S-1702: Increasing Student Voter Turnout in Federal, State, and Local Elections - Rutgers University Senate Skip to main content

S-1702: Increasing Student Voter Turnout in Federal, State, and Local Elections


Increasing Student Voter Turnout in Federal, State, and Local Elections: Investigate how the number of Rutgers students who vote in federal, state, and local elections can be effectively increased. Consider what changes in policies, procedures, and practices can best encourage voting by students, including making election days holidays. Make appropriate recommendations.


Response By
Student Affairs Committee - 2017-2018 12/26/2017
Response To
Response Document
Response to Charge S-1702 on Increasing Student Voter Turnout in Federal, State, and Local Elections
Response By
President 02/06/2018
Response To
Committee Report
Response Document
President Barchi's Response to SAC Report on S-1702