- This meeting has passed.
Feb 18th
1:00 pm
Agenda Distributed On
Friday, February 11th 2022
Friday, February 18, 2022 – 1:10 p.m. via Zoom
SECRETARY’S REPORT – Morgan Smith, Interim Executive Secretary
- Approval of the Agenda* (including time limits)
- Approval of the January 21, 2022 Senate Meeting Minutes
- Communications:
- The following policy has been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
University Policy 60.1.35: Immunization Policy for Rutgers Employees and Prospective Employees
- The following policy has been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Jonathan Holloway, University President
UNIVERSITY FINANCES – Jonathan Holloway, University President and Michael Gower, Executive VP – Chief Financial Officer
ONLINE LEARNING STRATEGIES – Brian Ballentine, Senior VP – Strategy, and Michele Norin, Senior VP and Chief Info Officer
CHANCELLORS REPORT – Brian Strom, RBHS Chancellor
- RBHS Campus Report
- Questions and Answers
COMMITTEE REPORTS/RESOLUTIONS: The report will be presented/summarized by the committee chair, then will be discussed, and acted upon by the Senate. [Note: Substantive amendments to these reports should be given to the Senate secretary in writing prior to or at the time the amendment is moved.]
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Adrienne Simonds, Senate Vice Chair
NEW BUSINESS [Note: Article IV.A. of the Senate Bylaws states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated under section C.4…” Also, the Senate Executive Committee has authorized committee-of-the-whole discussions under New Business as appropriate, and time permitting.]
*Note: Addition of items to the Agenda requires a 2/3 vote. There is an overall time limit of 3 hours for Senate meetings. Specific time limits are set for questions and debate, not for presentations of reports. After approval, extension of time limits requires a 2/3 vote.
Remaining 2021-2022 University Senate Meetings
Spring 2022: Unless otherwise noted and if large gathering restrictions are lifted, meetings will be held in the Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus in New Brunswick.]
March 25, 2022
April 29, 2022
(The April 29 meeting may convene at 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. This meeting is the last of this year’s Senate, but will begin with the first meeting of next year’s Senate, at which Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives will be elected. The start time will be determined by the Senate EC in April 2022.)
MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate
DATE: February 18, 2022
TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Remote via Zoom
PRESENT: Abdel-Wahab, Abuilak, Adya, Alizadeh, Allamand, Ameri, Amjad, Anderson, Andrews, Ardeshna, Askew, Aubry, Azer, Bachmann, Baldi, Barlow, Bernstein, Bhattacharya, Bhuyan, Bogden, Boikess, Boison, Bridgeman, Brienza-Arcilla, Broggi, Buyske, Castellano, Charles, Choo, Chowdhury, Clarke, Conway, Crawford, Crews, Dane, Davidson, Davis, Dool, Drazer, Edelstein, English, Esposito, Farmer, Fatahzadeh, Fellenz, Field, Figueira, Foster, Fougnies, Fudge, Garner, Giraud, Gomes, Goonetilleke, Gower, Granadeiro, Gursoy, Haley, Hauck, Haviland, Holloway, Hunter, Hurd, Joergensen, Kahng, Kelly, Kettle, Kiss, Kothari, Kovacs, Kozlosky, Kustka, LaMorte, Laraia, Lawson, Linardopoulos, Lino-Barbosa, Lutz, Lyles, Mahajan-Cusack, Mansukhani, Manzini, Marchetta, Markert, Markowitz, Marsic, McKeever, Miller, Molloy, Morton, Nickitas, Oliver, Ozel, Parsa, Patel, Pichugin, Pintar, Pinto-Figueroa, Poole, Prihoda, Rabinovich, Rabinowitz, Rizvi, Roth, Ryan, Sagarra, Saltzman, Schroth, Schwartz, Schwartz, Scott, Shah, Shapses, Shih, Shinbrot, Siederer, Sinacori, M. Smith, J. Smith, Sonnenberg, Spiegel, Stephens, Strom, Struble, Sutton, Swamy, Szatrowski, Taipe, Takhistov, Thompson, Todorinova, Torres, Tsakalakos, Valverde, Volino, White, Willett, Wirtenberg, Woortman, Yamamoto
EXCUSED: Bhavaraju, Boxer, Cooper, Haley, Hara, O’Connor, Simonds, Stroiman
ABSENT: Barbarese, Barone, Beegan, Blanchett, Bonne, Cabrera, Campbell, Cantor, Cardoso, Carrero, Chefitz, Cimer, Cole, Daughety, Bleyker, Eaton, Elsaid, Emedom-Nnamdi, Everett, Ewins, Farris, Feldman, Fernandez, Flynn, Fox, Guo, Halkitis, Halprin, Hatefi, Hein, Henderson, Hsueh, Hu, Huang, Husan, Irizarry, Javeri, Johnson, Kahanda, Kaye, Knode, Kukor, Lei, Leibman, Levine, Liu, Lopez, Maddox Douglas, Mahon, March, Marchitello, Matto, Mazurek, McCarthy, Menifield, Mignogna, Moore, Mutcherson, Nath, Oberle, Patel, C. Potter, J. Potter, Riedel-Prabhakar, Rivera, Robalino, Samlin, A. Shah, B. Shah, Shapiro, Sharma, Shawl, Tadros, Tan, Tewfik, Thakuriah, Valle, Vega, Vellangany, Virani, Wang, Warde, Westrich, Whitehead
Chair Oliver welcomed everyone to the February meeting at 1:11pm. He spoke about the works of the committees that included topics on academic freedom, teaching in the 21st century, senior leadership searches, the University patent policy and disability services etc. He then thanked everyone for their hard work and dedication to shared governance. Oliver spoke on the importance of prepping before meetings to make them run more smoothly in the future. He then mentioned the significance of the Nominating Panel and how the Senate will function in future meetings under a hybrid climate. Oliver then introduced President Holloway, SVP Prabhas Moghe and EVP CFO Mike Gower to the meeting and thanked them for their continuous commitment and partnership with the Senate. He also introduced SVP Brian Ballentine, Michele Norin and Chancellor Brian Strom to the meeting and thanked all for their presence and he then concluded his report.
SECRETARY’S REPORT – Morgan Smith, Interim Executive Secretary
- Agenda: The meeting’s agenda including time limits was approved by the Senate with no corrections
- Minutes: The minutes of the January 21, 2022 Senate meeting were approved
as distributed by the Interim Executive Secretary - Communications:
- Smith then reported that the following policy has been updated/added in the University Policy Library: University Policy 60.1.35: Immunization Policy for Rutgers Employees and Prospective Employees
UNIVERSITY FINANCES – Jonathan Holloway, University President and Michael Gower, Executive VP – Chief Financial Officer
President Jonathan Holloway delivered a report on the details of The University Finances that can be found at: https://finance.rutgers.edu
President Jonathan Holloway, EVP CFO Mike Gower and Chancellor Brian Strom all teamed up answered questions on the following topics:
- The input of patient care revenue
- University policies with mandatory masking regarding state mandates
- The importance and challenges of the needs of University Libraries
- Reprioritizing the budget for PTL’s and NTT’s
- The role of athletics and revenue producing sports
- Graduate student funding extension for research work whose studies have been delayed because of COVID-19
- Concerns of losing Rutgers employees that are being replaced by Barnabas employees
- BTAA and the Big-10
ONLINE LEARNING STRATEGIES – Brian Ballentine, Senior VP – Strategy, and Michele Norin, Senior VP and Chief Info Officer
CHANCELLORS REPORT – Brian Strom, RBHS Chancellor
- RBHS Campus Report
- Questions and Answers
Chancellor Brian Strom delivered his report and answered questions on the following topics:
- Salary equity issues at RWJMS
- Managing and preparing for the evolution of new variants
- Local and global support with building larger buildings for displaced students
- Rutgers involvement with state policies
- Guidance among a second booster shot
- Hiring inequities between Rutgers and Barnabas
OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.
NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.
SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Senate Chair Jon Oliver reported on the February 4, 2022 Senate Executive Committee Meeting
REPORTS OF THE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE BOARDS OF GOVERNORS AND TRUSTEES: Senator Samuel Rabinowitz notified the Senate that the Board of Governors next meeting will be February 23. There was no report from the Board of Trustees.
REPORTS OF CAMPUS FACULTY AND STUDENT LIAISONS: Senator Sanjib Bhuyan reported on the New Brunswick Faculty Council current initiatives. RBHS Senator Laura Willett reported on RBHS current initiatives as well. RBHS Students are working to spread information from the Senate. Senator Samuel Rabinowitz reported on the Camden Faculty Council initiatives including PTL best practices, campus safety and R2 status.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
Morgan Smith, Interim Executive Secretary of the University Senate
Present Senators
Excused Senators
Absent Senators
Committee Meetings
Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Information Technology Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Student Affairs Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
University Structure & Governance Committee
No location or time for this committee meeting
Caucus Meetings
Faculty Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Student Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Alumni Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Staff Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting