- This meeting has passed.
Oct 18th
1:10 pm
Senate Meeting
College Avenue Student Center
Multipurpose Room126 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901
Agenda Distributed On
Friday, October 11th 2019
Friday, October 18, 2019, 1:10 p.m.
College Avenue Student Center, Multipurpose Room
College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the Senate
- Approval of Agenda* (including time limits)
- Minutes of the September 20, 2019 Senate Meeting
- Communications:
- The following policy has been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
COMMITTEE REPORTS/RESOLUTIONS: The report will be presented/summarized by the committee chair, then will be discussed and acted upon by the Senate. [Note: Substantive amendments to these reports should be given to the Senate secretary in writing prior to or at the time the amendment is moved.]
Research and Graduate & Professional Education Committee (RGPEC) Response to Charge S-1810 on Facilities and Infrastructure – Adam Kustka, RGPEC Chair
The RGPEC was charged as follows: Evaluate the relevant systems, processes, and plans for university research facilities and infrastructure and make recommendations to create a comprehensive, robust, actionable, and sustainable plan that will support infrastructure needed for world-class research at the university.
ELECTION OF NEWARK STUDENT MEMBER OF THE SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND GRADUATE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES – This election is being held at this meeting because no eligible candidates were nominated during the May 2019 Organizational meeting. Self-nominations have been solicited from eligible Newark and Graduate student Senators. Nominations may also be made from the floor during this meeting. Candidates are eligible only if they are currently certified as University Senators representing Newark students for the Newark Student election and Graduate Students for the Board of Trustees Representative elction.
VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT PRESENTATION – Sarah McMahon, Associate Director of the School of Social Work’s Center on Violence Against Women and Children
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Barbara Lee, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Administrative Report
- Questions and Answers
NEW BUSINESS [Note: Article IV.A. of the Senate Bylaws states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated under section C.4…” Also, the Senate Executive Committee has authorized committee-of-the-whole discussions under New Business as appropriate, and time permitting.]
*Note: Addition of items to the Agenda requires a two-thirds vote. There is an overall time limit of 2-1/2 hours for Senate meetings. Specific time limits are set for questions and debate, not for presentation of reports. After approval, extension of time limits requires a two-thirds vote.
Remaining 2019-20 University Senate Meetings
[Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held on Fridays in the Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus in New Brunswick.]
November 15, 2019 (in Newark)
December 13, 2019
January 24, 2020
February 21, 2020 (in Camden)
March 27, 2020
May 1, 2020
(The May 1 meeting may convene at 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. This meeting is the last of this year’s Senate, but will begin with the first meeting of next year’s Senate, at which Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives will be elected. The start time will be determined by the Senate Executive Committee in April 2020.)
MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate
DATE: October 18, 2019
TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus
MEMBERS PRESENT: Albert, Alexander-Floyd, Alizadeh, Ardeshna, Avallone, Bachmann, Bekdash, Boikess, Bora, Brewster-Bauzyk, Bridgeman, Britton, Bugel, Chaudhary, Coleman,l Colley, Crews, D’Anna, Dasari, DiLalo, Doumit, Dreyer, Ebert, Everett, Figueira, Fischer, Fox, Gillett, Goonetilleke, Gould, Gower, Graber, Haley, Hara, Hsueh, Hunter, Hunter-Fratzola, Jarrín Montaner, Joergensen, E. Kane, C. Kane, Kashalikar, Kaul, Kettle, Kosar, Kovacs, Kustka, LaPointe, Lamar, Lee, Lutz, Maddox Douglas, Maglione Rico, Mahajan-Cusack, Maloney, Mammis, Marchetta, Markert, Markowitz, Marsic, Masiello, Matto, Mayes, Mena-Segovia, Miranti, Moomjy, Murphy, Nath, Norris, O’Brassill-Kulfan, O’Connor, Oliver, Omotoso, Oukil, Ozel, Pandey, Parsa, Paskhover, Patel, Perez, Pinto-Figueroa, Posluszny, Puar, Rabinowitz, Robbins, Romanko, Saltzman, Sanchez, Sass, Schneider, Schwartz, Schwartz, Sen, Sesti, Shapiro, Shapses, Shinbrot, Shobut, Simonds, Sinacori, Sinnott, Song, Spiegel, Steinberg, Stephenson, Szatrowski, Tan, Tharney, Thompson, Tomasko, Torres, Trees, Van Stine, Vargas, Volino, Wang, Willett, Zheng
EXCUSED: Agboste, Aubert, Bhuyan, Borisovets, Buyske, Dool, Dowlin, Esposito, Felder, Giraud, Goldfarb, Goodman, GuoK, Gursoy, KayeK, McKeever, Pappas, Pardlo, Pradhan, Ravichandran, Rivera, Roth, Silver, Stoprya, Thuravil, Tracey, Vidal, Walkup, Wang, White, Wirtenberg
ABSENT: Acosta, Alidou, Altman, Assaf, Atkins, Barbarese, Barchi, Barone, Bator, Beegan, Bembry, Blanchett, Brunson, Cantor, Castaneda, Cohen, Conway, DeFilippis, Eaton, Emmons, Farmbry, Farris, Feldman, Fernandez, Ganesh, Gonzales, Gotur, Haddon, Halkitis, Hartman, Hatefi, Holzemer, Huang, Johnson, Johnson, Kratik, Kukor, Langer, Lei, Lewis, Liu, Lopez, Madsen, Mahon, Mandalapu, Manek, Mansukhani, March, Marchitello, Mazurek, Menifield, Mitra, Molloy, Moore, Murphy, Mutcherson, Nickitas, O’Rourke, Oleske, Padovano, Paul, Ponzio, Porumbescu, C. Potter, J. Potter, Powell, Rajan, Russomagno, Schiavo, Shankar, Sheridan, Sridar, Strom, Struble, Takhistov, Thakuriah, Titus, Tsakalakos, A. Wang
ATTENDANCE SUMMARY: Faculty: Of 117 total: 71 present (61%), 21 excused (18%), 25 absent (21%); Students: Of 49 total: 28 present (57%), 5 excused (10%), 16 absent (33%); Administrators: Of 38 total: 5 present (13%), 1 excused (3%), 32 absent (84%); Staff: Of 18 total: 13 present (72%), 4 excused (22%), 1 absent (6%); Alumni: Of 6 total: 5 present (83%), 1 excused (17%), 0 absent (0%)
Senate Chair Jon Oliver called the meeting to order at 1:16 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick. He outlined his goals for the coming year to include showcasing all the great work done by the Senate and its committees. He asked all Senators to communicate with him frequently about the advancements, not only via the Senate, but achievements of Rutgers as a whole.
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary
- Agenda: The meeting’s agenda including time limits, was approved by the Senate.
- Minutes: The Minutes of the September 20, 2019 Senate Meeting were approved as distributed by the Executive Secretary.
- Communications: The following communications were presented by the Executive Secretary:
- The following policy has been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
Research and Graduate & Professional Education Committee to Charge S-1810 on Facilities and Infrastructure – Adam Kustka, RGPEC Chair
The RGPEC was charged as follows: Evaluate the relevant systems, processes, and plans for university research facilities and infrastructure and make recommendations to create a comprehensive, robust, actionable, and sustainable plan that will support infrastructure needed for world-class research at the university.
RGPEC Chair Adam Kustka summarized the work of the committee and the RGPEC’s Response to Charge S-1810 on Facilities and Infrastructure. Kustka then read the related resolutions. After some discussion the vote carried.
ELECTION OF NEWARK STUDENT MEMBER OF THE SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – The seat for Newark Student Member of the Executive Committee has remained vacant due to lack of candidates. There were two (2) nominees – Valentine Lamar, GS-N (S) and Sarah Shobut, NCAS (S). Senator Shobut was declared the winner.
ELECTION OF GRADUATE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES – The seat for Graduate Student Representative to the Board of Trustees has remained vacant due to lack of candidates. Valentine Lamar, GS-N (S) was nominated from the floor by Senator Jarrin. Senator Lamar accepted the nomination and was subsequently declared the winner by acclamation.
VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT PRESENTATION – Sarah McMahon, Director of the School of Social Work’s Center on Violence Against Women and Children
Director McMahon gave a presentation on the Victims of Crime Act followed by questions and answers which included the following:
- the element between mental illness and trauma;
- the great work the Camden VPVA office has done with healthy relationships and consent;
- human trafficking; and
- training for students to learn how to alleviate conflict
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Barbara Lee, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Vice President Lee presented an administrative report on the following topics:
- National Academy of Science Award Winners;
- Vivian Stringer, Women’s Basketball Head Coach, is the recipient of the John Wooden Award;
- President’s Carbon Neutrality and Climate Resilience Task Force;
- Course Atlas to begin for the Spring 2020 semester
Lee then answered questions on the above and the following topics:
- disappointment with the implementation of Course Atlas (formally Infosilem); and
- Rutgers commitment to fostering the growth of native bee populations and revisiting the use of pesticides on the grounds
SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Senate Vice Chair Peter Gillett reported on the October 4, 2019 Senate Executive Committee meeting.
REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS OF GOVERNORS AND TRUSTEES: Senators Boris Paskhover and Menahem Spiegel, Faculty Representatives to the Board of Trustees and Ann Albert, Undergraduate Student Representative, reported on the September 25 Board of Trustees meeting. Senator Boris Paskhover presented the report on the Board of Trustees meeting in Senator Rachel Kaye’s absence.
REPORTS OF CAMPUS FACULTY AND STUDENT LIAISONS: Camden Student Senator Michael Van Stine reported on recent plans and activities of Camden student governing associations. Senator Samuel Rabinowitz reported on the Camden Faculty Council Meeting. New Brunswick Student Senator Emily Kane reported on recent plans and activities of New Brunswick student governing associations. Faculty Senator Tugrul Ozel, New Brunswick Faculty Council Chair, reported on the September 27th New Brunswick Faculty Council meeting. Senator Sarah Shobut reported on the recent activities of the Newark students. Senator Carol Lutz reported the RBHS Faculty Council was meeting concurrently with today’s Senate meeting. There was no faculty representative from Newark nor student representative from RBHS present.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:08 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the University Senate
Present Senators
Excused Senators
Absent Senators
Committee Meetings
Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting
CASC Room 413 @ 10:30 am
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
CASC, Atrium Conference Room @ 10:00 am
Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting
CASC Room 411 @ 10:00 am
Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting
Alexander Library, University Librarian's Conference Room, 3rd Fl @ 10:00 am
Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting
CASC, Room 109 @ 10:00 am
Student Affairs Committee Meeting
CASC, Graduate Student Lounge @ 10:30 am
University Structure & Governance Committee
CASC, Room 115 @ 10:00 am
Caucus Meetings
Faculty Caucus Meeting
CASC Room 411 @ 12:00 pm
Student Caucus Meeting
CASC, Graduate Student Lounge @ 12:00 pm
Alumni Caucus Meeting
CASC Room 413 @ 12:00 pm
Staff Caucus Meeting
CASC, Atrium Conference Room @ 12:00 pm