- This meeting has passed.
Nov 6th
12:00 pm
Agenda Items Due On
Noon on Wednesday, October 28th 2020
Agenda Distributed On
Saturday, October 31st 2020
Executive Committee
November 9, 2020 – 12:00 noon
1. Chair’s Report– Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
2. Secretary’s Report– Mary Mickelsen, Senate Executive Secretary
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of the October 9, 2020 Senate Executive Committee Minutes
- Communications:
- The following policy has been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
3. Chancellor Q&A – Brian Strom, RBHS Chancellor
4. Administrative Report– Prabhas Moghe, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
5. Standing Committees/Panels
Issues/Proposed Charges:
Proposed Charge to Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee on Annual Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Bias Education Courses for Faculty – Submitted by: Senator Jose Ward, Law-N (S) and Ryan Brinkerhoff, Newark Law Student
Proposed Charge: Adopt a mandatory requirement that all faculty University-wide complete annual diversity, inclusion, and the elimination of bias programs.
Background: The significance of this moment in our country’s history needs little explanation. There is a heightened awareness for all our biases, on personal, community and institutional levels – and that includes here at Rutgers. While we do have mechanisms in place for bias reporting and certain schools within the Rutgers ecosystem have undertaken committee work to make the curriculum more anti-racist, there are other reasonable proactive steps that can be taken university-wide to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all students. Specifically, we are calling for faculty across all Rutgers campuses to be required to complete annual diversity, inclusion, and anti-bias education programs.
This is not at all to suggest we have bad or hateful faculty at Rutgers – on the contrary, we have phenomenal educators here. But if anything has been made clear in this moment it is that each of us, no matter how educated and sensitive, has room to learn and grow as we interact with people from all backgrounds, identity groups and lived experiences. This is particularly true for faculty who are admired by students. We hang on their every word and look to them for guidance, and when questionable or offensive comments come from them, even subconsciously, it creates a negative atmosphere for the very thing we came here for: learning. Further, it is for this same reason, admiration for our faculty, that it is near impossible to approach or report them for these incidents. The most logical solution is to implement annual anti-bias training, allowing faculty to continue learning as we all are, and proactively addressing complex issues that arise in the classroom as much as they do our general society.
Whereas faculty are already required to complete annual employment discrimination training, the addition of anti-bias training that would positively impact the classroom environment would not be overly burdensome and would yield great benefits to the students of Rutgers. Other universities, including Harvard, Michigan State and University of Colorado – Boulder, have all implemented similar mandatory education for their faculty, and it would be a beautiful and strong gesture of solidarity with marginalized students for this institution to do the same. We urge you to do so.
Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias courses, programs and activities must relate to the educators and administrators and may include, among other things, implicit and explicit bias, equal access to education and justice, servicing a diverse population, diversity and inclusion initiatives in the profession of education, and sensitivity to cultural and other differences when interacting with members of the public, students, alumni, administrators, educators, affiliates, vendors, and government personnel.
Proposed Charge to Information Technology Committee on Dissolution of the Cyberlearning Innovation and Research Center (CIRC)– Submitted by: Darrin York, SAS-NB, Chemistry Professor
Proposed Charge: The violation of policies on Centers and Institutes related to the abrupt dissolution of the Cyberlearning Innovation and Research Center without consultation or evaluation, and breach of contract in the implementation of the centers business plan.
Background: The CyberLearning Innovation and Research Center (CIRC) has been operational since 2016 and has developed custom technology for research and education that currently serves thousands of Rutgers students and provides critical data for ongoing education research studies. This innovative technology is actively being developed under the leadership and vision of the director, Darrin York. The technology is currently used in remote-instruction for conducting online recitations, homework in general and organic chemistry (~3000 students), customized assessments that do not require proctoring software, placement exams for tens of thousands of students, and other important projects in mathematics, the School of Nursing, Langue arts, and elsewhere). Recently, Executive SAS Dean Peter March, along with SAS MPS Vice Dean Thu Nguyen announced the dissolution of CIRC and re-orientation of its “assets” away from innovation and toward sustaining existing technology. Tom Vosseler, Director of SAS IT, will take over the entire CIRC technical team (and presumably the technology) on Nov. 9 (one month after the announcement). This decision has occurred without forewarning or consultation with the CIRC director, Darrin York, and without any evaluation of the CIRC as a center in violation of University policy on Centers and Institutes (section 10.1.5, “Academic Matters”), subsection C “Review and Renewal, Suspension or Dissolution of a Center or Institute”. There was no consultation with those affected by this action. This is an urgent matter, as it cripples ongoing faculty-led research and development efforts in creating custom teaching and learning technology for general and organic chemistry that is currently being used by thousands of students in the spring. This technology includes a homework and assessment system built on an adaptive eLearning platform that has allowed the use of student data to focus and improve instruction. Among other things, the system allows us to create custom quizzes, midterm and final exams that are more difficult to game (and can be used without invasive, insecure proctoring software), which has made a big difference during the pandemic. Finally, there is further grave concern about the authority of the MPS Vice Dean and SAS IT Director to take over innovative software for research and education designed by a faculty member and developed under his/her direction, and partially supported by government grants.
Proposed Charge to University Structure & Governance Committee on Review the Senate’s Relationship with the Rutgers Governing Boards – Submitted by: Senator Troy Shinbrot, Engineering (F)
Proposed Charge: Consider and recommend appropriate communication pathways and relationships between the University Senate and Governing Boards of Rutgers. Recommend policy changes, if any, for improved robust communication and input.
Background: Currently the Board of Governors (BoG) receives budgetary and policy information from the Central Administration. The BoG submits to limited public comment after a motion (e.g. for budgetary consent) has already been decided upon. It receives little or no information from the University Community (especially the Senate) before such decisions, and input by the Senate Representative to the BoG is extremely limited. A minimum prerequisite to providing meaningful co-governance would be for the Senate to have a mechanism for providing input in advance of budgetary and policy motions as well as in BoG meetings.
Charge Extension Requests
The Academic Standards, Regulations, and Admissions Committee requests an extension to March 2021 for the following charges:
- S-1910: Grade Inflation – Due April 1, 2020 (The report for this charge was submitted for review at the June 2020 EC meeting. It was determined the report was not ready for docketing and sent back to ASRAC.)
- S-2012: Procedures for Handling Student Complaints Against Rutgers Personnel Regarding Instruction – Due November 23, 2020
The Research and Graduate & Professional Education Committee requests an extension to April 7, 2021 for Charge S-2013: Preparing Graduate and Professional Students to Teach in the 21st Century.
6. New Business
7. Old Business
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee Position on Charge S-1912: Policy Prohibiting Consensual Relationships in Academic Settings
The following is an email sent on October 12, 2020 to Senate Executive Secretary Mickelsen from FPAC Chairs, Farid Alizadeh and Joe Markert regarding Charge S-1912.
The Faculty and Personnel Affairs (FPAC) committee has reviewed the above charge. Please recall that this charge was sent to FPAC on an urgent basis in the November 2019 meeting. Due to the charge’s rush nature, the committee pre-empted the discussion of several other charges to attend to S-1912.The committee drafted a proposed resolution that suggested important changes to the policy and forwarded it to the EC back in April. However, the April Senate meeting was to be conducted by WebEx. Since, at the time, we believed that the debate on this issue would be extensive, and since we hoped then that by Fall 2020, life would go back to pre-Covid normal, we asked the EC to postpone presenting this resolution to the Senate until the beginning of the academic year.
In the meantime, the university adopted this policy in the summer without input from the Senate.
After the Senate president asked us about what to do with this charge, we discussed the matter with our membership in the September 2020 meeting. The consensus was that the EC should present the Senate’s resolution for adoption and communicate it to the university. We also believe that the Senate should express its displeasure and disappointment that the university adopts such an important policy without the Senate input.
8. University Senate November 20, 2020 Agenda
- Regular Senate Meeting via Zoom
- Administrative Report by University President Jonathan Holloway
- Chancellor’s Report by Interim Camden Chancellor Margaret Marsh
9. Adjournment
November 6, 2020
MEMBERS PRESENT: Boikess, Borisovets, Crews, Giraud, Gillett, Oliver (Chair), Schwartz, Shobut, Simonds, Struble, Thompson, Willett
ALSO ATTENDING: R. Brinkerhoff (Law-N, Student), P. Moghe (EVP Academic Affairs), T. Shinbrot (BoG Faculty Representative), B. Strom (RBHS Chancellor), J. Ward (Law-N, Student)
The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, November 6, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. remotely via Zoom.
1. Chairs Report – Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
Chair Jon Oliver called the November 6, 2020 Senate Executive Committee meeting to order at 12:00pm. He reported that since the last EC meeting he and Vice Chair Peter Gillett met with President Jonathan Holloway. He was happy to say President Holloway is very open to working with the Senate and is incredibly supportive of all levels of shared governance at the University. The President reviewed the process by which the university plans to return to on campus instruction, with it in mind that this is a very fluid situation and could change rapidly. Chair Oliver informed the President that the Senate is looking at ways it may engage more at University Board meetings and at the disposition of the university smoking policy. Lastly, they discussed the importance of the administration responding to Senate committee reports in a timely fashion.
2. Secretary’s Report – Mary Mickelsen, Senate Executive Secretary
- The agenda for the November 6, 2020 EC meeting was approved
- The minutes for the October 9, 2020 EC meeting were approved with the following corrections:
- Under the proposed charge on reviewing the No Smoking Policy, it was added Chair Jon Oliver agreed to follow up with the administration on any actions taken since the last report from the Student Affairs Committee was transmitted
- Under the proposed charge on reviewing the Student Health Insurance Policy (SHIP), it was added that Chair Jon Oliver would follow up with CFO Michael Gower on what the administration has done/is actively working on in terms of SHIP
- Communications:
- It was reported that the following policy was updated in the University Policy Library:
3. Chancellor Q&A – Brian Strom, RBHS Chancellor
It has been the practice of the Senate Executive Committee to visit each of the university campuses at least once an academic year. During a normal year, this meeting would have been held on the RBHS-Newark campus during which the EC would sit informally with Chancellor Brian Strom prior to our regularly scheduled meeting. Due to current restrictions during COVID, the EC did not travel to Newark, however did invite Chancellor Strom to engage with the members in a quick question and answer period which centered mostly around the current state of the university in regards to the pandemic, testing, contact tracing, and re-populating the campuses.
4. Administrative Report – Prabhas Moghe, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
EVPAA Prabhas Moghe delivered an administrative report, which included comments on:
- Campus Planning in light of COVID-19
- Monthly announcements from President Holloway and his team will begin soon regarding planning for the spring semester
- The application for Spring 2021 housing opened up on October 19. There is an increased interest by students, however guidelines will be followed regarding social distancing and will be different for each building.
- The student schedule for Spring 2021 will be available on November 9. Students will have through November 30 to complete registration.
- If conditions allow, faculty will have the option to conduct their classes face-to-face or remain virtual
- Elevating the Academic Profile at Rutgers
- Looking to utilize university governance to help shape ideas
- Engaging in strategies to elevate academics while building on each campuses strengths and looking at their gaps/weaknesses
- Deans and department heads will be heavily involved in deciding which projects will be launched
- Convergence of the four campuses
- $15M grant from the Mellon Foundation to establish the new Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice run by Operating Director Michelle Stephens who will appoint campus directors
- Hiring of more diverse faculty and how to reinvigorate the program and make it more effective on all campuses, possibly utilizing a cluster hiring approach
- Provosts Round Table – Representatives from all campuses will be involved. Looking to bring a representative from the Senate to serve on these groups
- Research Strategy Round Table – Looking into gaps in research and funding. A Senate representative on these groups was requested as well.
- Student Facing Program – Overarching support framework for student research utilizing assets on all campuses to include libraries for mentoring projects
- Camden Chancellor Search
- Search committee includes faculty, students, board members, etc. The President has charged the committee to develop the search further and engage the community in town halls focusing on getting information on the attributes they want to see in their chancellor as well as what challenges they want to avoid. Holloway is asking for a short list of candidates by early spring semester.
