October 19, 2018 - Rutgers University Senate Skip to main content
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Oct 19th
1:10 pm

October 19, 2018

College Avenue Student Center
Multipurpose Room
126 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901

Agenda Distributed On
Sunday, October 12th 2025


Friday, October 19, 2018, 
1:10 p.m.
College Avenue Student Center, Multipurpose Room
College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick


REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the Senate

COMMITTEE REPORTS/RESOLUTIONS: Each report will be presented/summarized by the committee chairs, then will be discussed and acted upon by the Senate. [Note: Substantive amendments to these reports should be given to the Senate secretary in writing prior to or at the time the amendment is moved.]

University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to Charge S-1501 on Eligibility, Nomination, and Election of Senate Leadership and Board Representatives – Jon Oliver, USGC Chair

The USGC was charged as follows: Consider and make recommendations on the eligibility of candidates, and the nomination process and schedule for election of Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives.

Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) Response to Charge S-1712 on Procedures for Handling Student Complaints Against Rutgers Personnel – Farid Alizadeh and Joseph Markert, FPAC Co-Chairs

The FPAC was charged as follows: Consider and make recommendations for improving procedures for handling student complaints against Rutgers Personnel, as well as how those procedures are communicated to the students and personnel.

Senate Executive Committee Resolution on Collective Bargaining – Ann Gould, Executive Committee Member, presenting on behalf of the Executive Committee

Be It Resolved That:

The Rutgers University Senate calls upon all parties to do all that they can to complete the negotiations of all collective bargaining contracts still awaiting settlements fairly and promptly.

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Barbara Lee, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

  • Administrative Report
  • Questions and Answers

NEW BUSINESS  [Note: Article IV.A. of the Senate Bylaws states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated under section C.4…” Also, the Senate Executive Committee has authorized committee-of-the-whole discussions under New Business as appropriate, and time permitting.]






*Note: Addition of items to the Agenda requires a two-thirds vote. There is an overall time limit of 2-1/2 hours for Senate meetings. Specific time limits are set for questions and debate, not for presentation of reports. After approval, extension of time limits requires a two-thirds vote.

Remaining 2018-19 University Senate Meetings
[Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held on Fridays in the Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus in New Brunswick.]

November 16, 2018 (in 
December 7, 2018
January 25, 2019
February 15, 2019 (in 
March 29, 2019
May 3, 2019
 (The May 3 meeting may convene at 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. This meeting is the last of this year’s Senate, but will begin with the first meeting of next year’s Senate, at which Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives will be elected. The start time will be determined by the Senate Executive Committee in April 2018.)


MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate

DATE: October 19, 2018

TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus

MEMBERS PRESENT:Acosta; Ahmed; Atkins; Aubert; Awan; Balaguru; Barbarese; Bhuyan; Boikess; Bora; Borisovets; Bridgeman; Bugel; Butler; Chunn; Cole; Craig; Dane; D’Anna; Dasari; DeFabiis; DeFilippis; Denham-Barrett; DiLalo; Dowlin; Dreyer; Ebert; Emmons; Esposito; Estriplet; Fagan; Fellenz; Filippelli; Gillett; Goldfarb; Gould; Gower; Graber; Gross; Gursoy; Han; Heckscher; Hunter; Hunter-Fratzola; Joergensen; Johnson; Kaminskas; Kane; Kelly; Kettle; Kurtas; Kustka; Langer; Langsam; Lee; Lema; Lindboe; Little; LoGrippo; Lombardi; Lutz; Maglione-Rico; Mahajan-Cusack; Maloney; Mammis; Mancini; Mansukhani; Marchetta; Markert; Marsic; Masiello; Matto; Mazurek; McKeever; Mena-Segovia; Murphy; Nickitas; Norris; O’Connor; Oleske; Oliver; O’Neill; Pandey; Pappas; Parrish; Parsa; Patel; Patel; Patton; Perez; Peyrek; Pichugin; Pinto-Figueroa; Piotrowski; Powell; Pradhan; Puar; Puhak; Rabinowitz; Ravichandran; Raza; Rivera; Rosen; Rothpeltz-Puglia; Saltzman; Sanchez; Schwartz; Sen; Serrano; Sesti; Shah; Soto; Spiegel; Steinberg; Struble; Szatrowski; Tharney; Thompson; Thompson; Thuravil; Tracey; Trees; Van Stine; Vidal; Zhang; Ziessler

EXCUSED:Avallone; Bekdash; Brewster-Bauzyk; Brunson; Carson; Collins; Cummings; Everett; Field; Giraud; Goodman; Guo; Hartman; Honeycutt; Junboota; Kane; Miller; Patel; Rajan; Raval; Shinbrot; Silver; Takhistov; Tsakalakos; Wilde

