S-0913: Opportunity Disparities between Part- and Full-Time Master's and Professional Degree Programs - Rutgers University Senate Skip to main content

S-0913: Opportunity Disparities between Part- and Full-Time Master’s and Professional Degree Programs


Evaluate existing and potential disparities in intellectual opportunity and services offered between part-time and full-time master’s and professional degrees. Look into the effects of such disparities on students, including students' ability to complete these degrees on time. Assess logistical constraints as well as cross-listing benefits. Respond to Senate Executive Committee by March 5, 2010.


Response By
Research, and Graduate and Professional Education Committee - 2009-2010 03/26/2010
Response To
Response Document
Response to Charge S-0913 on Opportunity Disparities between Part- and Full-Time Master's and Professional Degree Programs