S-0908: Proposal to Increase Staff Membership on the Senate - Rutgers University Senate Skip to main content

S-0908: Proposal to Increase Staff Membership on the Senate


Review the Proposal to Increase Staff Representation on the University Senate from the Union of Rutgers Administrators - American Federation of Teachers Local 1766, which proposes the following: "We recommend that the University Senate double the number of seats for staff from 10 to 20 by January 1, 2011." Respond to Senate Executive Committee by January 2010.


Response By
University Structure and Governance Committee - 2009-2010 03/26/2010
Response To
Response Document
Response to Charge S-0908 on Proposal to Increase Staff Membership on the Senate
Response By
President 09/09/2010
Response To
USGC Report
Response Document
President McCormick's Response to USGC Charge S-0908