- This meeting has passed.
Apr 30th
11:00 am
Agenda Distributed On
Friday, April 23rd 2021
Friday, April 30, 2021, 11:00 a.m.
Zoom (meeting link below)
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Senate Executive Secretary
- Committee Preference for New Senators (committee-preference form and further information will also be, or has already been, sent via E-mail)
- Schedule of 2021-22 Senate and Executive Committee Meetings
- SAVE THE DATE: New Senator Orientation – September 17, 2021, via Zoom
- Review of individual member profiles on the Senate website
REPORT OF THE NOMINATING PANEL – Natalie Borisovets, Nominating Panel Chair
Charge to the Nominating Panel
SLATE OF NOMINEES – Slate of Nominees and Candidate Statements
(Please note these documents are subject to change and nominations for all positions, except for Chair and Vice Chair, will be accepted from the floor.)
ONLINE VOTING- https://senate.rutgers.edu/election/2021-22-senate-leadership-election
There will be runoff elections for Chair, Vice Chair, and any contested Campus Faculty Member of the Executive Committee categories (to populate the At-Large Faculty Member of the Executive Committee category).
MINUTES: Organizational Meeting of the University Senate
DATE: April 30, 2021
TIME AND PLACE: 11:00 a.m., Zoom
MEMBERS PRESENT: Alizadeh, Allamand, Ameri, Amjad, Anderson, Bachmann, Baldi, Barbarese, Barlow, Bhavaraju, Bhuyan, Blank, Bogden, Boikess, Boison, Borisovets, Boxer, Bridgeman, Brienza-Arcilla, Buyske, Cardoso, Castaneda, Chefitz, Chiu, Choo, Chowdhury, Clarke, Cole, Cooper, Crawford, Crews, Dane, Davidson, Davis, Den Bleyker, Dool, Drazer, Edelstein, English, Esposito, Everett, Ewins, Farmer, Foster, Fudge, Gillett, Giraud, Gohel, Gomes, Goonetilleke, Gould, Gower, Granadeiro, Guo, Gursoy, Haley, Hu, Huang, Hunter, Hurd, Javeri, Kaye, Kettle, Kiss, Knode, Kothari, Kustka, LaMorte, Laraia, Linardopoulos, Lutz, Mahajan-Cusack, Mansukhani, Markert, Markowitz, Marsic, McKeever, Mickelsen, Miller, Morton, O’Connor, Oliver, Ozel, Parsa, S. Patel, M. Patel, Poole, Prihoda, Quincy, Rabinowitz, Rivera, Rizvi, Robalino, Roth, Ryan, Sagarra, Saltzman, R. Schwartz, S. Schwartz, Shah, Shinbrot, Siederer, Simonds, Sinacori, Smith, Spiegel, Stephens, Stroiman, Struble, Swamy, Szatrowski, Tadros, Tan, Tewfik, Thompson, Todorinova, Tommasi, Torres, Valle, Valverde, Vega, Vellangany, Virani, Volino, Westrich, White, Whitehead, Willett, Wirtenberg, Yamamoto
EXCUSED: Fox, Holloway, Tabayoyong
ABSENT: Adya, Anderson Eloy, Ardeshna, Aubry, Barone, Bator, Bhattacharya, Blanchett, Britton, Broggi, Campbell, Cantor, Daughety, Elsaid, Emedom-Nnamdi, Farris, Fatahzadeh, Feldman, Fellenz, Field, Figueira, Halkitis, Hara, Hatefi, Haviland, Hsueh, Husan, Irizarry, Johnson, Kahanda, Kathryn Kovacs, Kukor, Lei, Leibman, Liu, Lopez, Lyles, Maddox Douglas, Mahon, Maloney, March, Marchitello, Matto, Menifield, Miranti, Molloy, Mutcherson, Nath, Nickitas, Oberle, Peluso, Pichugin, Pintar, Pinto-Figueroa, Potter, Potter, Samlin, Schroth, Scott, Shah, Shah, Shapiro, Shapses, Strom, Takhistov, Thakuriah, Tsakalakos, Veysey, Walkup, Wang, Warde
CALL TO ORDER AND DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM: Chairperson Oliver called the first meeting of the 2021-22 Rutgers University Senate to order at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom. He welcomed all attendees and extended a special welcome to new Senators.
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the University Senate
- Agenda: The meeting’s agenda was approved by the Senate.
- Committee Preferences: Secretary Mickelsen directed the Senate to online resources to guide Senators’ choices of standing-committee membership preferences, including the committees’ standing charges, pending charges, and a committee-preference form, and reminded everyone to send her their preferences.
- Schedule of 2021-22 Senate and Executive Committee Meetings: Mickelsen asked the Senate to add to their calendars the dates of next year’s Senate meetings.
- New Senator Orientation: Mickelsen asked all new senators to mark their calendars for the New Senator Orientation on September 17, 2021 with more information to follow.
PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Privilege of the floor was granted to Nominating Panel Chair Natalie Borisovets, a member of the 2020-21 Senate.
REPORT OF THE NOMINATING PANEL: Nominating Panel Chair Natalie Borisovets presented the report of the Nominating Panel.
Senator Borisovets gave a brief overview of the nomination and new election process involving an online voting procedure, as well as the runoff procedure for at-large faculty Executive Committee member elections. Borisovets said that any candidates nominated from the floor must be certified on the Senate roster in order to be added to the ballot.
Borisovets announced candidates for all positions, calling for nominations from the floor in each category except for Chair and Vice Chair, as mandated by USGC report S-1501. She also announced that Student elections will be conducted in the fall due to a lack of school-level election results.
The nominations completed, including those made from the floor, the resultant slate of candidates was:
Chair (who serves ex officio as Representative to the Board of Governors): Jon Oliver, Staff-New Brunswick (Staff) and Robert Schwartz, NJMS (Faculty)
Vice Chair: Peter Gillett, RBS:UNB (Faculty)
Faculty Members of the Executive Committee, Camden: Ralph Giraud, Business-Camden (Faculty)
Faculty Members of the Executive Committee, Newark: Carolyne White, Graduate School-Newark (Faculty)
Faculty Members of the Executive Committee, New Brunswick: Sanjib Bhuyan, SEBS (F), Robert Boikess, SAS-NB (Faculty); Tugrul Ozel, Engineering (Faculty)
Faculty Members of the Executive Committee, RBHS: Adrienne Simonds, SHP (Faculty); Laura Willett, RWJMS (Faculty)
Part-Time Lecturer/Annual Appointee Faculty Member of the Executive Committee: Karen Thompson, PTL-NB (Faculty)
Alumnus Member of the Executive Committee: Houshang Parsa, Alumni Association; Tom Struble, Alumni Association
Staff Senator Member of the Executive Committee: Tyrone Davidson, Staff-New Brunswick; Lucille Foster, Staff-Newark; Mario Tommasi, RBHS Staff
Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors: Joseph Barbarese, FAS-Camden (Faculty); Samuel Rabinowitz, SB-C (Faculty); Troy Shinbrot, Engineering (Faculty)
Faculty Representatives to the Board of Trustees: Gloria Bachmann, RWJMS (Faculty); Perry Dane, Law-C (Faculty); Anna Haley, SSW (Faculty);
Candidates who wished to do so were given time to make statements in support of their candidacy.
A runoff election was conducted for all full-time faculty members of the Executive Committee based on the above slate so that those nominees who did not prevail in the contested New Brunswick, Newark, and RBHS Faculty EC categories could be placed in the at-large category.
VOTING: Voting was done online via the Senate website utilizing Net ID access and only to voting members of the 2021-22 Senate were permitted to vote. Votes were tabulated electronically and successful candidates were announced on the website immediately after each election.
Chair: Jon Oliver, Staff – New Brunswick Staff
Vice Chair: Peter Gillett, RBS:UNB (Faculty)
Executive Committee Full-Time Faculty, Camden: Ralph Giraud, Business-Camden (Faculty)
Executive Committee Full-Time Faculty, Newark: Carolyne White, Graduate School-Newark (Faculty)
Executive Committee Full-Time Faculty, New Brunswick: Robert Boikess, SAS-NB (Faculty)
Executive Committee Full-Time Faculty, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences: Adrienne Simonds, SHP (Faculty)
Executive Committee Full-Time Faculty, At-Large: Robert Schwartz, NJMS (Faculty); Laura Willett, RWJMS (Faculty)
Executive Committee Alumnus: Tom Struble, Alumni Association
Executive Committee Part-Time Lecturer/Adjunct Faculty: Karen Thompson, PTL-New Brunswick (Faculty)
Executive Committee Staff Member: Lucille Foster, Newark Staff
Board of Governors Faculty Representative: Sam Rabinowitz, SB-Camden (Faculty)
Board of Trustees Faculty Representatives: Gloria Bachmann, RWJMS (Faculty); Anna Haley, SSW (Faculty)
ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Oliver adjourned the Organizational Meeting at 12:55 p.m.
Present Senators
Excused Senators
Absent Senators
Committee Meetings
Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Information Technology Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
Student Affairs Committee Meeting
No location or time for this committee meeting
University Structure & Governance Committee
No location or time for this committee meeting
Caucus Meetings
Faculty Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Student Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Alumni Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting
Staff Caucus Meeting
No location or time for this caucus meeting