Senator | Constituency |
Abdelrahman Ibrahim, Co-Chair | School of Public Affairs and Administration, Student |
Carolyne White, Co-Chair | Graduate School-Newark, Faculty |
Consuella Askew, Member | Vice President for University Libraries and University Librarian |
Joseph Barone, Member | Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Dean |
Antonio Chiricolo, Member | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
Rachel Choron, Member | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
Alberto Cuitiño, Member | School of Engineering, Dean |
Siatta Davis, Member | Camden Staff |
Matthew Di Bella, Member | Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student |
Gary Ebert, Member | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
Brian Everett, Member | Camden Staff |
Thomas Figueira, Member | School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty |
Lauren Giermanski, Member | Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff |
Michael Gower, Member | Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Administration |
Michael Hayes, Member | Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Camden, Faculty |
Evelyn Hong, Member | TERM LIST DOES NOT EXIST |
Michael Joseph, Member | School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student |
Kevin Kolben, Member | Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty |
Ronald Ladell, Member | Alumni Association |
Kangsoo Lee, Member | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Student |
Richard Lehman, Member | School of Engineering, Faculty |
Lei Lei, Member | Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Dean |
Kenneth McKeever, Member | School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty |
David Moore, Member | |
James O'Connor, Member | New Jersey Medical School, Faculty |
John Pintar, Member | School of Graduate Studies, Faculty |
Rohit Ramachandran, Member | School of Graduate Studies, Faculty |
Monica Roth, Member | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty |
Mirna Samaan, Member | School of Health Professions, Student |
Mark Sayde, Member | Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff |
Troy Shinbrot, Member | School of Engineering, Faculty |
Menahem Spiegel, Member | Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty |
Zhongren (David) Zhou, Member | RBHS Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty |
Senator | Present | Excused | Absent |
Ibrahim, Abdelrahman | School of Public Affairs and Administration, Student | 6 | 2 | 2 |
White, Carolyne | Graduate School-Newark, Faculty | 7 | 2 | 1 |
Askew, Consuella | Vice President for University Libraries and University Librarian | 6 | 2 | 2 |
Barone, Joseph | Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Dean | 0 | 2 | 8 |
Chiricolo, Antonio | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty | 2 | 1 | 7 |
Choron, Rachel | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty | 4 | 2 | 4 |
Cuitiño, Alberto | School of Engineering, Dean | 1 | 2 | 7 |
Davis, Siatta | Camden Staff | 3 | 2 | 5 |
Di Bella, Matthew | Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student | 0 | 1 | 6 |
Ebert, Gary | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty | 2 | 1 | 3 |
Everett, Brian | Camden Staff | 5 | 1 | 4 |
Figueira, Thomas | School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty | 6 | 2 | 2 |
Giermanski, Lauren | Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff | 5 | 2 | 3 |
Gower, Michael | Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Administration | 3 | 2 | 5 |
Hayes, Michael | Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Camden, Faculty | 5 | 1 | 2 |
Hong, Evelyn | TERM LIST DOES NOT EXIST | 3 | 0 | 7 |
Joseph, Michael | School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student | 2 | 1 | 6 |
Kolben, Kevin | Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty | 0 | 2 | 8 |
Ladell, Ronald | Alumni Association | 5 | 2 | 3 |
Lee, Kangsoo | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Student | 2 | 2 | 6 |
Lehman, Richard | School of Engineering, Faculty | 1 | 1 | 8 |
Lei, Lei | Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Dean | 0 | 2 | 8 |
McKeever, Kenneth | School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty | 6 | 2 | 2 |
Moore, David | 3 | 2 | 5 |
O'Connor, James | New Jersey Medical School, Faculty | 6 | 2 | 2 |
Pintar, John | School of Graduate Studies, Faculty | 6 | 2 | 2 |
Ramachandran, Rohit | School of Graduate Studies, Faculty | 6 | 2 | 2 |
Roth, Monica | Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty | 6 | 2 | 2 |
Samaan, Mirna | School of Health Professions, Student | 0 | 2 | 8 |
Sayde, Mark | Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff | 5 | 2 | 3 |
Shinbrot, Troy | School of Engineering, Faculty | 7 | 2 | 1 |
Spiegel, Menahem | Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty | 6 | 2 | 2 |
Zhou, Zhongren (David) | RBHS Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty | 6 | 2 | 2 |
Charge Number | Title | Description | Committees Being Charged | Charge Status | Due Date |
S-2406 | Senate Role in Shared Governance | Request that the University Structure and Governance Committee closely review and evaluate University policy 50.2.2 with the goal of further clarifying, verifying, and delineating the Senate’s official role in shared governance. | University Structure and Governance Committee | Pending | January 7, 2026 |
S-2405 | Teaching Faculty Inclusion | Review and report the extent to which teaching faculty (i.e. NTTs & Lecturers) are included in the decision-making structures and advisory spaces at the local (departmental and program) and (decanal) unit levels. Potentially propose guidelines to make local and unit-level governance more inclusive of all faculty and stakeholders, and to make practices more equitable across departments, units, and campuses. | University Structure and Governance Committee | Pending | December 3, 2025 |
S-2404 | Inter-campus Inclusion and Equity in the Rutgers Academic Calendar | Investigate the most efficient way to broaden the development, implementation, and online display of the Rutgers Academic Calendar to ensure that all campuses are fully included in a manner that supports and promotes major calendar milestones such as convocation and commencement. | Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee | Pending | April 2, 2025 |
S-2401 | Automatic Textbook Billing | The University Senate should explore the nature and impact of automatic textbook billing by investigating the following issues: 1) Why automatic textbook billing was initiated; 2) Whether and the university and professors can better inform students about enrollment in automatic textbook billing; and 3) What steps can be taken to transform this program from “opt out” (automatic charges) to “opt in” (voluntary charges). | Student Affairs Committee | Pending | January 8, 2025 |
S-2334 | Senate Communications | An ad committee will be created with broad representation to evaluate procedures to regulate use of the Senate listserv. | Ad Hoc Committee | Pending | January 8, 2025 |
S-2333 | Cost Cutting and Budget Deficits | Identify cost cutting measures that are being imposed on departments by their schools. Investigate the budgetary rationales for these cuts and their impact on the quality of academic programs. | Instruction Curricula and Advising Committee | Pending | March 5, 2025 |
S-2333 | Cost Cutting and Budget Deficits | Pending BFC‘s investigation into outcomes of cost cutting measures that are being imposed on departments by their schools, FPAC will investigate departments’ responses with particular focus on manifestations and impacts on faculty and staff. | Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee | Pending | March 5, 2025 |
S-2333 | Cost Cutting and Budget Deficits | Identify cost cutting measures that are being imposed on departments by their schools. Investigate the budgetary rationales for these cuts and their impact on the quality of academic programs. | Budget and Finance Committee | Pending | March 5, 2025 |
S-2331 | Research Trainee Compensation and Benefit Inequity | Investigate current practices in postdoc and current doctoral student remuneration, in particular as it relates to inequality following fellowship funding and to develop solutions to reward talent. | Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee | Pending | March 5, 2025 |
S-2330 | Expanding Access to University Libraries Across Campuses | Investigate current University library hours across all campuses. Determine if those hours are adequately meeting student needs (access to collections; access to study spaces; access to technology) on each campus. Make recommendations as appropriate. | Student Affairs Committee | Pending | March 5, 2025 |
S-2330 | Expanding Access to University Libraries Across Campuses | Investigate current University library hours across all campuses. Determine if those hours are adequately meeting student needs (access to collections; access to study spaces; access to technology) on each campus. Make recommendations as appropriate. | Instruction Curricula and Advising Committee | Pending | March 5, 2025 |
S-2329 | Senate Role in the Policy on Policies Processes and Procedures | Study and provide recommendation to increase University Senate’s role on the Policy on Policies in the matters related academic affairs, educational and research matters. | University Structure and Governance Committee | Pending | April 2, 2025 |
S-2325 | Explore the Current Virtual Senate Meeting Format and Develop Best Practices and Meeting Format Recommendations | Review the existing Senate meeting format and existing Senate Handbook meeting procedures and develop recommendations in support of virtual meetings. | Information Technology Committee | Reissued | January 8, 2025 |
S-2321 | Inadequate Transportation and Parking Services for Students and Employees | Exploring effective, timely, and safe student and employee transportation issues across the campuses. | Student Affairs Committee | Reissued | October 30, 2024 |
S-2320-1 | Timing and Process for Recommending Tuition, Fees, Housing Charges, and Dining Charges | Review the process and timing whereby recommendations are developed and made for annual changes in tuition, required fees, and room and board, including mechanisms for input from students, parents, and other stakeholders (including tenants with rents affected by Rutgers housing rates) and including the role of shared governance in this process. Make recommendations for any changes in this process to increase transparency and confidence in the process. | Student Affairs Committee | Reissued | April 3, 2024 |
S-2318 | Increasing Student Representation on the Rutgers University Senate Executive Committee | The University Structure and Governance Committee of the Rutgers University Senate is charged with investigating and making recommendations on the need to expand student representation on the Rutgers University Senate Executive Committee. Currently, faculty members have representation on the Rutgers University Senate Executive Committee through seats allocated to each chancellor-led unit, in addition to two at-large positions. In contrast, students are limited to four seats representing New Brunswick, Camden, Newark, and RBHS. Given that students constitute the largest constituency at Rutgers, this committee is tasked with examining whether the current representation adequately reflects the student body’s diversity, concerns, and interests. The committee shall explore potential modifications to the Rutgers University Senate Executive Committee structure to ensure a more equitable and comprehensive student representation. | University Structure and Governance Committee | Pending | September 25, 2024 |
S-2317-2 | Prevalence, Procedures, and Challenges of Faculty Occupancy of Dual Leadership Roles | FPAC is charged with investigating and making recommendations it deems necessary on the following two issues:
| Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee | Reissued | March 5, 2025 |
S-2316 | University Senate Representation on Formal Governance Boards | Determine if there should be University Senate voting representation on all of the governing boards: Rutgers University Board of Governors and Board of Trustees, The Rutgers University Board of Directors (Foundation), The Camden Board of Directors; and, The Rowan University / Rutgers-Camden Board of Governors. Additionally, make recommendations regarding the make-up of Board membership, including faculty, staff, students, and alumni. | University Structure and Governance Committee | Pending | March 27, 2024 |
S-2313 | Whether Students Should Substitute for Workers in Urgent Situations | This charge, to FPAC and USGC, is to explore and provide recommendations for the appropriate deployment of any students during crisis situations. Exceptions to this must also be examined, in light of national emergencies, such as the COVID pandemic. However, a recent nursing strike over staffing issues at RWJ-Barnabas would not fall into this category. | University Structure and Governance Committee | Pending | May 29, 2024 |
S-2313 | Whether Students Should Substitute for Workers in Urgent Situations | This charge, to FPAC and USGC, is to explore and provide recommendations for the appropriate deployment of any students during crisis situations. Exceptions to this must also be examined, in light of national emergencies, such as the COVID pandemic. However, a recent nursing strike over staffing issues at RWJ-Barnabas would not fall into this category. | Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee | Pending | May 29, 2024 |
S-2311-1 | Professional Development Opportunities | Review the university’s policies regarding professional development opportunities to attend conferences and meetings. Investigate and, when appropriate, make recommendations regarding campus and unit rules on (i) How long a faculty member may be absent for professional development opportunities? (ii) What are the policies for making alternative arrangements if a faculty member is absent? (iii) Who covers costs if a guest lecturer is hired? (iv) Can all faculty members, including PTLs, teach occasional classes online if necessary due to justified absences? (v) How do policies about professional development opportunities differ among schools and Chancellor-led units? | Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee | Reissued | March 5, 2025 |
S-2309-1 | Increased Representation of Graduate Students and PTL Faculty in the University Senate | Evaluate the current criteria, bylaws, and policies that decide graduate student representatives and PTL faculty in the Senate. Make appropriate changes to increased graduate student representation and PTL faculty in the Senate. | University Structure and Governance Committee | Reissued | October 30, 2024 |
S-2308-1 | Conflict of Interest Declarations | Investigate and make recommendations on public declarations of conflicts of interest by politically exposed persons at Rutgers, including all members of the BoG and all those involved in significant financial decision-making. | Budget and Finance Committee | Reissued | April 2, 2025 |
S-2305-1 | Auditing Courses at Rutgers | Review course auditing at Rutgers. Make any appropriate recommendations. | Instruction Curricula and Advising Committee | Reissued | October 9, 2024 |
S-2304-1 | Common Hour Exams | Review the experiences of students, faculty, and staff with common hour exams at Rutgers University. Make any appropriate recommendations. | Student Affairs Committee | Reissued | December 4, 2024 |
S-2304-1 | Common Hour Exams | Review the experiences of students, faculty, and staff with common hour exams at Rutgers University. Make any appropriate recommendations. | Instruction Curricula and Advising Committee | Reissued | December 4, 2024 |
S-2301-1 | Science Communication Efforts at Rutgers University | Review efforts in science communication initiatives across the University and provide recommendations for any measures and limitations to raise awareness of the current limitations in the field of science communication across the entire Rutgers research community. | Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee | Reissued | April 3, 2024 |
S-2301-1 | Science Communication Efforts at Rutgers University | Review efforts in science communication initiatives across the University and provide recommendations for any measures and limitations to raise awareness of the current limitations in the field of science communication across the entire Rutgers research community. | Instruction Curricula and Advising Committee | Reissued | April 3, 2024 |
S-2115-2 | Academic Freedom | Identify and investigate any recent attacks on the academic freedom of our faculty and students with a particular focus on the University's response to these attacks. | Student Affairs Committee | Reissued | October 9, 2024 |
S-2207-1 | Office of Climate Action | Consider the current funding for the Office of Climate Action and investigate the funding model. Based on the action plan, determine if an adequate level of funding is provided to the office and report back to the Senate with any recommendations. | Budget and Finance Committee | Reissued | April 3, 2024 |
S-2206-1 | Socially Responsible Investment | Consider the University Investment policy 40.2.14. Investigate whether the current investment policies should be modified by environmental, social and governance metrics to modify, add or remove investments based on the Endowment Justice Collective 2022 Divestment Proposal and the Resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees in March 2021. Report back to the Senate with any recommendations. | Budget and Finance Committee | Reissued | March 5, 2025 |
S-2204-2 | Impact of CourseAtlas | Explore the impact of CourseAtlas to benchmark institutional goals of the system, on academic units and departments, on faculty work-life balance, and make recommendations as appropriate. Specifically, (i) Investigate to what degree CourseAtlas has achieved the goals it was designed and implemented to achieve, (ii) explore the impact of CourseAtlas on academic units and departments’ ability to manage their own academic programs, (iii) assess the impact of CourseAtlas on the work-life balance of faculty, and (iv) propose feedback mechanisms which allow timely and meaningful faculty input on scheduling changes. | Student Affairs Committee | Reissued | April 3, 2024 |
S-2002-3 | Challenges Related to Parking and Transportation | Review the ongoing planning and financial status of parking and transportation, including its use of permits and citations as a source of revenue, and the long-term planning as it relates to transportation and parking, including plans to reduce parking on campus and how the administration plans to meet the challenges this will create. | Budget and Finance Committee | Reissued | October 30, 2024 |