ABSENT:Alexander-Floyd; Alidou; Alizadeh; Alvarez; Ardeshna; Artun; Barchi; Barone; Butterfield; Cahill; Cantor; Carty; Carvajal; Chinn; Conway; Cotter; Covington; Cummings; Dettloff; Eastman; Eaton; Eisenstein; Farmbry; Farris; Feldman; Gabriel; Ganesh; Ghesani; Gonzalez; Greenberg; Haddon; Halkitis; Hanna; Hatefi; Holzemer; Iannini; Jarrin; Johnson; Kabia; Kettler; Kukor; LaPointe; Lei; Lewis; Lindenmeyer; Lopez; Lugg; Mahon; March; Menifield; Molloy; Murphy; Norville; O’Brassill-Kulfan; Pagan; Pardlo; Paskhover; Patel; Ponzio; Porumbescu; Potter; Potter; Schiavo; Schneider; Shah; Shapses; Sheridan; Song; Stauffer; Strom; White; Williams; Yang; Young

ATTENDANCE SUMMARY:   Faculty: Of 116 total: 65 present (66%), 13 excused (11%), 26 absent (22%); Students: Of 42 total: 26 present (62%), 6 excused (14%), 10 absent (24%); Administrators: Of 41 total: 5 present (12%), 3 excused (7%), 35 absent (85%); Staff: Of 19 total: 14 present (74%), 3 excused (15%), 2 absent (11%); Alumni: Of 6 total: 4 present (67%), 1 excused (17%), 1 absent (17%)
View Senate Attendance Record for this year


Senate Chair Peter Gillett called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick. He welcomed all present to the meeting and highlighted Senior Vice President Barbara Lee’s Administrative Report, which was to happen later in the agenda. He reported on the October 5 Senate Committee Chairs meeting and that the Senate Executive Committee selected possible Decanal Evaluation Committee members – which will be sent to their respective chairs, once final confirmation of their willingness to participate is made – at the last meeting. He also made the Senate aware of his intentions to attend the Big 10 Academic Alliance in Iowa City later in the month.

REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary


University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to Charge S-1501: Eligibility, Nomination, and Election of Senate Leadership and Board Representatives – Jon Oliver, USGC Chair

The USGC was charged as follows: Consider and make recommendations on the eligibility of candidates, and the nomination process and schedule for election of Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives.

USGC Chair Jon Oliver presented and summarized the USGC’s Response to Charge S-1501 on Eligibility, Nomination, and Election of Senate Leadership and Board Representatives. There was much discussion over the 3-year experience requirement, especially as it relates to student eligibility. An amendment was proposed and seconded for the 3-year requirement to be changed to 2-years. After further debate, the amendment was voted on and carried. The resolution, in its entirety, was then voted on and approved in its amended form.

Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) Response to Charge S-1712: Procedures for Handling Student Complaints Against Rutgers Personnel – Farid Alizadeah and Joseph Markert, FPAC Co-Chairs

The FPAC was charged as follows: Consider and make recommendations for improving procedures for handling student complaints against Rutgers personnel, as well as how those procedures are communicated to students and personnel.

FPAC Co-Chair Joseph Markert presented and summarized the FPAC’s Response to Charge S-1712 on Procedures for Handling Student Complaints Against Rutgers Personnel. There was one point of clarification on what types of complaints would be handled by this resolution. The resolution was then voted on and passed.

Executive Committee (EC) Resolution on Contract Negotiations – Ann Gould, Senate Executive Committee Member

Senate Executive Committee Member Ann Gould, on behalf of the Executive Committee, presented a Resolution on Contract Negotiations:

Be It Resolved That:

The Rutgers University Senate calls upon all parties to do all that they can to complete the negotiations of all collective bargaining contracts still awaiting settlements fairly and promptly.

After much debate, a motion was presented from the floor to amend the above resolution to read:

Recognizing that there are thousands of Rutgers faculty and employees currently working under expired contracts; and that the current lack of progress in contract negotiations jeopardizes the retention of high-quality faculty and staff at Rutgers as well as effectiveness of the educational process; the Rutgers University Senate therefore calls upon the administration to add more energy, resources, and commitment to union contract negotiations to effect fair and just, and timely settlements.

The amended version of the resolution was voted on and passed.

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Barbara Lee, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

SVP Lee then presented an Administrative Report that included comments on:

Gillett summarized the format and time limits for Senior Vice President Lee’s administrative report. SVP Lee then responded to questions from his report and other Rutgers-community issues such as:

  • funds for student workers;
  • the opening of a 7-year old Anti-Semitism case against Rutgers;
  • the consolidations of Rutgers and RBHS policies; and
  • the collaboration between Rutgers and local community colleges.

OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.

SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Senate Vice Chair Jon Oliver reported on the October 5, 2018 Senate Executive Committee meeting.

REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS OF GOVERNORS AND TRUSTEES: Senator Samuel Rabinowitz, Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors and Senator Nicole Lema, Student Representative to the Board of Governors, reported on the October 4 Board of Governors meeting. Senator Robert Schwartz, Faculty Representative to The Board of Trustees and Ilce Perez, Undergraduate Student to the Board of Trustees, reported on the September 25 meeting.

REPORTS OF CAMPUS FACULTY AND STUDENT LIAISONS: Camden Student Senator Michael Van Stine reported on recent plans and activities of Camden student governing associations. Camden Faculty Senator Samuel Rabinowitz reported on his constituency’s plans/activities. New Brunswick Student Senator Emily Kane reported on recent plans and activities of New Brunswick student governing associations. New Brunswick Faculty Senator Sanjib Bhuyan reported on the September 28 NB Faculty Council meeting. There were no faculty or student representatives available to report from Newark or RBHS.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:14 p.m.

Present Senators

Jeykid Acosta Rahshida Atkins Anne-Catherine Aubert Muhammad Ibrahim Awan Perumalsam Balaguru Joseph Barbarese Rola Bekdash Sanjib Bhuyan Robert Boikess Irfan Bora Natalie Borisovets Mary Bridgeman Mary Jo Bugel Christine Chunn Ashley Cole Vicki Craig Suzanne D'Anna Perry Dane Babu Dasari William DeFabiis James DeFilippis Misty Denham-Barrett Gregory DiLalo Kevin Dowlin William Dreyer Gary Ebert Robert Emmons Adrienne Esposito Marc Henry Estriplet Julie Fagan Chazz Fellenz Anthony Filippelli Peter Gillett Sally Goldfarb Ann Gould Michael Gower Judith Graber Juliane Gross Kemal Gursoy Zheng-Chao Han Charles Heckscher Arlene Hunter Christine Hunter-Fratzola John Joergensen Antoinette Johnson Lauren Kaminskas Emily Kane Michael Kelly John Kettle Courtland Kurtas Adam Kustka Jerome Langer Julie Langsam Barbara Lee Nicole Lema Theresa Lindboe Dominique Little Maria LoGrippo Carol Lutz Valerie Maglione Rico Lisa Mahajan-Cusack Krisellen Maloney Antonios Mammis Michael Mancini Rupal Mansukhani Josephine Marchetta Joseph Markert Ivan Marsic Regina Masiello Elizabeth Matto Monica Mazurek Kenneth McKeever Juan Mena-Segovia Mary Mickelsen Kyle Murphy Donna Nickitas Kaylah Norris James O'Connor Karen O'Neill James Oleske Jon Oliver Virendra Pandey Tina Pappas Kathleen Parrish Houshang Parsa Meet Patel Suja Patel Charles Patton Ilce Perez Matthew Peyrek Alexander Pichugin Sofia Pinto-Figueroa Kristen Powell Archana Pradhan Jasbir Puar Robert Puhak Sam Rabinowitz Maya Ravichandran Mustafa Raza Alicia Rivera Robert Rosen Pamela Rothpletz-Puglia Cynthia Saltzman Karen Sanchez Robert Schwartz Meheli Sen Julie Serrano Federico Sesti Chirag Shah Morgan Smith Martha Soto Menahem Spiegel Marc Steinberg Thomas Struble Ted Szatrowski Nicholas Tharney Karen Thompson Barbara Thomson Neeharika Thuravil Debora Tracey Frances Trees Michael Van Stine Erich Vidal Zefu "Jeffrey" Zhang Paul Ziessler

Excused Senators

Margaret Avallone Robert L. Barchi Erin Brewster-Bauzyk Rodney Brunson Tyler Carson Theresa Collins James Cummings Brian Everett William Field Ralph Giraud Robert Goodman Grace Guo Jean Marie Hartman Nathan Honeycutt Nattawan Junboonta Cecelia Kane Kenneth Miller Bhavin Patel Gregory Porumbescu Julie Rajan Troy Shinbrot Deborah Silver Paul Takhistov Thomas Tsakalakos Tyler Wilde

Absent Senators

Ousseina Alidou Farid Alizadeh Melissa Alvarez Anil Ardeshna Tuna Artun Joseph Barone Daniel Bubb Sherri-Ann Butterfield Michael Cahill Nancy Cantor Kenneth Carty Ronald Chen Clark Chinn Francine Conway Michael Cummings Kathy Detloff Wayne Eastman Adrienne Eaton Robert Eisenstein Kyle Farmbry Thomas Farris Cecile Feldman Sherine Gabriel Jaishankar Ganesh Nasrin Ghesani Carlos Gonzalez Phoebe Haddon Perry Halkitis Jeffrey Hanna Arash Hatefi William Holzemer Christopher Iannini Olga Jarrín Montaner Robert Johnson Fatmata Kabia Jerome Kukor Eleanor LaPointe Lei Lei Brian Lewis Kriste Lindenmeyer Marina Lombardi Catherine Lugg Gwendolyn Mahon Peter March Howard Marchitello Charles Menifield Christopher Molloy Brian Murphy William Norville Kristin O'Brassill-Kulfan Jennie Owens Kevin Pagan Gregory Pardlo Boris Paskhover Nicholas Ponzio Cathryn Potter Jonathan Potter Harry Raval Joe Sanders Laura Schneider Anush Shah Michael Shapiro Sue Shapses John Sheridan Weijie Song George Stauffer Brian Strom James White Willie Ray Williams Chung Yang Samantha Young

Committee Meetings

Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Budget & Finance Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Student Affairs Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

University Structure & Governance Committee

No location or time for this committee meeting

Caucus Meetings

Faculty Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting

Student Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting

Alumni Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting

Staff Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting