- This meeting has passed.
Sep 10th
12:00 pm
Agenda Items Due On
Noon on Wednesday, September 1st 2021
Agenda Distributed On
Friday, September 3rd 2021
Executive Committee
Remotely via Zoom
September 10, 2021 – 12:00 noon
1. Chair’s Report– Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
2. Secretary’s Report– Mary Mickelsen, Senate Executive Secretary
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of the June 4, 2021 Minutes Senate Executive Committee Meeting
- Communications:
- New Senator Orientation to be held virtually on September 17
- Administrative responses to committee reports:
- President Holloway’s response to ICAC Report S-2105 Exam Conflict Policies
- President Holloway’s response to SAC Report S-2003 Rutgers Alumni Relations
- President Holloway’s response to FPAC Report S-2007 PTL Health and Wellness
- President Holloway’s follow-up response to ASRAC Report A-2021 Re-examination of the Add/Drop Period During the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond
- The following polices have been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
- University Policy 10.2.11: Code of Student Conduct (Interim)
- University Policy 80.1.2: Rutgers University Trademark Management and Licensing Policy
- University Policy 20.1.22: No Smoking Policy
- University Policy 60.1.11: Alcohol and Other Drugs (for employees)
- University Policy 10.2.14: Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for Students
- University Policy 80.1.4: Endorsements, Sponsorships, and Advertising in and on University Assets and Communication Materials
- University Policy 30.1.12: Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
- University Policy 100.3.1: Immunization Policy for Covered Individuals
- University Policy 40.2.15: Payment Card Acceptance Policy (complete re-write)
- University Policy 40.2.19: Investment Policy for Operating Funds
- University Policy 40.2.20: Internal Bank Financing Program
3. Administrative Report– Prabhas Moghe, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
4. Discussion of Interim Title IX Policy, John Hoffman, SR VP AND GENERAL COUNSEL and Julianne Apostolopoulos, ASSOC GENERAL COUNSEL
5. 2021-22 Student Elections for Executive Committee and Board Representative Positions
6. Standing Committees/Panels
2021-2022 Committee Chair Positions
ASRAC: Lucille Foster and Robert Schwartz
BFC: Menahem Spiegel
FPAC: Farid Alizadeh and Joseph Markert
ITC: Adrienne Esposito
ICAC: Taryn Cooper and Sharon Ryan
RGPEC: Monica Mazurek
SAC: Barbara Sinacori and Jay Virani
USGC: Perry Dane and Peter Gillett
Issues/Proposed Charges:
Proposed Charge to the Academic Standards, Regulations, and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) on Interim Code of Student Conduct Policy – Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
Charge: Investigate proposed changes to the current code of student conduct policy based on the report from the Cannabis Decriminalization Impact Task Force.
Executive Committee Resolution on Mandatory Vaccinations for Faculty and Staff – Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
7. New Business
8. Old Business
Resolution in Support of Dr. Audrey Truschke – Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
The Executive Committee discussed this at the June 4, 2021 meeting. It was determined that Chair Oliver will write a resolution in support of Dr. Truschke. The final resolution was sent to President Holloway on June 14, 2021.
9. University Senate September 24, 2021 Agenda
- Regular Senate meeting with President Holloway’s “President’s Address”, followed by a question-and-answer period
- ICAC Report S-2104: Best Practices for Asynchronous Instruction
- Newly Tenured Faculty Celebration
10. Adjournment
September 10, 2021
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bachmann, Boikess, Foster, Gillett, Giraud, Oliver, Schwartz, Simonds, Thompson, White, Willett
ALSO ATTENDING: Julianne Apostolopoulos (Assoc. General Council), John Hoffman, (SR VP and General Council), P. Moghe, (EVP Academic Affairs), M. Mickelsen (Senate Executive Secretary)
The regular meeting of the University Senate Executive Committee was held on Friday, September 10, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. remotely via Zoom.
- Chair’s Report– Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
Senate and Executive Committee Chair Jon Oliver called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. He welcomed all to the first meeting of the 21-22 Senate Executive Committee and thanked them all for their continued dedication to the Rutgers University Senate. Welcomed Prabhas Moghe to the University and stated his appreciation for his dedication to shared governance. Noted, at the next Senate meeting President Holloway will be giving his President’s Address.
- Secretary’s Report – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the Senate
- Agenda: The meeting agenda was approved with two additional items added: Chair Oliver appointing this year’s Parliamentarian Peter Gillett, and Vice Chair Gillett wanting to speak about the Academic Calendar during New Business. Both motions were approved.
- Minutes: The June 4, 2021minutes were approved:
- Communications:
- Announcement of the New Senator Orientation to be held virtually on September 17th
- Administrative responses to committee reports:
- President Holloway’s response to ICAC Report S-2105 Exam Conflict Policies
- President Holloway’s response to SAC Report S-2003 Rutgers Alumni Relations
- President Holloway’s response to FPAC Report S-2007 PTL Health and Wellness
- President Holloway’s follow-up response to ASRAC Report A-2021 Re-examination of the Add/Drop Period During the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond
- The Following University Policies have been updated in the University Policy Library:
- University Policy 10.2.11: Code of Student Conduct (Interim)
- University Policy 80.1.2: Rutgers University Trademark Management and Licensing Policy
- University Policy 20.1.22: No Smoking Policy
- University Policy 60.1.11: Alcohol and Other Drugs (for employees)
- University Policy 10.2.14: Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for Students
- University Policy 80.1.4: Endorsements, Sponsorships, and Advertising in and on University Assets and Communication Materials
- University Policy 30.1.12: Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
- University Policy 100.3.1: Immunization Policy for Covered Individuals
- University Policy 40.2.15: Payment Card Acceptance Policy (complete re-write)
- University Policy 40.2.19: Investment Policy for Operating Funds
- University Policy 40.2.20: Internal Bank Financing Program
- Administrative Report – Prabhas Moghe, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs joined for a short administrative report, which included comments on:
- Damages of hurricane Ida;
- Guidelines surrounding vaccine exemptions and the Delta variant;
- The largest number of incoming students and their vaccination status;
- Commencement 2020-2021 to be held in mid-October and early November;
- November 5 the President’s formal inauguration;
- Antonio Tillis, Francine Conway and Michael Zwick all were appointed to new roles within the University;
- The climate change task force brought recommendations to the President and they are being considered;
- Diversity and inclusion within faculty.
Moghe then responded to comments on the above topics as well as the following:
- The debate surrounding mandatory vaccinations amongst faculty and staff including religious exemptions.
- Discussion of Interim Title IX Policy, John Hoffman, SR VP AND GENERAL COUNSEL and Julianne Apostolopoulos, ASSOC GENERAL COUNSEL
- Hoffman and J. Apostolopoulos went over the Interim Title IX Policy, and are interested in taking the Senate’s recommendations seriously, and would like to re-visit this at the November or December meeting.
- 2021-22 Student Elections for Executive Committee and Board Representative Positions
- Senate Executive Secretary Mary Mickelsen was advised to send an email to solicit students who are interested in being on the Executive Committee to then be voted on at the September Senate meeting.
- Standing Committees/Panels
2021-2022 Committee Chair Positions:
ASRAC: Lucille Foster and Robert Schwartz
BFC: Menahem Spiegel
FPAC: Farid Alizadeh and Joseph Markert
ITC: Adrienne Esposito
ICAC: Taryn Cooper and Sharon Ryan
RGPEC: Monica Mazurek
SAC: Barbara Sinacori and Jay Virani
USGC: Perry Dane and Peter Gillett
Chair Oliver went over each standing committee and introduced their corresponding Chair’s. He also suggested that Co-Chairs be assigned to each committee with the EC’s suggestions.
Issues/Proposed Charges:
Proposed Charge to the Academic Standards, Regulations, and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) on Interim Code of Student Conduct Policy – Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
Charge: Investigate proposed changes to the current code of student conduct policy based on the report from the Cannabis Decriminalization Impact Task Force.
The Executive Committee went over the proposed charge and it was decided that ASRAC, FPAC and SAC will look at this charge at the September meeting and provide feedback.
Executive Committee Resolution on Mandatory Vaccinations for Faculty and Staff – Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
This was discussed amongst the Executive Committee, and it was decided that the endorsed resolution was sent to President Holloway, and it will be presented to the Senate for their full support.
- New Business
- The Executive Committee unanimously appointed Dr. Gillett as Parliamentarian for the 2021-2022 Senate year.
- The issues behind the Senate and their responsibility and involvement with the academic calendar, Chair Oliver will reach out to administration for some clarification with The Senate’s participation in the matter.
- Old Business
Resolution in Support of Dr. Audrey Truschke – Jon Oliver, Senate Chair
The resolution was sent to the President and the Executive Committee received a response. The group suggested that they would like the Administration to send a more detailed response back to the Senate. Senator Boikess was appointed to draft a charge for the Faculty Affairs committee to add perspective and investigate it more as well.
- University Senate September 24, 2021 Agenda
- Regular Senate meeting with President Holloway’s “President’s Address”, followed by a question-and-answer period
- ICAC Report S-2104: Best Practices for Asynchronous Instruction
- Newly Tenured Faculty Celebration
The Executive Committee discussed the newly tenured faculty luncheon, the medical school merger and the guidelines on how faculty members are appointed into new positions including promotions and tenure.
- Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:49 p.m.
Minutes written and submitted by,
Morgan Smith
Interim Executive Secretary of the University Senate