- This meeting has passed.
Sep 21st
1:10 pm
September 21, 2018 – President’s Address
College Avenue Student Center
Multipurpose Room126 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901
Agenda Distributed On
Sunday, September 14th 2025
Friday, September 21, 2018, 1:10 p.m.
College Avenue Student Center, Multipurpose Room
College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the Senate
- Approval of Agenda* (including time limits)
- Minutes of the April 27, 2018 Senate Organizational/Election Meeting
- Minutes of the April 27, 2018 Regular Senate Meeting
- Communications:
- The full schedule of this year’s Senate meetings is online, and the schedule of remaining meetings for this academic year is appended to the bottom of these agendas. Please add the dates to your calendars.
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge S-1714 on Procedures for Adjudicating Academic Policy Infractions.
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge S-1509 on Default 17-Year Academic Calendar
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge S-1506 on RBHS and Other Rutgers Academic Calendars
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge A-1709 on Proposal to Improve Evaluation of Teaching at Rutgers
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge S-1604 on Process for Unit Mergers or Other Structural Changes
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge A-1710 on Policy on Centers and Institutes
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge S-1602 on Policies on Excused Student Absences for Religious Observances
- The following polices have been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
- University Policy 40.2.13: Donor Gift Policy
- University Policy 60.2.1: Educational Benefits
- University Policy 80.1.3: Purchase of External Advertising
- University Policy 80.1.4: Endorsements, Sponsorships, and Advertising in and on University Assets and Communication Materials
- University Policy 50.3.12: Red Flag Detection and Reporting Policy
- University Policy 10.2.11: Code of Student Conduct
- University Policy 40.2.19: Investment Policy for Operating Funds
- University Policy 30.1.10: ID Issuance and Usage Policy
- University Policy 60.1.30: Background Checks for Candidates for Staff and Faculty Positions
- University Policy 40.2.22: Employee Relocation Expense Reimbursement (University Policy: 60.1.6: Employee Relocation has been reclassified and revised and is now posted as University Policy 40.2.22)
- University Policy 40.4.1: Travel and Business Expense Policy
- University Policy 10.3.13: Student Immunizations and Health Requirements
- The following policy has been rescinded from the University Policy Library:
- University Policy 60.9.32: Background Checks for Candidates for Staff Positions (replaced by 60.1.30)
- Introduction of Morgan Nemes, Senate Office Administrative Assistant
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Robert L. Barchi, University President
- Administrative Report
- Questions and Answers
ELECTION OF RBHS STUDENT MEMBER OF THE SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – This election is being held at this meeting because no eligible candidates were nominated during the April 2018 election. Self-nominations have been solicited from eligible RBHS student Senators, and a ballot showing those names, if any, will be distributed at the Senate meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor during this meeting. Candidates are eligible only if they are currently certified as University Senators representing RBHS students.
- Academic Standards, Regulations, and Admissions Committee – Robert Schwartz and Regina Masiello
- Budget and Finance Committee – Menahem Spiegel and Cecelia Kane
- Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee – Farid Alizadeh and Joseph Markert
- Instruction, Curricula, and Advising Committee – Natalie Borisovets
- Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee – Adam Kustka
- Student Affairs Committee – Elizabeth Matto and Julieline Serrano
- University Structure and Governance Committee – Jon Oliver
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Each report will be presented/summarized by the committee chairs, then will be discussed and acted upon by the Senate.
University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to Charge S-1501 on Eligibility, Nomination, and Election of Senate Leadership and Board Representatives – Jon Oliver, USGC Chair
The USGC was charged as follows: Consider and make recommendations on the eligibility of candidates, and the nomination process and schedule for election of Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives.
NEW BUSINESS [Note: Article IV.A. of the Senate Bylaws states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated under section C.4…” Also, the Senate Executive Committee has authorized committee-of-the-whole discussions under New Business as appropriate, and time permitting.]
*Note: Addition of items to the Agenda requires a two-thirds vote. There is an overall time limit of 2-1/2 hours for Senate meetings. Specific time limits are set for questions and debate, not for presentation of reports. After approval, extension of time limits requires a two-thirds vote.
Remaining 2018-19 University Senate Meetings
[Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held on Fridays in the Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus in New Brunswick.]
October 19, 2018
November 16, 2018 (in Camden)
December 7, 2018
January 25, 2019
February 15, 2019 (in Newark)
March 29, 2019
May 3, 2019
(The May 3 meeting may convene at 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. This meeting is the last of this year’s Senate, but will begin with the first meeting of next year’s Senate, at which Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives will be elected. The start time will be determined by the Senate Executive Committee in April 2018.)
MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate
DATE: September 21, 2018
TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus
MEMBERS PRESENT: Acosta, Ahmed, Alexander-Floyd, Alizadeh, Ardeshna, Atkins, Aubert, Avallone, Awan, Balaguru, Barbarese, Barchi, Bekdash, Bhuyan, Boikess, Bora, Borisovets, Brewster-Bauzyk, Bridgeman, Bugel, Butler, Chunn, Cole, Cotter, Craig, Cummings J., Cummings M., D’Anna, Dasari, DeFabiis, Denham-Barrett, Dettloff, DiLalo, Dowlin, Dreyer, Ebert, Emmons, Everett, Fagan, Fellenz, Field, Fratzola, Gillett, Giraud, Goldfarb, Gonzalez, Goodman, Gould, Gower, Graber, Guo, Gursoy, Han, Hanna, Hartman, Hunter, Jarrin, Joergensen, Junboonta, Kabia, Kaminskas, Kane C., Kane E., Kelly, Kettle, Kurtas, Kustka, Langer, Langsam, LaPointe, Lee, Lewis, Lindboe, Little, LoGrippo, Lombardi, Lutz, Maglione-Rico, Mahajan-Cusack, Mammis, Mancini, Mansukhani, Marchetta, Markert, Marsic, Masiello, Matto, Mazurek, Mckeever, Mena-Segovia, Miller, Murphy B., Murphy K., Nickitas, Norris, Norville, O’Connor, Oleske, Oliver, O’Neill, Pandey, Pappas, Parrish, Parsa, Paskhover, Patel B., Patel M., Patel S., Patton, Perez, Pichugin, Pinto-Figueroa, Piotrowski, Ponzio, Powell, Pradhan, Puar, Puhak, Rabinowitz, Ravichandran, Raza, Rivera, Saltzman, Sanchez, Serrano, Sesti, Shah A., Shah C., Shapses, Shinbrot, Silver, Soto, Steinberg, Szatrowski, Tharney, Thompson K., Thompson B., Thuravil, Tracey, Trees, Van Stine, Wilde, Williams, Yang, Zhang, Ziessler.
EXCUSED: Carson, Dane, Esposito, Estriplet, Gross, Honeycutt, Johnson, Lema, Maloney, Owens, Rajan, Rosen, Schneider, Schwarts, Sen, Tsakalakos, Vidal
ABSENT: Alidou, Artun, Barone, Brundon, Bubb, Butterfield, Cahill, Cantor, Carty, Carvajal, Chinn, Collins, Conway, Covington, DeFilippis, Eastman, Eaton, Einstein, Farmbry, Farris, Feldman, Filippelli, Gabriel, Ganesh, Ghesani, Greenberg, Haddon, Halkitis, Hatefi, Heckscher, Holzemer, Iannini, Kutor, Lei Lei, Lindenmeyer, Lopez, Lugg, Mahon, March, Menifield, Malloy, O’Brassill, Pagan, Pardlo, Patel A., Porumbescu, Potter C., Potter J., Rothplets-Puglia, Schiavo, Sheridan, Song, Spiegel, Stauffer, Strom, Takhistov, White.
ATTENDANCE SUMMARY: Faculty: Of 107 total: 65 present (61%), 20 excused (18%), 22 absent (20%); Students: Of 32 total: 24 present (75%), 3 excused (9%), 5 absent (16%); Administrators: Of 39 total: 3 present (8%), 2 excused (5%), 35 absent (90%); Staff: Of 19 total: 17 present (90%), 1 excused (5%), 1 absent (5%); Alumni: Of 6 total: 6 present (100%), 0 excused (0%), 0 absent (0%)
View Senate Attendance Record for this year
Senate Chair Peter Gillett called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick. He welcomed all present to the first Senate meeting of the 2018-2019 academic year, especially those present for the first time. He thanked all Senators for their service to shared governance at Rutgers, and noted that the highlight of the meeting would be President Barchi’s administrative report. Gillett then introduced himself, Senate Vice Chair and Parliamentarian Jon Oliver, Senate Executive Secretary Mary Mickelsen, and Senate Administrative Assistant Morgan Nemes. He then spoke about his role as Chair, the roles of the Senate Executive Committee and standing committees, as well as the University Commencement Panel and Chancellors’ Commencement Committees. He briefly reviewed the procedures on how Senators and guests are to speak during meetings and that shouting from seats is not allowed. Gillett also explained how senators are asked to propose charges to the Executive Committee and reminded all in attendance that he is committed to starting Senate meetings on time, exactly 1:10 p.m.
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary
- Agenda: The meeting’s agenda, including time limits, was approved by the Senate.
- Minutes: The Minutes of the April 27, 2018 Senate Organizational/Election Meeting, and the Minutes of the April 27, 2018 Regular Senate Meeting were approved as distributed by the Executive Secretary.
- Communications: The following communications were presented by the Executive Secretary:
- The full schedule of this year’s Senate meetings is online, and the schedule of remaining meetings for this academic year is appended to the bottom of these agendas. Mickelsen asked all Senators to add the dates to their calendars.
