- This meeting has passed.
Nov 19th
1:00 pm
Agenda Distributed On
Friday, November 12th 2021
Friday, November 19, 2021 – 1:10 p.m. via Zoom
SECRETARY’S REPORT – Morgan Smith, Interim Executive Secretary
- Approval of the Agenda* (including time limits)
- Approval of the October 22, 2021 Senate Meeting Minutes
- Communications:
- The following policies have been updated in the University Policy Library:
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: President Jonathan Holloway
COMMITTEE REPORT [Please Note: Substantive amendments to these reports should be given to the Senate Executive Secretary in writing prior to or at the time the amendment is moved.]
S-2107 Review of the University Policy 20.1.22 – No Smoking – Ad Hoc Committee Chair Kevin Schroth, Other Units, RBHS (F)
The Ad Hoc committee was charged as follows:
Review the University “No Smoking Policy”. Consider renaming the policy to the inclusive all tobacco products. Make recommendations on any necessary changes. Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by, March 2021.
The current policy on No Smoking can be found here.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Peter Gillett, Senate Vice Chair
NEW BUSINESS [Note: Article IV.A. of the Senate Bylaws states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated under section C.4…” Also, the Senate Executive Committee has authorized committee-of-the-whole discussions under New Business as appropriate, and time permitting.]
*Note: Addition of items to the Agenda requires a 2/3 vote. There is an overall time limit of 3 hours for Senate meetings. Specific time limits are set for questions and debate, not for presentations of reports. After approval, extension of time limits requires a 2/3 vote.
Remaining 2021-2022 University Senate Meetings
[Fall 2021: All meetings will be held virtually in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines set forth by President Holloway in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Spring 2022: Unless otherwise noted and if large gathering restrictions are lifted, meetings will be held in the Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus in New Brunswick.]
December 10, 2021
January 21, 2022
February 18, 2022 (Newark)
March 25, 2022
April 29, 2022
(The April 29 meeting may convene at 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. This meeting is the last of this year’s Senate, but will begin with the first meeting of next year’s Senate, at which Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives will be elected. The start time will be determined by the Senate EC in April 2022.)
MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate
DATE: November 19, 2021
TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Remote via Zoom
PRESENT: Abdel-Wahab, Alizadeh, Ameri, Amjad, Anderson, Andrews, Ardeshna, Azer, Bachmann, Barbarese, Barlow, Bernstein, Bhattacharya, Bhavaraju, Bhuyan, Boikess, Boison, Bonne, Brienza-Arcilla, Broggi, Buyske, Castellano, Charles, Choo, Chowdhury, Clarke, Cooper, Crawford, Crews, Dane, Daughety, Davidson, Davis, Den Bleyker, Dool, Drazer, Edelstein, Esposito, Everett, Ewins, Farmer, Fatahzadeh, Field, Figueira, Foster, Fougnies, Fudge, Garner, Gillett, Giraud, Gomes, Goonetilleke, Gower, Granadeiro, Gursoy, Haley, Halprin, Hara, Hauck, Haviland, Holloway, Hunter, Husan, Javeri, Kahanda, Kahng, Kelly, Kettle, Kiss, Kothari, Kozlosky, LaMorte, Laraia, Levine, Lino-Barbosa, Liu, Lutz, Mahajan-Cusack, Mansukhani, Manzini, Markert, Markowitz, Marsic, Matto, McKeever, Mignogna, Miller, Morton, O’Connor, Oberle, Oliver, Ozel, Parsa, Patel, Pichugin, Pintar, Pinto-Figueroa, Poole, Prihoda, Rabinowitz, Rizvi, Robalino, Roth, Sagarra, Saltzman, Schroth, Schwartz, Schwartz, Shah, Shapses, Sharma, Shawl, Shih, Shinbrot, Siederer, Simonds, Sinacori, Smith, Sonnenberg, Spiegel, Stephens, Stroiman, Struble, Sutton, Swamy, Szatrowski, Taipe, Thompson, Todorinova, Torres, Tsakalakos, Valle, Valverde, Vega, Vellangany, Virani, Volino, Wang, Warde, Westrich, White, Willett, Wirtenberg, Woortman, Yamamoto
EXCUSED: Bridgeman, Fellenz, Kovacs, Lyles
ABSENT: Abuilak, Adya, Allamand, Anderson Eloy, Aubry, Baldi, Barone, Beegan, Blanchett, Bogden, Borisovets, Boxer, Cabrera, Campbell, Cantor, Cardoso, Carrero, Chefitz, Cole, Conway, Eaton, Elsaid, Emedom-Nnamdi, Dvin English, Farris, Feldman, Fernandez, Flynn, Fox, Guo, Halkitis, Hatefi, Hein, Henderson, Hsueh, Hu, Huang, Hurd, Irizarry, Johnson, Kaye, Knode, Kukor, Kustka, Lawson, Lei, Leibman, Linardopoulos, Lopez, Maddox Douglas, Mahon, Maloney, March, Marchetta, Marchitello, Marich, Mazurek, McCarthy, Menifield, Miranti, Molloy, Moore, Mutcherson, Nath, Nickitas, Patel, Potter, Potter, Riedel-Prabhakar, Rivera, Ryan, Samlin, Scott, Shah, Shah, Shapiro, Strom, Tadros, Takhistov, Tan, Tewfik, Thakuriah, Tommasi, Whitehead
Chair Oliver called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m and welcomed everyone to today’s meeting. He briefly made comments on the epidemic of despair and hunger for many populations. He mentioned that NJPIRG is running a food drive for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week to fundraise for the campus food pantry.
SECRETARY’S REPORT – Morgan Smith, Interim Executive Secretary
- Approval of the Agenda* (including time limits)
- Approval of the October 22, 2021 Senate Meeting Minutes
- Communications:
- The following policies have been updated in the University Policy Library:
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: President Jonathan Holloway
President Holloway delivered his Administrative Report touching on the following topics:
- The Marshall Scholarship finalist will be announced within the next few weeks
- Women’s field hockey and soccer team victories
- President Biden signed an infrastructure build for the National Transit Institute
- Upcoming commencement celebrations
- The New Brunswick Innovation Hub will become the new RWJMS home with wet and dry labs
- His visit to Tel Aviv University
- Vaccination mandating deadline for all faculty and staff by January 4, 2022
- Pay equity update and salary adjustments
- Telecommuting has been extended until June 30, 2022
- Rutgers will now observe Juneteenth as a University Holiday
- The new Academic Freedom statement
- His gratitude towards the efforts of Chair Oliver and Vice Chair Gillett at his inauguration
- Tensions in Camden relating to the Administrative Leadership
- Efforts in moving towards a tobacco free campus with advice from the Ad-Hoc Committee
President Holloway then answered questions on the following topics:
- The search for a new Dean in Camden and the issues behind how they were let go
- The number of non-aligned faculty and staff under the central administration
- RCM and the budget
- Tuition fee increases
COMMITTEE REPORT [Please Note: Substantive amendments to these reports should be given to the Senate Executive Secretary in writing prior to or at the time the amendment is moved.]
S-2107 Review of the University Policy 20.1.22 – No Smoking – Ad Hoc Committee Chair Kevin Schroth, Other Units, RBHS (F)
The Ad Hoc committee was charged as follows:
Review the University “No Smoking Policy”. Consider renaming the policy to the inclusive all tobacco products. Make recommendations on any necessary changes. Respond to the Senate Executive Committee by, March 2021.
The current policy on No Smoking can be found here.
Senator Schroth reviewed the report then answered questions from the Senate. It was voted on and the report passed.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Senate Vice Chair Peter Gillett reported on the November 4thExecutive Committee Meeting.
NEW BUSINESS [Note: Article IV.A. of the Senate Bylaws states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated under section C.4…” Also, the Senate Executive Committee has authorized committee-of-the-whole discussions under New Business as appropriate, and time permitting.]
REPORTS OF THE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE BOARDS OF GOVERNORS AND TRUSTEES: Senator Samuel Rabinowitz notified the Senate that the Board of Governors next meeting will be December 7. There was no report from the Board of Trustees.
REPORTS OF CAMPUS FACULTY AND STUDENT LIAISONS: Senator Samuel Rabinowitz reported on the Camden faculty council meeting. Senator Zainab Rizvi reported on the student issues in Camden specifically the inequalities between campuses and controversy surrounding the firing of CCAS Dean and spoke on the mental health crisis. New Brunswick Faculty Senator Sanjib Bhuyan reported on the last New Brunswick Faculty Council meeting. Senator David Daughety spoke on Newark fall elections, food insecurities and the campus infrastructure. Senator Emmaleigh Hauck spoke on behalf of RBHS Students regarding the Hunger and Homeless awareness week. Senator Laura Willett reported on the RBHS Faculty Council current initatives.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:22 p.m.
Minutes prepared and written by:
Interim Executive Secretary Morgan Smith
Present Senators
Excused Senators
Absent Senators
Committee Meetings
Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Information Technology Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 12:00 pm
Student Affairs Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 12:00 pm
University Structure & Governance Committee
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Caucus Meetings
Faculty Caucus Meeting
Zoom @ 12:00 pm
Student Caucus Meeting
Zoom @ 12:00 pm
Alumni Caucus Meeting
Zoom @ 12:00 pm
Staff Caucus Meeting
Zoom @ 12:00 pm