Senate Meeting - Newark Campus Report - Rutgers University Senate Skip to main content
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Jan 24th
1:00 pm

Senate Meeting – Newark Campus Report


Agenda Distributed On
Friday, January 17th 2025

Friday, January 24, 2025, 1:10 p.m. via Zoom<


REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Vicki Hewitt, Senate Executive Secretary

  • Approval of the Agenda* (including time limits)
  • Approval of the December 13, 2024 Meeting Minutes
  • Communications
    • Provosts’ Roundtable: Fri. Jan. 31 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
    • Academic Freedom: Expression, Controversy, and State-Level Challenges: Thu. Feb. 6 from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
    • President Holloway’s Report on University Finances: Fri. Feb. 14 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
    • Executive Committee Vacancy – Student Representative, Camden
    • Reminder to log in to the Senate website for attendance and voting access

NEWARK CHANCELLOR REPORT – Jeffrey Robinson, Interim Chancellor, Rutgers-Newark (1:30 – 1:45 p.m.)

RESOLUTION ON CHAT SETTINGS DURING SENATE MEETINGS – Submitted by Senator Troy Shinbrot, School of Engineering, Faculty (1:45 – 1:55 p.m.)

COMMITTEE REPORTS/RESOLUTIONS: The report will be presented/summarized by the committee chair, then will be discussed, and acted upon by the Senate. Substantive amendments to these reports should be given to the Senate secretary in writing prior to or at the time the amendment is moved.

Ad Hoc Committee on University Senate’s Communication with Constituents Through Social Media (1:55 – 2:05 p.m.)
Abigail Fulton and Christopher Godoy, Co-Chairs

Report on S-2335: University Senate’s Communication with Constituents Through Social Media

The committee was charged as follows:

Charge an ad hoc committee to explore and recommend how the University Senate can utilize social media platforms (i.e., Instagram) to create and enhance communications to foster awareness and engagement.


Ad Hoc Committee on Review of the University Senate’s Governance Documents and Formulation of University Senate Bylaws and University Structure and Governance Committee (2:05 – 2:35 p.m.)

Draft Article III

Draft Article IV (Information Only)

The committee was charged as follows:

Review the existing governance documents of the University Senate, including University policies, past Senate reports, and the Senate Handbook. Develop Bylaws for the University Senate consistent with Robert’s Rules of Order.

NEW BUSINESS** (2:35 -2:45 p.m.)

SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Adrienne Esposito, Senate Vice Chair (2:45 – 2:50 p.m.)




*Note: Addition of items to the Agenda requires a two-thirds vote (Senate Handbook, Article III, Agenda). There is an overall time limit of 3 hours for Senate meetings. Specific time limits are set for questions and debate, not for presentation of reports (Senate Handbook, Article III, Procedures). After approval, extension of time limits requires a two-thirds vote.

**Note: The Senate Handbook, Article IV, 1 states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated in Article III, Agenda, 3 above).”]

Remaining 2024-25 University Senate Meetings

All meetings are on Zoom

February 21, 2025

March 28, 2025

April 25, 2025- Organizational Meeting of the 2025-2026 Senate
April 25, 2025 – Last Meeting of the 2024-2025 Senate

No minutes have been recorded for this meeting.

