board representative positions. The email will direct Senators to nominating instructions and the Nominating Panel Charge. The Executive Committee is asked to appoint Senators to serve on a Nominating Panel that can be called upon to suggest additional nominees in categories not sufficiently populated within the next several weeks. [Senate rosters will be attached to the agenda of the April 30, 2021 Organizational meeting.]
The 2021 Nominating Panel was selected, and will consist of the following members:
- Natalie Borisovets, Libraries (F) – Chair
- Robert Boikess, SAS-NB (F)
- Ralph Giraud, SB-Camden (F)
- Robert Schwartz, NJMS (F)
- Marie Yamaoka, SAS-NB (S)
8. Old Business
Revisit the Proposed Charge on Review of University Policy 20.1.22 – No Smoking Policy – Nicolette Garthe, Research Teaching Specialist; Michelle Kennedy, Program Coordinator – Center for Tobacco Studies; and Senator Kevin Schroth, RBHS-CBI (F)
The below charge was presented to the Senate Executive Committee on October 9, 2020 by Senator Kevin Schroth, RBHS-CBI (F). After discussion it was decided to bring the proposal back for consideration after the successful completion of the RU Tobacco Free survey.
Proposed Charge: Review the University “No Smoking Policy”. Consider renaming the policy to be inclusive of all tobacco products. Evaluate the current awareness among the community on health risks posed by tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, and education protocol promoting cessation among tobacco users. Make recommendations on any necessary changes.
Background: Tobacco use is the leading cause of premature preventable death in New Jersey and the U.S. Decades of effort have decreased youth cigarette smoking significantly. However, recent trends are threatening those public health gains. Youth e-cigarette use has surged to epidemic levels. Youth cigar use and hookah smoking have also increased. Preventing youth from using nicotine-containing tobacco products is critically important because once they become addicted, they are likely long-term users. Likewise, encouraging tobacco users of all ages to quit can improve their health. This is particularly important in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cigarette smoke and e-cigarette aerosol cause lung inflammation and lower immune function, both of which are associated with more severe cases of COVID-19. Clean air policies reduce smoking rates and secondhand smoke exposure. Nevertheless, only 16% of accredited colleges and universities in the US are 100% smoke-free or tobacco-free. Moreover, among the BIG 10’s fourteen members, nine schools have 100% tobacco-free campuses, and two are 100% smoke-free. Rutgers’ current policy bans smoking and e-cigarette use indoors, but outdoors, it merely bans smoking and using e-cigarettes within thirty feet of buildings. By adopting a 100% tobacco-free campus policy, Rutgers can improve community health and demonstrate its leadership and commitment to public health.
Senator Schroth gave a presentation on the merits of the proposed charge and the results of the Smoking Survey. After much discussion it was determined an Ad Hoc Committee will be formed to research the issue and formulate recommendations on changes to the No Smoking Policy. Senator Schroth has agreed to chair the committee and accepted a due date of October 2021.
9. New Business
10. University Senate March 26, 2021 Agenda
- Regular Senate Meeting via Zoom
- New Brunswick Chancellor’s Report by Christopher Molloy
- USGC Report on S-1908: Honorary Degree and Commencement Speaker Selection Process
- USGC Report on S-1904: Review of Proposed Resolution on Rutgers’ Faculty Councils Inclusion in the University Policy Library
- USGC Report on S-2005: Student Governance (for information only)
- USGC Report on S-2014: Standing Committees and the Chair of the Senate (for information only)
- FPAC Report on S-2007: PTL Health and Wellness
- SAC Report on S-2003: Rutgers-Alumni Relations
- ASRAC Report on S-1910: Grade Inflation
11. Adjournment
The Executive Committee adjourned at 4:46pm.
Minutes prepared by: Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the University Senate