- This meeting has passed.
Jul 21st
11:00 am
Agenda Distributed On
Friday, July 14th 2023
Executive Committee
July 21, 2023
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Call to Order– Adrienne Simonds, Senate Chair
Role of the Board of Governors and Interpretation of University Policy 50.2.2
Standing Committees/Panels
Proposed Charge:
Suspension of Anthropology Bylaws to Impose Chair from Outside of Anthropology – Senator Robert Scott, School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Charge: Review Anthropology-NB-SAS bylaws at 1:31 pm June 29 to impose an outside Chair on the department despite election of an eligible candidate from within the department who was willing to serve.
Rationale: This is an emergency. I would like the Executive Committee since it is active over the summer in lieu of FPAC to investigate the suspension of Anthropology-NB-SAS bylaws at 1:31 pm June 29 to impose an outside Chair on the department despite election of an eligible candidate from within the department who was willing to serve. We ask for any appropriate action to both preserve the Department Bylaws and the principle of faculty governance. This situation unfolded rapidly starting June 27 following weeks on no communication from any dean regarding Department leadership.
Proposed Charge:
Review of the Current Practices of the University Senate – Abimbola Oladimeji, Non-Senator
Charge: This charge seeks the USGC to review and amend by-law 308: The New Student Senators.
Rationale: The New Student Senators shall identify and develop processes such as fulfillment in student activity and concern as a means for sustenance to the Rutgers community. Public discussions in this matter shall uphold Robert’s Rule of Order. Organization of shared governance within the University Senate shall apply to the matters of the respective committee appointment.
July 21, 2023
MEMBERS PRESENT: Boxer, Esposito, Foster, Giraud, Haley, Kiss, Parsa, Roth, Schroth, Simonds (Chair), Thompson
ALSO ATTENDING: V. Hewitt (University Senate Executive Secretary)
A special meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, July 21, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. remotely via Zoom.
Call to Order – Adrienne Simonds, Senate Chair
Chair Simonds called the July 21, 2023 Senate Executive Committee meeting to order at 11:01 a.m.
Resolution on Remediating University Policy Violations Related to the Proposed Medical School Merger
This resolution was adopted by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Senate.
Standing Committees/Panels
Proposed Charge:
Suspension of Anthropology Bylaws to Impose Chair from Outside of Anthropology – Senator Robert Scott, School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Charge: Review Anthropology-NB-SAS bylaws at 1:31 pm June 29 to impose an outside Chair on the department despite election of an eligible candidate from within the department who was willing to serve.
Rationale: This is an emergency. I would like the Executive Committee since it is active over the summer in lieu of FPAC to investigate the suspension of Anthropology-NB-SAS bylaws at 1:31 pm June 29 to impose an outside Chair on the department despite election of an eligible candidate from within the department who was willing to serve. We ask for any appropriate action to both preserve the Department Bylaws and the principle of faculty governance. This situation unfolded rapidly starting June 27 following weeks on no communication from any dean regarding Department leadership.
Outcome: The Executive Committee postponed consideration of this charge to its Sept. 8 meeting.
Proposed Charge:
Review of the Current Practices of the University Senate – Abimbola Oladimeji, Non-Senator
Charge: This charge seeks the USGC to review and amend by-law 308: The New Student Senators.
Rationale: The New Student Senators shall identify and develop processes such as fulfillment in student activity and concern as a means for sustenance to the Rutgers community. Public discussions in this matter shall uphold Robert’s Rule of Order. Organization of shared governance within the University Senate shall apply to the matters of the respective committee appointment.
Outcome: The Executive Committee postponed consideration of this charge to its Sept. 8 meeting.
The Executive Committee adjourned at 1:11 p.m.
Minutes prepared by: Vicki Hewitt, Executive Secretary of the University Senate