- This meeting has passed.
Oct 16th
1:10 pm
Agenda Distributed On
Monday, October 12th 2020
Friday, October 16, 2020, 1:10 p.m.
Remotely via Zoom
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the Senate
- Approval of Agenda* (including time limits)
- Approval of the September 25, 2020 Senate Meeting Minutes
- Communications:
- The following policies has been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Jonathan Holloway, University President
COMMITTEE REPORTS/RESOLUTIONS: The report will be presented/summarized by the committee chair, then will be discussed and acted upon by the Senate. [Note: Substantive amendments to these reports should be given to the Senate secretary in writing prior to or at the time the amendment is moved.]
Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) and Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Response to S-2018: University Policy 60.1.33 Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures and University Policy 10.2.11 Code of Student Conduct – Babu Dasari, ASRAC Co-Chair; Elizabeth Matto, SAC Chair; Robert Schwartz, ASRAC Co-Chair
The ASRAC and SAC were charged as follows:
Review and make recommendations on:
- the new Interim University Policy 60.1.33 (intended to replace 10.3.12 and 60.1.28) Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures
- the Interim University Policy 10.2.11 Code of Student Conduct which reflects the proposed changes made to the University’s Title IX Policy
ELECTION OF STUDENT MEMBERS OF THE SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD REPRESENTATIVES – This election is being held because no eligible candidates were nominated during the May 1, 2020 Organizational meeting. Self-nominations have been solicited from eligible student Senators. (Candidates are eligible only if they are currently certified as University Student Senators.) Nominations may also be made from the floor during this meeting.
Voting Access Link: https://senate.rutgers.edu/election/2020-21-student-senator-executive-committee-and-board-representative-elections/
TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION – Michele Norin, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer
NEW BUSINESS [Note: Article IV.A. of the Senate Bylaws states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated under section C.4…” Also, the Senate Executive Committee has authorized committee-of-the-whole discussions under New Business as appropriate, and time permitting.]
*Note: Addition of items to the Agenda requires a two-thirds vote. There is an overall time limit of 3 hours for Senate meetings. Specific time limits are set for questions and debate, not for presentation of reports. After approval, extension of time limits requires a two-thirds vote.
Remaining 2020-21 University Senate Meetings
[Fall 2020: All meetings will be held virtually in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines set forth by President Holloway in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Spring 2021: Unless otherwise noted and if large gathering restrictions are not continued, meetings will be held in the Multipurpose Room, College Avenue Student Center, College Avenue Campus in New Brunswick.]
November 20, 2020
December 11, 2020
January 22, 2021
February 19, 2021 (Newark)
March 26, 2021
April 30, 2021
(The April 30 meeting may convene at 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. This meeting is the last of this year’s Senate, but will begin with the first meeting of next year’s Senate, at which Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives will be elected. The start time will be determined by the Senate EC in April 2021.)
MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate
DATE: October 16, 2020
TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Remotely via Zoom
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ahmed; Albert; Alizadeh; Allamand; Ameri; Arman; Aubert; Margaret Avallone; Bachmann; Baldi; Barbarese; Bekdash; Bhatt; Bhattacharya; Bhuyan; Bogden; Boikess; Boison; Borisovets; Bridgeman; Britton; Castaneda; Cavanagh; Chefitz; Chen; Chintalapudi; Choo; Coleman; Cooper; Crews; Dane; Dasari; Ding; Dool; Drazer; Eafrati; Ebert; English; Esposito; Everett; Farley; Farmer; Feldman; Fellenz; Fernandez Arroyo; Foster; Fox; Garcia; Garner; Gillett; Giraud; Gohel; Gomes; Goonetilleke; Gould; Gower; Guo; Gursoy; Haley; Hara; Hodes; Holdom; Holloway; Hunter; Hurd; Ibrahim; Immidisetti; Jarrín Montaner; Joergensen; Kane; Kashalikar; Kaye; Kettle; Kiss; Kothari; Kovacs; Lamar; Lawson; Liu; Lutz; Maddox Douglas; Maglione Rico; Mahajan-Cusack; Mansukhani; Marchetta; Markowitz; Marsic; Matto; Mayes; McKeever; Mena-Segovia; Mendicino; Miller; Miranti; Moghe; Molloy; Morton; Oliver; Ozel; Parsa; Patel; Pedro-Santiago; Pichugin; Pinto-Figueroa; Piotrowski; Rabinowitz; Ribau; Rivera; Rizvi; Roth; Ryan; Sacks; Sagarra; Sahota; Saltzman; Schroth; R. Schwartz; S. Schwartz; Sesti; Shapses; Shinbrot; Shobut; Siederer; Simonds; Spiegel; Stephens; Stephenson; Struble; Szatrowski; Takhistov; Thompson; Todorinova; Trees; Valverde; Van Stine; Vargas; Vellangany; Ventura-Martinez; Vidal; Virani; Volino; Wang; Ward; Warde; Wayne; White; Willett; Winters; Yamaok
