University Senate Special Meeting - Rutgers University Senate Skip to main content
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May 3rd
2:00 pm

University Senate Special Meeting


Friday, May 3, 2024, 2:00 p.m. via Zoom



Whereas freedom of speech is a high value and protected within institutions of higher education, an at Rutgers particularly, as reaffirmed President Jonathan Holloway in his statement, “On Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech” ([1][2]); and

Whereas U.S. universities and colleges have a long and important history of being sites of intellectual, social, and political debate that have extended, equally importantly, into serving as settings for protest….; and

Whereas non-violent protests are a form of protected free speech,

Be it resolved that the Rutgers University Senate condemns the use of police and other security forces against peaceful protests that have recently arisen on campuses across the country, and the sanctioning of peaceful protesters by their educational institutions.

Be it further resolved that the Rutgers University Senate implores Rutgers University President Jonathan Holloway to affirm that similarly repressive and harmful tactics will never be used against members of the Rutgers community who engage in peaceful protest.

[1] “[A]ll members of our community—our faculty members, students, alumni, and staff—are free to express their viewpoints in public forums as private citizens, including viewpoints that the University itself may not share. And we do not restrict the activities of recognized university organizations, including the speakers they invite to campus, as long as these organizations follow University policy and guidelines.”

[2] “While Rutgers will not defend the content of every opinion expressed by every member of our academic community, or of speakers who we invite to our campus, it will defend their right to speak freely. That freedom is fundamental to our University, our society, and our nation.”



MINUTES: Special Meeting of the University Senate

DATE: May 3, 2024

TIME AND PLACE: 2:00 p.m., Remote via Zoom

MEMBERS PRESENT: Allen, C. Anderson, K. Anderson, Anderson Eloy, Ayorinde, Barbarello Andrews, Boikess, Borie-Holtz, Boucher, Boxer, Caponegro, Carpenter, Cundiff, Dane, Davis, Diaz-Tena, Easley , Eastman, Edelstein, Esposito, Everett, Everts, Fatahzadeh, Fedorko, Feldman, Figueira, Foster, Giermanski, Giraud, Godoy, Graham, Granadeiro, Guo, Gursoy, Haley, Hewitt, Javanmard, Joseph, Kahanda, Kahng, Kaplan, Keates, Kelly, Khan, Kiss, Knievel, Kolben, LaMorte, Maeng Brown, Marchetta, Markowitz, Mbadugha, Morales, Morton, Nucci, O’Halloran, Oberle, Olivera, Orelus, Osorio-Fernandez, Özel, Parsa, K. Patel, S. Patel, Pichugin, Pierce, Prihoda, Purcell, Rabinowitz, Robson, Rodriguez, Rossman-Murphy, Roth, Santos Mendoza, Savage, Schroth, Searcy, Shapiro, Shaw, Shinbrot, Siederer, Simonds, Sloan-Power, Smart, Smith, Spiegel, Szatrowski, Takhistov, Tewfik, Thompson, Torres, Truschke, Vito, Volino, Weiss, White, Wirtenberg

MEMBERS EXCUSED: Bachmann, Borisovets, Haviland, Lee, Lutz, Sergel, Sonnenberg

MEMBERS ABSENT: Abdelfattah, Abusah, Adamo, Adya, Ameri, Amjad, Andrews, Apel, Ardeshna, Ariwoola, Askew, Aubry, Axelsson, Barone, Bhavaraju, Bhuyan, Blanchett, Boison, Bond, Bridgeman, Cahill, Campbell, Cantor, Chama, Chang, Charles, Chiricolo, Choron, Ciolek, Clarke, Collick, Conway, Cooper, Cuitiño, Dai, Desir, Di Bella, DiGiovanni, Dinnall, Ditching, Dock, Eaton, Ebert, Edwards, Fang, Flynn, Fortson, Fox, Fulton, Gahlawat, Geary, Giberson, Glenn, Gong, Gower, Griffin, Guo, Habeb, Halkitis, Hamawy, Henderson, Hennessy, Hernandez, Holloway, Ibrahim, Inman, Johnson, Kamen, Kaye, Kettle, Kustka, Ladell, Lamorgese, Lawson, Lee, Lehman, Lei, Leibman, Lemish, Levin, Levine, Lildhar, Manzini, Matise, Matta, Mattis, Mayers, Mazurek, McCarthy, McKeever, Meshoyrer, Moghe, Murphy, Murtha, Nickitas, O’Connor, Paiste, Papakonstantinou, P. Patel, Perez, Pintar, Quincy, Ramachandran, Robles, Salas-de la Cruz, Saltzman, Samaan, Sarath, Sayde, Schnetzer, Schwartz, Scott, Serrano, Shafik, Shapiro, Shobut, Strom, Suh, Tillis, Tirino, Wade, Wagner, White, Whitehead, Winters, Wolfe, Yang, Yusuf, Zhang, Zhou


Chair Simonds called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m.


The original resolution was substituted with unanimous consent for a revised version provided by the authors.

