- This meeting has passed.
Jan 25th
1:10 pm
January 25, 2019
College Avenue Student Center
Multipurpose Room126 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901
Agenda Distributed On
Saturday, January 18th 2025
Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:10 p.m.
College Avenue Student Center, Multipurpose Room
College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the Senate
- Approval of Agenda* (including time limits)
- Minutes of the December 7, 2018 Senate Meeting
- Communications:
- The following University Policies were recently added/updated:
- 40.2.14 – Investment Policy
- 60.1.13 – Policy Prohibiting Workplace Violence
- 60.1.30 – Background Checks for Candidated for Staff and Faculty Positions
- 70.1.1 – Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology
- 70.1.6 – Email and Calendar Policy
- 10.3.2 – Student Residency for Tuition Purposes
- 90.2.3 – Policy for Controlled Substances
- The following University Policies were recently added/updated:
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Robert Barchi, President of the University
- Administrative Report
- Questions and Answers
The University Senate’s approach to Shared Governance at Rutgers.
University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to Charge S-1605: Size and Composition of the Senate, Reviewed – Jon Oliver, USGC Chair
The USGC has been charged as follows: As mandated in the December 2012 Senate Response to Charge S-1201, on Senate Size and Composition, reconsider the size and composition of the Senate. Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by October 2018.
Budget and Finance Committee (BFC) Response to Charge S-1801: How OIT and Offices Solicit and Integrate Feedback – Menahem Speigel, BFC Chair
The BFC has been charged as follows: Investigate and make recommendations on how OIT and other offices solicit and integrate feedback from all constituencies at Rutgers to ensure the optimal purchase and use of information systems. Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by December 2018.
Instruction, Curricula, and Advising Committee (ICAC) Response to Charge S-1803: A Policy Relating to Student Posting of Faculty-Owned Documents – Natalie Borisovets, ICAC Chair
The ICAC has been charged as follows: Investigate and make recommendation on University Policies relating to students’ posting of syllabi, slides, tests, examinations, and other professor-created documents to sites such as Course Hero. Consider similar issues related to student-created documents. Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by February 2019.
Instruction, Curricula, and Advising Committee (ICAC) Response to Charge S-1802: Online and Hybrid Course Support– Natalie Borisovets, ICAC Chair
The ICAC has been charged as follows: Investigate and consider how online and hybrid courses are supported at Rutgers. How are courses created and delivered and how are faculty supported? Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by November 2018.
Academic Standards, Regulations, and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) Response to Charge S-1808: Code of Student Conduct Policy Review – Regina Masiello and Robert Schwartz, ASRAC Co-Chairs
The ASRAC has been charged as follows: Review the new University Policy 10.2.11 on Code of Student Conduct, identify any concerns, and if appropriate, recommend further changes or other courses of action. Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by December 2018.
This report is being presented for information only.
NEW BUSINESS [Note: Article IV.A. of the Senate Bylaws states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated under section C.4…”]
*Note: Addition of items to the Agenda requires a two-thirds vote. There is an overall time limit of 2-1/2 hours for Senate meetings. Specific time limits are set for questions and debate, not for presentation of reports. After approval, extension of time limits requires a two-thirds vote.
Remaining 2018-19 University Senate Meetings
[Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held on Fridays in the Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus in New Brunswick.]
February 15, 2019 (in Newark)
March 29, 2019
May 3, 2019
(The May 3 meeting may convene at 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. This meeting is the last of this year’s Senate, but will begin with the first meeting of next year’s Senate, at which Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives will be elected. The start time will be determined by the Senate Executive Committee in April 2019.)
MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate
DATE: January 25, 2019
TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus
MEMBERS PRESENT: Acosta, Ahmed, AlexanderFloyd, Alizadeh, Ardeshna, Aubert, Avallone, Awan, Balaguru, Barbarese, Barchi, Bhuyan, Boikess, Bora, Borisovets, BrewsterBauzyk, Bridgeman, Chunn, Cotter, Cummings, Cummings, Dasari, DeFabiis, DeFilippis, DiLalo, Dowlin, Dreyer, Ebert, Esposito, Fellenz, Field, Filippelli, Gillett, Giraud, Gould, Gower, Graber, Gursoy, Han, Hartman, Honeycutt, Hunter, Jarrin, Joergensen, Johnson, Junboonta, Kabia, Kaminskas, Kane, Kane, Kashalikar, Kettle, Kustka, Langer, LaPointe, Lema, Lewis, Lindboe, LoGrippo, Maglione-Rico, Mahajan-Cusack, Mammis, Marchetta, Markert, Marsic, Matto, McKeever, Murphy, Murphy, Nickitas, Norris, Norville, O’Brassill-Kulfan, O’Connor, Oleske, Oliver, Pandey, Pappas, Parrish, Parsa, M. Patel, S. Patel, Perez, Peyrek, Pichugin, Pinto-Figueroa, Porumbescu, Pradhan, Puar, Rabinowitz, Ravichandran, Raza, Rivera, Rothpletz-Puglia, Sanchez, Schwartz, Sen, Serrano, Sesti, Shah, Shapses, Shinbrot, Silver, Soto, Spiegel, Steinberg, Stopyra, Szatrowski, Tharney, Thompson, Thompson, Thuravil, Tracey, Trees, Tsakalakos, Van Stine, Vidal, Wilde, Yang, Zhang, Ziessler
EXCUSED: Abbasi, Atkins, Brunson, Bugel, Cole, D’Anna, Dane, Denham-Barrett, Emmons, Everett, Fagan, Goldfarb, Gonzalez, Goodman, Gross, Guo, Heckscher, Hunter-Fratzola, Kaye, Kelly, Kurtas, Langsam, Lee, Maloney, Mancini, Menifield, Miller, Paskhover, B. Patel, Powell, Puhak, Rosen, Saltzman, Shah, Song, Takhistov
ABSENT: Alidou, Alvarez, Artun, Barone, Bekdash, Butler, Butterfield, Cahill, Cantor, Carson, Carty, Chinn, Collins, Conway, Covington, Craig, Dettloff, Eastman, Eaton, Eisenstein, Estriplet, Farmbry, Farris, Feldman, Ganesh, Ghesani, Greenberg, Haddon, Halkitis, Hatefi, Holzemer, Iannini, Johnson, Kukor, Lei, Lindenmeyer, Little, Lombardi, Lopez, Lugg, Lutz, Mahon, Mansukhani, March, Masiello, Mazurek, MenaSegovia, Molloy, O’Neill, Pagan, Pardlo, Patton, Piotrowski, Ponzio, Potter, Potter, Rajan, Raval, Schiavo, Schneider, Shapiro, Sheridan, Stauffer, Strom, Struble, White, Williams
ATTENDANCE SUMMARY: Faculty: Of 116 total: 68 present (59%), 21 excused (18%), 27 absent (23%); Students: Of 42 total: 25 present (60%), 8 excused (19%), 9 absent (21%); Administrators: Of 40 total: 5 present (13%), 5 excused (13%), 30 absent (75%); Staff: Of 19 total: 16 present (84%), 2 excused (11%), 1 absent (5%); Alumni: Of 6 total: 5 present (83%), 0 excused (0%), 1 absent (17%)
View Senate Attendance Record for this year
Senate Chair Peter Gillett called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick. He welcomed all to the first meeting of 2019 and highlighted the Administrative Report by President Barchi and then explained the process for the Committee of the Whole Discussion on the University Senate’s Approach to Shared Governance at Rutgers, which were to happen later in the agenda.
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary
- Agenda: The meeting’s agenda, including time limits, was approved by the Senate.
- Minutes: The Minutes of the December 7, 2018 Regular Senate Meeting were approved as distributed by the Executive Secretary.