Present Senators

Dina Abdelfattah Lauren Adamo Babar Ahmed Warren Allen Katie Anderson Cori Anderson Jean Anderson Eloy Rochelle Andrews Robert Apel Anil Ardeshna Consuella Askew Victoria Axelsson Mark Doug Baker Liza Barbarello Andrews Sammara Bernard Sanjib Bhuyan Robert Boikess Natalie Borisovets James Boucher Paul Boxer Mary Bridgeman Christopher Cafiero Mihaela Caponegro Jo-leo Carney-Waterton Antonio Chiricolo Alison Clarke Charlie Collick Taryn Cooper Alberto Cuitiño Enrique Curchitser Wei Dai Perry Dane Siatta Davis Susan DeMatteo Jeffery DiGiovanni Nuria Diaz-Tena Malica Dock Lisa Easley  Gary Ebert Brian Everett Bart Everts Mahnaz Fatahzadeh Jie Feng Thomas Figueira Sean Firat Lucille Foster Abigail Fulton Lauren Giermanski Morgan Gilmartin Ralph Giraud Christopher Godoy Jie Gong Michael Gower Jeremy Grachan Dewanna Graham Andre Granadeiro Mayte Green-Mercado Zhixiong (James) Guo Mert Gurbuzbalaban Kemal Gursoy Charles Haberl Anna Haley Adam Hisham Hamawy Martha Haviland Taja-Nia Henderson Vicki Hewitt Nora Jaber Tara Jordan-McKinney Madelyn Kamen Fadi Kayyal Debra Keates John Kettle Rehan Khan Sehrish Khan Geza Kiss Timothy Knievel Adam Kustka Ronald Ladell Gavin Lam Geeny Lee Richard Lehman Carrie Lobman John Maerhofer Lisa Mahajan-Cusack Norman Markowitz Monica Mazurek Nkechi Mbadugha Caitlin McCarthy Kenneth McKeever Christine Morales Cory Morton Patricia Morton Kyle Murphy Mary Nucci Jennifer Oberle Arturo Osorio-Fernandez Houshang Parsa Suja Patel Alexander Pichugin Heather Pierce John Pintar Nancy Pontes Wendy Purcell Ronald Quincy Sam Rabinowitz Rohit Ramachandran Laura Ramirez Polo Jeffrey Robinson Javier Robles Wendy Rodriguez Sabeen Rokerya Lisa Rossman-Murphy David Salas-de la Cruz Cynthia Saltzman Gary Santos Mendoza Karina Schafer Kevin Schroth Robert Schwartz Safanya Searcy Emily Sergel Chirag Shah Troy Shinbrot Adrienne Simonds Elizabeth Sloan-Power Morgan Smith Frank Sonnenberg Rabiyatu Sow Menahem Spiegel Nanjoo Suh Ted Szatrowski Ramez Taha Paul Takhistov George Tewfik Jose Torres Audrey Truschke Lucio Volino Mary Wagner Payton Williams Nusrath Yusuf Robert Zarouni Zhongren (David) Zhou Michael Zwick Tuğrul Özel

Excused Senators

Gloria Bachmann Wayne Eastman Brielle Fedorko Sue Fenker Aalin Izhar Joshua Kaplan John Lam Carol Lutz Rachel Maeng Brown Kameswari Maganti Jacqueline Mattis James O'Connor Tiffany Olivera Kush Patel Rebecca Risman Michael Smart Carolyne White Jeana Wirtenberg Yahong Zhang

Absent Senators

Monica Adya Faizan Ahmed Adnan Alkhalili Mason Ameri Fauzan Amjad Mark Anner Joseph Barone Ferdousi Begum Johanna Bond Mrudhula Sai Boppey Debra Borie-Holtz Emily Brown Christine Cahill Philippe Chao Rachel Choron Francine Conway Izabela Dylewska Nora Elkholy Adrienne Esposito Cecile Feldman Jason Geary Vyshnavi Gnanaprakasam Noah Graham John Griffin Perry Halkitis Daniel Hart Adrian Henry Fred Hoffman Jonathan Holloway Mehdi Javanmard Nikitha Jeyaprakash Assa John Robert Johnson Rachel Kaye Laura Lawson Lei Lei George Leibowitz Dafna Lemish Joseph Lescht Pal Maliga Zhengyu Mao Michael Matise Bill McCarthy Prabhas Moghe Amy Murtha Erum Nadeem Donna Nickitas Pavani Patel Vir Patel Anand Patel Ilce Perez Neesha Ramchandani Emma Rentzel Sahil Reshamdalal Mark Robson Monica Roth Gianna Ruocco Bharat Sarath Amy Savage Mark Sayde Priscilla Senger Richard Sese Michael Shapiro Stuart Shapiro Taylor Shaw Sarah Shobut Gema Silva Ángel Muriel Soler Christopher Span Angela Starkweather Brian Strom Marissa Syed Antonio Tillis Chloe Tirino Sarah Usman Juli Wade Robert Weiss Wojtek Wolfe Kaifeng Yang

Committee Meetings

Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Budget & Finance Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Information Technology Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Student Affairs Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

University Structure & Governance Committee

No location or time for this committee meeting

Caucus Meetings

Faculty Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting

Student Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting

Alumni Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting

Staff Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting