S-1208: Required Changes to the Academic Integrity Policy - Rutgers University Senate Skip to main content

S-1208: Required Changes to the Academic Integrity Policy


Recommend changes to the Rutgers Academic Integrity Policy necessitated by the about-to-be-adopted revised University Code of Student Conduct, which states that procedures for adjudicating alleged violations of academic integrity are specified in the Academic Integrity Policy. Required changes to the Academic Integrity Policy therefore consist, at a minimum, of incorporation of the procedures for resolving alleged separable violations of academic integrity in the appendices to the Policy or in a companion document. Also recommend whether some of the revised and simplified procedures for handling alleged separable conduct violations in the new Code of Student Conduct should also be adopted for resolving alleged violations of academic integrity.


Response By
Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee - 2013-2014 05/03/2013
Response To
Response Document
Response to Charge S-1208 on Required Changes to the Academic Integrity Policy
Response By
President 08/15/2013
Response To
Committee Report
Response Document
President Barchi's Response to ASRAC report on S-1208