EXCUSED: Buyske; Chadalvada; Dreyer; Linardopoulos; Lyles; Oberle; Sinacori; Tommasi
ABSENT: Adya; Alexander-Floyd; Anderson Eloy; Atkins; Ayad; Barone; Bator; Beegan; Blanchett; Brienza-Arcilla; Cabrera; Cantor; Chiu; Cifelli; Cohen; Cole; Conway; Davidson; Eaton; Fadahunsi; Farris; Figueira; Flynn; Granadeiro; Halkitis; Hatefi; Henderson; Hsueh; Huang; Hunter-Fratzola; Johnson; Joy; Kaplun; Kosar; Kukor; Kustka; Lei; Lopez; Madson; Mahon; Maloney; March; Marchitello; Markert; Marsh; Mazurek; Menifield; Moore; Murphy; Mutcherson; Nath; Nelson; Nickitas; O’Connor; Paskhover; Ponzio; Potter; Potter; Rajan; Shankar; Shapiro; Silver; Song; Stern; Strom; Tan; Thakuriah; Veysey; Walkup; Wang; Williams; Wirtenberg
Senate Chair Jon Oliver called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. He welcomed University President Jonathan Holloway and thanked him for his continued support of shared governance at Rutgers and the University Senate. He continued by introducing the day’s speakers: Chief Information Officer Michele Norin and Elie Honig, Executive Director of the Rutgers Institute for Secure Communities. Lastly, he highlighted the newly tenured faculty on the call and encouraged them to stay for the meeting and consider joining the Senate.
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary
- Agenda: The meeting’s agenda including time limits, was approved by the Senate.
- Minutes: The Minutes of the September 25, 2020 Senate meeting were approved as distributed by the Executive Secretary.
- Communications: The following communications were presented by the Executive Secretary:
- The following polices have been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
- Policy 100.3.1: Influenza Immunization Policy for Covered Individuals (PDF)
- Policy 100.3.2: Tuberculosis Surveillance (PDF) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Jonathan Holloway, University President
- The following polices have been updated/added in the University Policy Library:
Following introductions from Senate Chair Oliver, President Holloway delivered his Administrative Report touching on the following topics:
- Congratulations to all newly tenured faculty
- Approval of a revised budget by BOG
- $86M in restored funding by the state
- Prabhas Moghe began his tenure as the EVP for Academic Affairs on October 5
- Planning for Spring 2021 is underway in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and regular communications are expected from the administration in the coming months
- Engagement with SAS-NB by the Administration regarding PTLs layoffs for the Spring 2021 semester within the Writing Program and the subsequent reinstatement of many based-on seniority
- Ambassador Deborah Birx, White House Corona Virus Task Force Response Coordinator, visited New Brunswick Campus as part of a college and small-town nation- wide tour
President Holloway then answered questions on the above topics and the following:
- Student Health Insurance Plans (SHIP) and the plans to revisit how they are selected and through what funding
- Mental health services at Rutgers, specifically the anticipated surge CAPS might face when students return to campus after the pandemic and its ability to handle such numbers
- Pay equity issues and concrete steps to address major public relations and ethical challenges going forward
- Rutgers collaboration with Newark communities focusing on ensuring higher education opportunities for black and brown students
- Professional development support for PTLs
- Possible adverse effects of a medical school merger on students’ post-MD residency placements
Response to S-2018: University Policy 60.1.33 Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures and University Policy 10.2.11 Code of Student Conduct presented by the Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) and Student Affairs Committee (SAC) – Babu Dasari, ASRAC Co-Chair, Elizabeth Matto, SAC Co-Chair, Robert Schwartz, ASRAC Co-Chair
The ASRAC and SAC were charged as follows:
Review and make recommendations on:
- the new Interim University Policy 60.1.33 (intended to replace 10.3.12 and 60.1.28) Title IX Policy and Grievance Procedures
- the Interim University Policy 10.2.11 Code of Student Conduct which reflects the proposed changes made to the University’s Title IX Policy
Senator Matto reviewed the background of the charge, the committee’s work and the recommendations that followed. After some discussion, the following amendment to Recommendation E was made, due to the stricken points no longer being valid, and was then voted on and approved:
- ORIGINAL: Develop and execute a process by which the policies are reviewed and subsequently revised, if necessary, with particular attention to the timeliness by which Code of Student Conduct cases are reviewed and adjudicated as well as the requirement for in-person cross-examination with Code of Conduct violations. This review process should include a timeline that allows for modifications to policies to be in place for the Fall 2021 semester or soon thereafter pending the student body’s return to campus.