- Communications: The following communications were presented by the Executive Secretary:
- Communications:
- The following University Policies were recently added/updated:
- 40.2.14 – Investment Policy
- 60.1.13 – Policy Prohibiting Workplace Violence
- 60.1.30 – Background Checks for Candidated for Staff and Faculty Positions
- 70.1.1 – Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology
- 70.1.6 – Email and Calendar Policy
- 10.3.2 – Student Residency for Tuition Purposes
- 90.2.3 – Policy for Controlled Substances
- The following University Policies were recently added/updated:
- Communications:
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Robert L. Barchi, President of the University
President Barchi presented an Administrative Report that included comments on:
- Welcoming everyone back after an enjoyable break;
- His announcement regarding Assistance for Furloughed Federal Employees;
- Chancellor Strom’s announcement on Deferment of Rutgers Health Payments for Furloughed Federal Employees;
- Proposed changes to Title IX;
- Leadership Changes:
- Kimberly Mutcherson, Co-Dean of the Law School-Camden ;
- Howard Marchitello, Dean of FASC and GS-C;
- Robert Johnson, Acting Dean of RWJMS while continuing as Dean of NJMS;
- Marty Blaser, Director for Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine
- Infosilem Course Scheduling System full implementation in April to begin the following spring;
- the University Budget, highlighting 2020 will be the toughest budget yer to date and calling upon administrators and faculty to think seriously about how their individual budgets are put together and to take on any entrepenerutial activity possible;
- Michael Gower was successful in negotiating a 56% Facilities and Administrative Rate with the Federal Government;
- Fringe benefit rate has been announced at 49.09% for AY19 and will be retroactive
- Contract Negotiations – 40 unions with signed contracts and all non-alligned staff received a 3% increase retractive to July 2018;
- his disagreement with the accusations by the unions in the BOG open session this past month, that he does not spend any money and/or energy on diversity
- $21.81M has been committee to diversity hires, but does not do the hiring of faculty – faculty hire faculty
- expressing a high degree of support of hiring a diverse faculty and supporting their success.
Gillett summarized the format and time limits for President Barchi’s question and answer period. The President then responded to such topics as:
- grant administration processing issues;
- moving forward the contract negotiation that are still open;
- diversity training programs
- the increase of undergraduate students inporportionate to the decrease of tenured faculty and teaching assistants;
- increase in salary for PTLs.
The University Senate’s Approach to Shared Governance at Rutgers
William Field, SAS-NB Faculty Senator, moved that the Senate enter committee of the whole. Gillett explained the procedure for committee-of-the-whole discussions. Field’s motion was then seconded, and carried. Gillett appointed Jon Oliver as acting chair, and went to the Senate floor to participate in the discussion. There was considerable discussion on the issue, after which Gillett moved that the Senate rise from committee of the whole. His motion was adopted, and he resumed the chair
University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to Charge S-1605: Size and Composition of the Senate, Reviewed – Jon Oliver, USGC Chair
The USGC has been charged as follows: As mandated in the December 2012 Senate Response to Charge S-1201, on Senate Size and Composition, reconsider the size and composition of the Senate. Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by October 2018.
USGC Chair Jon Oliver presented and summarized the USGC’s Response to Charge S-1605 on Size and Composition of the Senate, Reviewed. Oliver then read the related resolutions, then answered questions which included the following:
- suggestion surrounding not reducing the size of the senate but creating a more robust orientation program for new senators to increase participation;
- background on the entitlement formula creation;
- reduction in quorum instead of reduction in senate size;
- SAS-NB being the largest school, there is a possiblity of the smaller schools not getting an appropriate say;
- concerns surrounding the lack of senator participation;
- not losing sight of the other resoltuions in the report while focusing on the reduction in size; and
- concern students are disporportionately effected due to their 1-year term limits.
After much discussion, for and against, the resolution was then voted on and failed.
At 3:40 Michael Van Stine called a point of order regarding the time limit for the meeting. Gillett then responded with a motion to extend the meeting for 1 hour to complete Senate business. The motion failed. All remaining business will be conducted at the February 15 meeting being held in Newark.
The meeting adjourned at 3:44 p.m.
Present Senators
Excused Senators
Absent Senators
Committee Meetings
Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Student Affairs Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
University Structure & Governance Committee
No location or time for this committee meeting
Caucus Meetings
Faculty Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Student Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Alumni Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Staff Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting