- This meeting has passed.
Feb 2nd
12:00 pm
Agenda Items Due On
Noon on Wednesday, January 31st 2024
Agenda Distributed On
Wednesday, January 31st 2024
Friday, February 2, 2024, 12:00 p.m. via Zoom
Chair’s Report– Adrienne Simonds, Senate Chair
Secretary’s Report– Vicki Hewitt, Senate Executive Secretary
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of the January 5, 2024 Senate Executive Committee Minutes
- Communications
- Chancellor Strom will attend March 1 Executive Committee meeting
- Senate email list is active.
- Rutgers Executive Committee Agenda Item Submission Form
Administrative Report – Prabhas Moghe, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Discussion – Nancy Cantor, Newark Chancellor
Resolution in Support of Free Speech on Campus – Submitted by Senator Fauzan Amjad, Student Charter Trustee
Nominating Panel
Protocols for Senate Email List
Request to Reopen and Report on S-2209-1: Implementing Democratic Standards for University Senate Committee Governance
Interim Senate Representatives for the Policy Approval Committee
Standing Committees/Panels
Committee Report and Recommendations:
Ad Hoc Committee on Senate Officer Compensation – Michael Joseph and Suja Patel, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2312: Senate Officer Compensation
The ad hoc committee was charged as follows:
To provide guidelines for appropriate compensation for Senate officers and other Senators whose duties as Senators represent a significant fraction of their university obligations. The resources for such compensation should be provided in a manner that does not create conflicts of interest. Procedures for such compensation already in place at some of our peer aspirant universities may serve as useful models.
Committee Report and Recommendations:
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee – Paul Boxer and Anna Haley, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2103-1: Review of the Current Procedures for the Periodic Evaluation of Deans
The FPAC was charged as follows:
Review the current procedures for the periodic evaluation of deans.
Committee Report and Recommendations:
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee – Paul Boxer and Anna Haley, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2117-1: Hiring Transparency and Equality
The FPAC was charged as follows:
Investigate the current practice of hiring faculty at RBHS with full titles but described on appointment as part time and contingent on their maintaining employment at RWJBH. Make any appropriate recommendations.
Committee Report and Recommendations:
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee – Paul Boxer and Anna Haley, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2315: University Vision Benefits
The FPAC was charged as follows:
Investigate the policies which currently govern the University’s practice of reimbursing employees for eye exams, glasses and contact lenses, frames, and coatings. Determine if current policies match industry practices. Investigate how many employees actually receive reimbursements, and explore possible recommendations for new policies, plans, or programs related to vision and eye care for Rutgers employees.
Committee Report and Recommendations:
Budget and Finance Committee – Abdelrahman Ibrahim and Carolyne White, Co-Chairs
The BFC was charged as follows:
Investigate any relevant financial issues that will emerge if there is a proposed merger of RWJMS and NJMS. Make necessary recommendations to the Senate.
Proposed Charge:
Senate Role in the Policy on Policies Processes and Procedures – Senator Audrey Truschke, School of Arts and Sciences – Newark, Faculty
Charge: Study and provide recommendation to increase University Senate’s role on the Policy on Policies in the matters related academic affairs, educational and research matters.
Rationale: The Board of Governors proposed a major set of changes to the Policy on Policies a few months ago. Since, the University Structure and Governance Committee has devoted much of its time to considering the implications of those changes, especially concerning allegations of a diminished role for the Senate moving forward in overseeing research-related policies. There has been considerable interest and disagreement in this matter on this committee. We need a formal change in order to further pursue this and bring the matter to the attention of the full Senate. Establishing this charge is supported by members of the University Structure and Governance Committee who have diverse views on this matter, including both of our chairs.
Proposed Charge:
Review Senate’s role in Policy on Policies and provide recommendations to UEC – Senator Kerry Hennessy, New Brunswick Staff
Charge: Study and provide recommendations to increase University Senate’s role on the Policy on Policies in the matters related to academic affairs, educational and research matters.
Rationale: We have already been discussing and would like to formalize the process.