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge S-1714 on Procedures for Adjudicating Academic Policy Infractions.
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge S-1509 on Default 17-Year Academic Calendar
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge S-1506 on RBHS and Other Rutgers Academic Calendars
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge A-1709 on Proposal to Improve Evaluation of Teaching at Rutgers
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge S-1604 on Process for Unit Mergers or Other Structural Changes
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge A-1710 on Policy on Centers and Institutes
- President Barchi’s Response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on Charge S-1602 on Policies on Excused Student Absences for Religious Observances
- The following polices have been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
- University Policy 40.2.13: Donor Gift Policy
- University Policy 60.2.1: Educational Benefits
- University Policy 80.1.3: Purchase of External Advertising
- University Policy 80.1.4: Endorsements, Sponsorships, and Advertising in and on University Assets and Communication Materials
- University Policy 50.3.12: Red Flag Detection and Reporting Policy
- University Policy 10.2.11: Code of Student Conduct
- University Policy 40.2.19: Investment Policy for Operating Funds
- University Policy 30.1.10: ID Issuance and Usage Policy
- University Policy 60.1.30: Background Checks for Candidates for Staff and Faculty Positions
- University Policy 40.2.22: Employee Relocation Expense Reimbursement (University Policy: 60.1.6: Employee Relocation has been reclassified and revised and is now posted as University Policy 40.2.22)
- University Policy 40.4.1: Travel and Business Expense Policy
- University Policy 10.3.13: Student Immunizations and Health Requirements
- The following policy has been rescinded from the University Policy Library:
- University Policy 60.9.32: Background Checks for Candidates for Staff Positions (replaced by 60.1.30)
- Mickelsen introduced Morgan Nemes as the new Senate Office Administrative Assistant
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Robert L. Barchi, University President
Gillett summarized the format and time limits for President Barchi’s administrative report. University President Robert Barchi presented an administrative report, summarizing a full-text version which has been posted online here. Gillett then expounded on the format and process for the question-and-answer period. President Barchi then responded to questions from his report and other Rutgers-community issues such as:
- Gender and race equality issues as it relates to equal pay for equal work;
- Tuition rate increases, particularly for RBHS students;
- Reinvigorating current union negotiations;
- Issues related to mentally ill students, specifically in regards to housing;
- Newly instituted background check policy;
- The possibility for student involvement in the free speech and academic freedom Advisory Panel;
- Cornerstone functionality;
- Conflicting visions of the former-NB Chancellor and the search for his permanent replacement;
- The under-compensation and over-utilization of PTL’s; and
- Wage increases for student workers on campus.
ELECTION OF RBHS STUDENT MEMBER OF THE SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – Because no eligible candidates for RBHS student member of the Senate Executive Committee were nominated during the April 2018 election, an election to fill that position was conducted at this meeting. Mickelsen conducted the election. There was one (1) nominee – Marc Henry Estriplet, NJMS (S). Senator Estriplet was elected by acclamation.
INTRODUCTION OF STANDING COMMITTEES AND THEIR CHAIRS – Gillett introduced the standing committee chairs, who then spoke briefly about their committees’ activities and plans.
University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to Charge S-1501: Eligibility, Nomination, and Election of Senate Leadership and Board Representatives – Jon Oliver, USGC Chair
Gillett noted that, in accordance with parliamentary procedure and established Senate practice regarding proposed changes to Senate bylaws, this item was docketed for introduction and discussion today, but would be voted on at the next Senate meeting. USGC Chair Jon Oliver presented and summarized the USGC’s Response to Charge S-1501 on Eligibility, Nomination, and Election of Senate Leadership and Board Representatives. Oliver then read the related resolutions. The floor was opened to discussion, but there was none..
OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.
NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.
SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Senate Vice Chair Jon Oliver reported on the September 7, 2018 [link goes to draft meeting minutes] Senate Executive Committee meeting.
REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS OF GOVERNORS AND TRUSTEES: Senator Samuel Rabinowitz, Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors, reported on the July 18, July 24, and September 12 Board of Governors meetings. The Board of Trustees had not met since the last senate meeting.
REPORTS OF CAMPUS FACULTY AND STUDENT LIAISONS: Camden Student Senator Michael Van Stine reported on recent plans and activities of Camden student governing associations. New Brunswick Student Senator Julie Serrano reported on recent plans and activities of New Brunswick student governing associations indicating RUSA’s fall elections will take place the first week of October. Faculty Senator Sanjib Bhuyan, New Brunswick Faculty Council Chair, reported that the New Brunswick Faculty Council would meet the following week.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:42 p.m.
Present Senators
Excused Senators
Absent Senators
Committee Meetings
Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Student Affairs Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
University Structure & Governance Committee
No location or time for this committee meeting
Caucus Meetings
Faculty Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Student Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Alumni Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Staff Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting