- Whereas, the Rutgers University Senate Executive Committee has discussed the Draft Web Accessibility Policy; and
- Whereas, the Rutgers University Senate, at its meeting on November 13, 2015, conducted a committee-of-the-whole discussion on the policy; and
- Whereas, the Senate and Executive Committee have benefited from presentations by, and responses to questions from, Gayle Stein, Associate Director for Instructional Technology, OIT-Office of Instructional and Research Technology; Christian Aziz, Manager of Information Technology; and William Welsh, Executive Director, Office of Disability Services; and
- Whereas, the University Senate recognizes the need for the policy, and finds it appropriate and in the best interests of Rutgers University;
- Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Rutgers University Senate endorses the Web Accessibility Policy in principle, and recommends its implementation.
- Response By
- Executive Committee - 2015-2016 01/22/2016
- Response To
- Resolution
- Response Document
- Resolution on Draft Web Accessibility Policy by Executive Committee
- Response By
- President 01/22/2016
- Response To
- Committee
- Response Document
- President Barchi's Response to Resolution on Draft Web Accessibility Policy