- Proctortrac
- Due to a recent security breach that shut down the service with very little notice to faculty and the administration during mid-terms, Rutgers will no longer be utilizing the service
- A committee has been formed to research alternatives and faculty input is encouraged
Moghe then engaged in a short question and answer period which included the following:
- A review of the Responsibility Centered Budget Model in an effort to promote joint funding;
- Moghe asked Chair Oliver to send him questions, comments, and advice.
5. Committee Business
Proposed Charges
Annual Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Bias Education for Faculty – Jose Ward, Law School-Newark, Student Senator and Ryan Brinkerhoff, Law School – Newark, Student
Proposed Charge: Adopt a mandatory requirement that all faculty University-wide complete annual diversity, inclusion, and the elimination of bias programs.
Ward and Brinkerhoff gave background and reasoning for their charge proposal. After much discussion surrounding current trainings that are already mandatory for staff and faculty as well as whether this was the correct course of action in creating a solution for this current problem. At the conclusion of the discussion it was decided to request a presentation by Anna Branch, Senior Vice President for Equity on what is already being done to combat this issue, at the December or January Executive Committee meeting.
Dissolution of the Cyberlearning Innovation and Research Center (CIRC) – Darrin York, SAS-NB, Chemistry
Proposed Charge: The violation of policies on Centers and Institutes related to the abrupt dissolution of the Cyberlearning Innovation and Research Center without consultation or evaluation, and breach of contract in the implementation of the centers business plan.
York was not available to discuss this charge, however his colleague and EC member Robert Boikess was able to speak to the proposal. After Boikess gave the background and reasoning for York’s proposal, the committee discussed the issues surrounding the charge, especially its time-sensitive nature. It was determined, issuing a charge at this time was not an appropriate measure for the desired result. Oliver and Gillett agreed to speak to York separately in order to discuss other possible actions that might be more effective in gaining a more timely result.
Review the Senate’s Relationship with the Rutgers Governing Boards – Troy Shinbrot, Engineering (F)
Proposed Charge: Consider and recommend appropriate communication pathways and relationships between the University Senate and Governing Boards of Rutgers. Recommend policy changes, if any, for improved robust communication and input.
Shinbrot gave background and history on the reasoning for his charge proposal. After some discussion it was determined the charge will be issued to the University Structure and Governance Committee with a due date of December 2021. In conjunction with the issuance of this charge to USGC, Oliver and Gillett will discuss this with University President Holloway and gain some insight on his feelings and a path forward.
Charge Extension Requests
Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee
- S-1910: Grade Inflation – Extension granted to March 2021
- S-2012: Procedures for Handling Student Complaints Against Rutgers Personnel in regards to Instruction – Extension granted to March 2021
Research and Graduate & Professional Education Committee
- S-2013: Preparing Graduate and Professional Students to Teach in the 21st Century – Extension granted to March 2021
6. Old Business
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee Response to Charge A-1912: Policy Prohibiting Consensual Relationships in Academic Settings
The FPAC requested the previously submitted report A-1912: Policy Prohibiting Consensual Relationships in Academic Settings, of which the EC approved for docketing at the May 1, 2020 Senate meeting but FPAC pulled due to the virtual nature of our meetings and the anticipation of returning to campus in the fall. However, with no certain timing on moving to in-person meetings, FPAC requested the report be docketed for the November 20 Senate meeting. This request was approved.
7. University Senate November 20, 2020 Agenda
- Regular Senate meeting via Zoom
- Administrative Report by President Jonathan Holloway
- Chancellor’s Report by Interim Camden Chancellor Margaret March
- Health and Safety Restart Program Presentation by Dr. Vincente Gracias and Dr. Brian Strom
- FPAC Report on A-1912: Policy Prohibiting Consensual Relationships in Academic Settings
8. Adjournment
The Executive Committee adjourned at 4:30pm.
Minutes prepared by:
Senate Executive Secretary Mary Mickelsen