A motion was made to amend the resolution by substitution. The motion was lost.

The resolution was adopted by the Senate.


The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.

Minutes prepared by:
Vicki Hewitt, Executive Secretary of the University Senate

Present Senators

Warren Allen Cori Anderson Katie Anderson Jean Anderson Eloy Tumininu Ayorinde Liza Barbarello Andrews Robert Boikess Debra Borie-Holtz James Boucher Paul Boxer Mihaela Caponegro Nichelle Carpenter Bill Cundiff Perry Dane Siatta Davis Nuria Diaz-Tena Lisa Easley  Wayne Eastman Michelle Edelstein Adrienne Esposito Brian Everett Bart Everts Mahnaz Fatahzadeh Brielle Fedorko Cecile Feldman Thomas Figueira Lucille Foster Lauren Giermanski Ralph Giraud Christopher Godoy Dewanna Graham Andre Granadeiro Grace Guo Kemal Gursoy Anna Haley Vicki Hewitt Mehdi Javanmard Michael Joseph Galathara Kahanda SungWoo Kahng Joshua Kaplan Debra Keates Michael Kelly Rehan Khan Geza Kiss Timothy Knievel Kevin Kolben Gerard LaMorte Rachel Maeng Brown Josephine Marchetta Norman Markowitz Nkechi Mbadugha Christine Morales Patricia Morton Mary Nucci Kimberly O'Halloran Jennifer Oberle Tiffany Olivera Easter Orelus Arturo Osorio-Fernandez Houshang Parsa Kush Patel Suja Patel Alexander Pichugin Heather Pierce Katherine Prihoda Wendy Purcell Sam Rabinowitz Mark Robson Wendy Rodriguez Lisa Rossman-Murphy Monica Roth Gary Santos Mendoza Amy Savage Kevin Schroth Safanya Searcy Michael Shapiro Taylor Shaw Troy Shinbrot Martin Siederer Adrienne Simonds Elizabeth Sloan-Power Michael Smart Morgan Smith Menahem Spiegel Ted Szatrowski Paul Takhistov George Tewfik Karen Thompson Jose Torres Audrey Truschke Elijah Vito Lucio Volino Robert Weiss Carolyne White Jeana Wirtenberg Tuğrul Özel

Excused Senators

Gloria Bachmann Natalie Borisovets Abigail Fulton Martha Haviland Geeny Lee Carol Lutz Emily Sergel Frank Sonnenberg

Absent Senators

Dina Abdelfattah Felix Abusah Lauren Adamo Monica Adya Mason Ameri Fauzan Amjad Rochelle Andrews Robert Apel Anil Ardeshna Azeezat Ariwoola Consuella Askew Marie-Pierre Aubry Victoria Axelsson Joseph Barone Rajita Bhavaraju Sanjib Bhuyan Wanda Blanchett Detlev Boison Johanna Bond Mary Bridgeman Christine Cahill Sara Campbell Nancy Cantor Eduardo Chama Joy Chang Sabrina Charles Antonio Chiricolo Rachel Choron Morgan Ciolek Alison Clarke Charlie Collick Francine Conway Taryn Cooper Alberto Cuitiño Wei Dai Perle Desir Matthew Di Bella Jeffery DiGiovanni Angelique Dinnall Clyde Ditching Malica Dock Adrienne Eaton Gary Ebert Richard Edwards Wei Fang Linda Flynn Casey Fortson Margaret Fox Sonal Gahlawat Jason Geary Mary Rose Giberson Abigail Glenn Jie Gong Michael Gower John Griffin Zhixiong (James) Guo Daniel Habeb Perry Halkitis Adam Hisham Hamawy Taja-Nia Henderson Kerry Hennessy Julia Hernandez Jonathan Holloway Abdelrahman Ibrahim Arpana Inman Robert Johnson Madelyn Kamen Rachel Kaye John Kettle Adam Kustka Ronald Ladell Matthew Lamorgese Laura Lawson Kangsoo Lee Richard Lehman Lei Lei Ray Leibman Dafna Lemish Jason Levin Jeffrey Levine Emily Lildhar Chiara Manzini Michael Matise David Matta Jacqueline Mattis Tiffany Mayers Monica Mazurek Bill McCarthy Kenneth McKeever Emanuel Meshoyrer Prabhas Moghe Kyle Murphy Amy Murtha Donna Nickitas James O'Connor Acer Paiste Periklis Papakonstantinou Priya Patel Ilce Perez John Pintar Ronald Quincy Rohit Ramachandran Javier Robles David Salas-de la Cruz Cynthia Saltzman Mirna Samaan Bharat Sarath Mark Sayde Stephen Schnetzer Robert Schwartz Rob Scott Carlos Serrano Domatius Shafik Stuart Shapiro Sarah Shobut Brian Strom Nanjoo Suh Antonio Tillis Chloe Tirino Juli Wade Mary Wagner Tiana White Ian Whitehead Alexis Winters Wojtek Wolfe Kaifeng Yang Nusrath Yusuf Yahong Zhang Zhongren (David) Zhou

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