Open Charge Request:
The following was charged to an ad hoc committee without a deadline. The Executive Committee is requested to set a deadline for:
S-2327: Develop Nomination Procedures for a Senate Representative for the Policy Approval Committee
Open Charge Request:
The following was charged to an ad hoc committee without a deadline. The Executive Committee is requested to set a deadline for:
S-2328: Propose Changes to the Senate Handbook to Add the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
Old Business
New Business
University Senate February 16, 2024 Agenda
- President Holloway’s Report on University Finances
- New Brunswick Chancellor Report – Francine Conway, Chancellor, Rutgers-New Brunswick
February 2, 2024
MEMBERS PRESENT: Esposito, Foster, Giraud, Godoy, Haley, Kiss, Parsa, Roth, Schroth, Simonds (Chair), Thompson
ALSO ATTENDING: F. Amjad (Senator), R. Boikess (BOT Faculty Representative), N. Cantor (Newark Chancellor), A. Dinnall (Senator), V. Hewitt (University Senate Executive Secretary), P. Moghe (Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs), K. O’Halloran (Vice President for Academic Planning & Administration, EVPAA), H. Pierce (BOG Faculty Representative), R. Schwartz (BOT Faculty Representative), M. Smith (University Senate Administrative Assistant)
The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, Feb. 2, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. remotely via Zoom.
Chair’s Report– Adrienne Simonds, Senate Chair
Chair Simonds called the Feb. 2, 2024 Senate Executive Committee meeting to order at 12:04 p.m.
Secretary’s Report– Vicki Hewitt, Senate Executive Secretary
- The February 2, 2024 Executive Committee Agenda was approved, with the addition of two items of New Business.
- The January 5, 2024 Senate Executive Committee Minutes were approved.
- Communications
- Chancellor Strom will attend March 1 Executive Committee meeting.
- Senate email list is active.
- Link to Rutgers Executive Committee Agenda Item Submission Form was added to the Senate website.
Administrative Report – Prabhas Moghe, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Moghe provided the Administrative Report consisting of the following topics:
- Division of Global Affairs’ new strategy to advance the academic mission
- Council on Online Education
- Updated website for the Office for Research
Dr. Moghe heard updates from the following Senate committees: ASRAC, BFC, FPAC, ITC, SAC, and USGC.
Dr. Moghe then answered questions on the following topics:
- Concerns about the bus system in New Brunswick
- New Brunswick faculty salon with President Holloway
- Faculty serving as directors for study abroad programs in the host country
- Follow-up on Philadelphia Inquirer interview with President Holloway
- Concerns about including committee updates in the Administrative Report
- Oversight within units for online programs
- Senators’ ability to directly communicate with their constituents
- Best practices for teaching online
Discussion – Nancy Cantor, Newark Chancellor
Nominating Panel
A motion was made to change the name of the Nominating Panel to the Election Committee. The motion was adopted. A motion was made to reach out to the Eagleton Institute of Politics for election assistance. The motion was rejected.
Protocols for Senate Email List
The Executive Committee decided against developing formal protocols for the Senate email list at this time. Chair Simonds will include informal comments on this topic in her Chair’s report at the February Senate meeting.
Resolution in Support of Free Speech on Campus – Submitted by Senator Fauzan Amjad, Student Charter Trustee
The Executive Committee added this resolution to the February Senate agenda.
Request to Reopen and Report on S-2209-1: Implementing Democratic Standards for University Senate Committee Governance
The Executive Committee reopened this charge and requested that USGC report on it as soon as possible.
Interim Senate Representatives for the Policy Approval Committee
Senator Pierce will attend a meeting of the Policy Approval Committee next week. She will also be invited to attend a meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee to Develop Nomination Procedures for a Senate Representative for the Policy Approval Committee to discuss this issue.
Standing Committees/Panels
Committee Report and Recommendations:
Ad Hoc Committee on Senate Officer Compensation – Michael Joseph and Suja Patel, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2312: Senate Officer Compensation
The ad hoc committee was charged as follows:
To provide guidelines for appropriate compensation for Senate officers and other Senators whose duties as Senators represent a significant fraction of their university obligations. The resources for such compensation should be provided in a manner that does not create conflicts of interest. Procedures for such compensation already in place at some of our peer aspirant universities may serve as useful models.
Outcome: The Executive Committee voted against docketing this report for the February Senate agenda. The committee will be asked to revise and resubmit the report.
Committee Report and Recommendations:
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee – Paul Boxer and Anna Haley, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2103-1: Review of the Current Procedures for the Periodic Evaluation of Deans
The FPAC was charged as follows:
Review the current procedures for the periodic evaluation of deans.
Outcome: The Executive Committee docketed this report for the February Senate agenda.
Committee Report and Recommendations:
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee – Paul Boxer and Anna Haley, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2117-1: Hiring Transparency and Equality
The FPAC was charged as follows:
Investigate the current practice of hiring faculty at RBHS with full titles but described on appointment as part time and contingent on their maintaining employment at RWJBH. Make any appropriate recommendations.
Outcome: The Executive Committee docketed this report for the February Senate agenda.
Committee Report and Recommendations:
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee – Paul Boxer and Anna Haley, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2315: University Vision Benefits
The FPAC was charged as follows:
Investigate the policies which currently govern the University’s practice of reimbursing employees for eye exams, glasses and contact lenses, frames, and coatings. Determine if current policies match industry practices. Investigate how many employees actually receive reimbursements, and explore possible recommendations for new policies, plans, or programs related to vision and eye care for Rutgers employees.
Outcome: The Executive Committee docketed this report for the February Senate agenda.
Committee Report and Recommendations:
Budget and Finance Committee – Abdelrahman Ibrahim and Carolyne White, Co-Chairs
The BFC was charged as follows:
Investigate any relevant financial issues that will emerge if there is a proposed merger of RWJMS and NJMS. Make necessary recommendations to the Senate.
Outcome: The Executive Committee requested revisions to this report. If the revised report is submitted to the Executive Secretary before the Senate agenda is posted on Fri. Feb. 9, it will be added to the February Senate agenda.
Proposed Charge:
Senate Role in the Policy on Policies Processes and Procedures – Senator Audrey Truschke, School of Arts and Sciences – Newark, Faculty
Charge: Study and provide recommendation to increase University Senate’s role on the Policy on Policies in the matters related academic affairs, educational and research matters.
Rationale: The Board of Governors proposed a major set of changes to the Policy on Policies a few months ago. Since, the University Structure and Governance Committee has devoted much of its time to considering the implications of those changes, especially concerning allegations of a diminished role for the Senate moving forward in overseeing research-related policies. There has been considerable interest and disagreement in this matter on this committee. We need a formal change in order to further pursue this and bring the matter to the attention of the full Senate. Establishing this charge is supported by members of the University Structure and Governance Committee who have diverse views on this matter, including both of our chairs.
Outcome: The Executive Committee amended the Rationale to this charge to add “We have already been discussing and would like to formalize the process.” The amended motion was adopted.
Proposed Charge:
Review Senate’s role in Policy on Policies and provide recommendations to UEC – Senator Kerry Hennessy, New Brunswick Staff
Charge: Study and provide recommendations to increase University Senate’s role on the Policy on Policies in the matters related to academic affairs, educational and research matters.
Rationale: We have already been discussing and would like to formalize the process.
Outcome: As this charge is substantially the same as the previous proposed charge, the Executive Committee voted against charging this to committee.
Open Charge Request:
The following was charged to an ad hoc committee without a deadline. The Executive Committee is requested to set a deadline for:
S-2327: Develop Nomination Procedures for a Senate Representative for the Policy Approval Committee
Outcome: S-2327 was assigned a deadline of June 2024.
Open Charge Request:
The following was charged to an ad hoc committee without a deadline. The Executive Committee is requested to set a deadline for:
S-2328: Propose Changes to the Senate Handbook to Add the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
Outcome: S-2328 was assigned a deadline of June 2024.
Old Business
New Business
S-2323: Definition of Environmentally and Socially Responsible Materials and Products (University Policy 20.1.11 Procurement and Payment Policy)
USGC requested clarification on why it had been assigned this charge. The committee was asked to consult with the proposer of the charge, who is a member of USGC. This issue was postponed to the March Executive Committee meeting.
S-2317: Prevalence, Procedures, and Challenges of Faculty Occupancy of Dual Leadership Roles
FPAC suggested amended charge language for S-2317. The Executive Committee approved the amended charge.
The Executive Committee adjourned at 4:27 p.m.
Minutes prepared by: Vicki Hewitt, Executive Secretary of the University Senate