A-1102A: Proposal for a New School of Nursing-Camden - Rutgers University Senate Skip to main content

A-1102A: Proposal for a New School of Nursing-Camden


Discuss, document findings, and make recommendations on the Proposal to Establish a School of Nursing at Rutgers-Camden. Discuss with Camden Chancellor Pritchett or his representative, who will attend your March 2011 meeting, any questions or concerns you may have relating to the proposal. Also, include in your deliberations advice from the three Senate committees instructed in Charge A-1102. Decide if the Senate should endorse establishment of this new school. By April 1, 2011, prepare and send to the Senate Executive Secretary your advice, findings, and recommendations on the proposal, which will be forwarded to the Senate Executive Committee to docket for Senate action.


Response By
University Structure and Governance Committee - 2010-2011 04/29/2011
Response To
Response Document
Response to Charge A-1102A on Proposal for a New School of Nursing-Camden
Response By
President 08/23/2011
Response To
Committee Report
Response Document
President McCormick's Response to USGC Report on A-1102A