Standing Charge: This Committee shall concern itself with all matters related to budget priorities, allocations and general planning, as provided in section 2.2.2. B of the University regulations. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- To select and study policy issues associated with the University’s budget, including priorities and allocation of funds, and to develop recommendations to the Senate.
- To evaluate the probable financial impact of proposed new programs being considered by the Senate.
- To receive, study, and make recommendations to the Senate, and through it to the Board of Governors and Board of Trustees, with respect to requests from members of the University community or others with a legitimate interest regarding Rutgers University investments.
- To consider, study, and make recommendations to the Senate, and through it to the Board of Governors and Board of Trustees, with respect to any investment policies of the University that may involve ethical and moral principles as established by the Boards of Governors and Trustees.
- To consider broad issues related to physical plant and infrastructure, space, transportation, and safety on and among the three campuses.
To present to the University Senate an annual report on the Rutgers University budget.