- This meeting has passed.
Sep 4th
12:00 pm
Agenda Items Due On
Noon on Wednesday, August 26th 2020
Agenda Distributed On
Tuesday, September 1st 2020
Executive Committee
Remotely via Zoom
September 4, 2020 – 12:00 noon
1. Chair’s Report– Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
2. Secretary’s Report– Mary Mickelsen, Senate Executive Secretary
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of the June 5, 2020 Minutes Senate Executive Committee Meeting
- Communications:
- New Senator Orientation to be held virtually on September 11 @ 10am
- The following polices have been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
- University Policy 10.1.14 – Establishment of and Appointment to Endowed Faculty Positions
- University Policy 10.2.11- Code of Student Conduct (Interim)
- University Policy 10.2.13 – Academic Integrity Policy
- University Policy 50.1.12 – Conflicts of Interest Policy for Members of the Boards of Governors and Trustees, the Camden Board of Directors, and University Officers
- University Policy 50.3.1 – Patent Policy
- University Policy 50.3.14 – Legacy UMDNJ Policies Associated with Intellectual Property; Patents
- University Policy 60.1.8 – Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action
- University Policy 60.1.12 – Policy Prohibiting Discriminations and Harassment
- University Policy 60.1.13 – Policy Prohibiting Workplace Violence
- University Policy 60.1.14 – Employment of Current and Former Public Officials
- University Policy 60.1.16 – Conscientious Employee Protection Policy
- University Policy 60.1.32 – Policy on Consensual Relationships in Academic Settings
- University Policy 60.1.33 – Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures (Interim)
- University Policy 60.2.1 – Educational Benefits
- University Policy 80.1.2 – Rutgers University Trademark Management and Licensing Policy
- University Policy 80.1.5 – University Visual Identity
- University Policy 100.3.2 – Tuberculosis Surveillance
- University Policy 100.3.3 – Housestaff Immunizations and Health Requirements
3. Administrative Report– Jonathan Holloway, University President
4. Voting Procedures at Virtual Senate Meetings – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary and Ivanok Tavarez, RUIT Website Development
5. Standing Committees/Panels
Appointment of 20-21 University Commencement Panel (UCP) – Peter Gillett, UCP Chair
Finalization of the UCP Composition:
- Executive Secretary of the Senate (non-voting): Mary Mickelsen
- Vice Chair of the Senate (chairs the UCP): Peter Gillett
- Four Faculty Senators
- Tenure-Track
- Paul Miranti, New Brunswick
- Samuel Rabinowitz, Camden
- Non-Tenure-Track
- Valerie Maglione-Rico, RBHS-Newark
- Part-Time Lecturers
- Jonathan Cabrera, Newark
- Tenure-Track
- One Staff Senator
- Cecelia Kane, Camden
- One Alumni Senator
- Houshang Parsa
- Two Student Senators
- Vrushank Bhatt
- Gavin Mayes
Issues/Proposed Charges:
Proposed Charge to Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) and Student Affairs on University Policy 60.1.33 Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures and University Policy 10.2.11 Code of Student Conduct
Proposed Charge:
- Review and make recommendations on
- the new Interim University Policy 60.1.33 (intended to replace 10.3.12 and 60.1.28) Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures.
- the Interim University Policy 10.2.11 Code of Student Conduct which reflects the proposed changes made to the University’s Title IX policy.
- Review and make recommendations on
Research and Graduate & Professional Education Committee Chair
Adam Kustka has announced he will be stepping down from his position as RGPEC chair due to an increased course load and other responsibilities. Executive Secretary Mickelsen reached out to four RGPEC members that Senator Kustka nominated. Of those four, Senator Olga Jarrín accepted the nomination.
Interim Student Caucus Chair
Currently the Senate does not have an official student to chair the Student Caucus due to the Executive Committee and board representative student elections being postponed until October 2020. Senator Gavin Mayes, SAS-NB (S), has nominated himself to serve as the interim chair until replaced by a student elected to the EC.
6. New Business
7. University Senate September 25, 2020 Agenda
- Regular Senate meeting with President Holloway’s “President’s Address”, followed by a question-and-answer period
- Protecting the Student Vote 2020 – presentation by Senator Elizabeth Matto
- Newly Tenured Faculty Celebration
8. Adjournment
September 4, 2020
MEMBERS PRESENT: Boikess, Borisovets, Crews, Giraud, Gillett, Oliver (Chair), Schwartz, Struble, Thompson, Willett
ALSO ATTENDING: J. Holloway (U. President), M. Mickelsen (Senate Executive Secretary)
The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, September 4, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. remotely via Zoom.
1.Chair’s Report– Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
Senate and Executive Committee Chair Jon Oliver called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. He welcomed all to the first meeting of the 20-21 Senate Executive Committee and thanked them all for their continued dedication to the Rutgers University Senate, especially during these uncertain times. Welcomed Jonathan Holloway to the University and stated his appreciation for his dedication to shared governance. Announced that President Holloway approved the Senate Chair become a member of the Emergency Operations Committee and the President’s Administrative Council. Noted, at the next Senate meeting President Holloway will be giving his President’s Address as well as Senator Elizabeth Matto will be presenting on “Protecting the Student Vote 2020”.
2. Secretary’s Report – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the Senate
- Agenda: The meeting agenda was approved
- Minutes: The June 5, 2020 minutes were approved:
- Communications:
- Announcement of the New Senator Orientation to be held virtually on September 11th
- The Following University Policies have been updated in the University Policy Library:
- University Policy 10.1.14 – Establishment of and Appointment to Endowed Faculty Positions
- University Policy 10.2.11- Code of Student Conduct (Interim)
- University Policy 10.2.13 – Academic Integrity Policy
- University Policy 50.1.12 – Conflicts of Interest Policy for Members of the Boards of Governors and Trustees, the Camden Board of Directors, and University Officers
- University Policy 50.3.1 – Patent Policy
- University Policy 50.3.14 – Legacy UMDNJ Policies Associated with Intellectual Property; Patents
- University Policy 60.1.8 – Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action
- University Policy 60.1.12 – Policy Prohibiting Discriminations and Harassment
- University Policy 60.1.13 – Policy Prohibiting Workplace Violence
- University Policy 60.1.14 – Employment of Current and Former Public Officials
- University Policy 60.1.16 – Conscientious Employee Protection Policy
- University Policy 60.1.32 – Policy on Consensual Relationships in Academic Settings
- University Policy 60.1.33 – Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures (Interim)
- University Policy 60.2.1 – Educational Benefits
- University Policy 80.1.2 – Rutgers University Trademark Management and Licensing Policy
- University Policy 80.1.5 – University Visual Identity
- University Policy 100.3.2 – Tuberculosis Surveillance
- University Policy 100.3.3 – Housestaff Immunizations and Health Requirements
3. Administrative Report – Jonathan Holloway, University President
University President Jonathan Holloway joined for a short administrative report, which included comments on:
- The accessibility of Rutgers, in the light of the high cost of a college education;
- Rutgers being a high-level research institution that suffers from “reputational lag” and deserves to be seen as one of the public ivies;
- Impressed by the work of the Senate and how it represents Rutgers as a community;
- Whether COVID will impede a formal Presidential induction ceremony;
- President’s Address to the University Senate on September 25;
- Holding off on the Presidential Induction Ceremony until it can be done in person.
Holloway then responded to comments on the above topics as well as the following:
- The status of PTL employment;
- Issues with misbehavior of students in off-campus housing;
- During the time of budget cuts, thoughts on the high amount of upper-administration positions;
- Union negotiations issues.
4. Voting Procedures at Virtual Senate Meetings – Mary Mickelsen, Senate Executive Secretary
Mickelsen reviewed with the Executive Committee the new procedure of online voting utilizing the current Senate website with CAS authentication. The EC then participated in the test of the system and offered suggestions on improvements.
5. Standing Committees/Panels
Appointment of 20-21 University Commencement Panel (UCP) – Peter Gillett, UCP Chair
The UCP Composition was voted on and finalized as presented below:
- Executive Secretary of the Senate (non-voting): Mary Mickelsen
- Vice Chair of the Senate (chairs the UCP): Peter Gillett
- Four Faculty Senators
- Tenure-Track
- Paul Miranti, New Brunswick
- Samuel Rabinowitz, Camden
- Non-Tenure-Track
- Valerie Maglione-Rico, RBHS-Newark
- Part-Time Lecturers
- Jonathan Cabrera, Newark
- Tenure-Track
- One Staff Senator
- Cecelia Kane, Camden
- One Alumni Senator
- Houshang Parsa
- Two Student Senators
- Vrushank Bhatt
- Gavin Mayes
Proposed Charges
Proposed Charge to Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) and Student Affairs (SAC) on University Policy 60.1.33 Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures and University Policy 10.2.11 Code of Student Conduct
Proposed Charge:
- Review and make recommendations on
- the new Interim University Policy 60.1.33 (intended to replace 10.3.12 and 60.1.28) Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures.
- the Interim University Policy 10.2.11 Code of Student Conduct which reflects the proposed changes made to the University’s Title IX policy.
- Review and make recommendations on
The EC discussed the proposed charge and agreed to charge both the Student Affairs Committee and the Academic Standards, Regulations, and Admissions Committee with a reporting deadline of the October 16 senate meeting.
Research and Graduate & Professional Education Committee Chair
Adam Kustka has announced he will be stepping down from his position as RGPEC chair due to an increased course load and other responsibilities. Senator Olga Jarrín was approved as Senator Kustka’s successor with the recommendation she consider a co-chair.
Interim Student Caucus Chair
It was discussed the Senate does not have an official student to chair the Student Caucus due to the Executive Committee and board representative student elections being postponed until October 2020. Senator Gavin Mayes, SAS-NB (S), has nominated himself to serve as the interim chair and the EC approved the appointment until student EC member elections are held next month.
6. New Business
There was no New Business
7. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3:02 p.m.
Minutes written and submitted by,
Mary Mickelsen
Executive Secretary of the University Senate