- APPROVED REVISION: Develop and execute a process by which the policies are reviewed and subsequently revised, if necessary, with particular attention to the timeliness by which Code of Student Conduct cases are reviewed and
This review process should include a timeline that allows for modifications to policies to be in place for the Fall 2021 semester or soon thereafter pending the student body’s return to campus.
The Senate then approved the amended report.
ELECTION OF STUDENT MEMBERS OF THE SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND BOARD REPRESENTATIVES – This election was held because no eligible candidates were nominated during the May 1, 2020 Organizational meeting. Self-nominations were solicited from eligible student Senators prior to, as well as from the floor during, the meeting.
- 2020-21 Slate of Nominees
- Campaign Statements
The candidates for each position can be found in the linked documents above.
Results of the 20-21 Student Executive Committee Members and Board Representatives Election
- Camden Student Member of the EC: Michael Van Stine, GS-C (S)
- Newark Student Member of the EC: Sarah Shobut, SAS-N (S)
- New Brunswick Student Member of the EC: Marie Yamaoka, SAS-NB (S)
- RBHS Student Member of the EC: Amanda Immidisetti, RWJMS (S)
- Student Representative to the BOG: Gavin Mayes, SAS-NB (S)
- Undergraduate Student Representative to the BOT: Nina Gohel, SAS-NB (S)
- Graduate Student Representative to the BOT: Robert Wayne, NJMS (S)
Executive Director Honig delivered a report focusing on the important work done at RISC as well as his opinions regarding the Trump Administration and the 2020 Presidential election.
TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION – Michele Norin, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer
SVP Norin gave a detailed report on the University’s new cyber-security initiative on Two-Factor Authentication and answered questions relating this and other topics, including the sudden unanticipated loss of Proctortrack and plans for alternative solutions.
OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.
NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.
SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Senate Vice Chair Peter Gillett reported on the October 9, 2020 Senate Executive Committee Meeting
REPORTS OF CAMPUS FACULTY AND STUDENT LIAISONS: Camden Faculty Senator, Sam Rabinowitz reported on the Camden Faculty Council’s last meeting and points of interest. Faculty Senator Tugrul Ozel, New Brunswick Faculty Council Chair, reported on the New Brunswick Faculty Council will meet again on October 23. Sarah Shobut, Newark Student Senator reported on the recent activities of the Newark students. Senator Laura Willett reported on the plans and activities of the RBHS Faculty Council.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 4:01 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the University Senate
Present Senators
Excused Senators
Absent Senators
Committee Meetings
Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:30 am
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
CASC, Atrium Conference Room @ 10:00 am
Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:30 am
Information Technology Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting
CASC, Room 109 @ 10:00 am
Student Affairs Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
University Structure & Governance Committee
CASC, Room 115 @ 10:00 am
Caucus Meetings
Faculty Caucus Meeting
CASC Room 411 @ 12:00 pm
Student Caucus Meeting
CASC, Graduate Student Lounge @ 12:00 pm
Alumni Caucus Meeting
CASC Room 413 @ 12:00 pm
Staff Caucus Meeting
CASC, Atrium Conference Room @ 12:00 pm