- This meeting has passed.
Mar 26th
1:10 pm
Agenda Distributed On
Sunday, March 21st 2021
Friday, March 26, 2021 – 1:10 p.m. via Zoom
SECRETARY’S REPORT – Mary Mickelsen, Senate Executive Secretary
- Approval of the Agenda* (including time limits)
- Approval of the February 19, 2021 Senate Meeting Minutes
- Communications:
- President Holloway’s response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on charge S-1905: Normal Teaching Loads
- President Holloway’s response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on charge S-2001: Re-evaluation of Student Fee Consolidation
- President Holloway’s response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on charge S-2016: Lessons Learned from University-wide Online Learning
- President Holloway’s response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on charge S-2017: Evaluation of the University’s Continuity of Operations
- President Holloway’s response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on charge A-2021: Re-Examination of the Add/Drop Period During COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond
- Call for Nominations for 2021-2022 Senate Officers and Executive Committee Members, and Representatives to the Boards of Governors and Trustees –
- Send nominations to Senate Secretary Mary Mickelsen. While unit elections for next year are pending, continuing Senators or those who are likely to be elected to the Senate may be nominated. Click the link for additional instructions and information.
- 2021-2022 Staff and PTL Senator Elections are currently underway. Staff Senator results will be posted to the Senate website on April 6 and PTL results on April 22.
- Schedule of 2021-2022 Senate and Executive Committee meetings has been approved by the Senate Executive Committee. Continuing Senators please add the Senate dates to your schedules.
- Call for Nominations for 2021-2022 Senate Officers and Executive Committee Members, and Representatives to the Boards of Governors and Trustees –
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Jonathan Holloway, University President
NEW BRUNSWICK CHANCELLOR’S REPORT – Christopher Molloy, New Brunswick Chancellor
COMMITTEE REPORTS [Please Note: Substantive amendments to any resolutions should be provided to the Senate Executive Secretary in writing prior to or at the time the amendment is moved.]
University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to S-1908: Honorary Degree and Commencement Speaker Selection Process – USGC Chair Peter Gillett
The USGC was charged as follows:
S-1908: Consider possible improvements to our policy and processes for selection of recipients of Honorary Degrees and Commencement Speakers.
University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to S-1904: Review of Proposed Resolution on Rutgers’ Faculty Councils Inclusion in the University Policy Library– USGC Chair Peter Gillett
The USGC was charged as follows:
S-1904: Consider and recommend appropriate policy changes relating to the role and status of faculty councils at Rutgers.
Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC) Response to S-1910: Grade Inflation – ASRAC Co-Chairs Lucille Foster and Robert Schwartz
The ASRAC was charged as follows:
S-1910: Investigate the extent of grade inflation at Rutgers over the past 20-years. Determine what factors contributed to whatever grade inflation exists and make appropriate recommendations.
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC) Response to S-2007: PTL Health and Wellness – FPAC Co-Chairs Farid Alizadeh and Joseph Markert
The FPAC was charged as follows:
S-2007: Investigate the range and awareness of health and wellness services available to part-time lecturers across the University and make recommendations.
Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Response to S-2003: Rutgers-Alumni Relations – SAC Co-Chairs Elizabeth Matto and Sarah Shobut
The SAC was charged as follows:
S-2003: Evaluate alumni engagement and provide recommendations as to what changes could be made, if necessary, particularly while students are still enrolled, to further Rutgers-Alumni relations.
University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to S-2005: Student Governance – USGC Chair Peter Gillett ~ This report is being presented for information only.
The USGC was charged as follows:
S-2005: Evaluate the formal and informal processes for the creation of student governing association and if appropriate, make recommendations regarding the organization and recognition of SGAs.
University Structure and Governance Committee (USGC) Response to S-2014: Standing Committees and the Chair of the Senate – USGC Chair Peter Gillett ~ This report is being presented for information only.
The USGC was charged as follows:
S-2014: Consider the duties of the Chair of the Senate in relation to its various standing committees and make any appropriate recommendations.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT – Peter Gillett, Senate Vice Chair
NEW BUSINESS [Note: Article IV.A. of the Senate Bylaws states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated under section C.4…” Also, the Senate Executive Committee has authorized committee-of-the-whole discussions under New Business as appropriate, and time permitting.]
*Note: Addition of items to the Agenda requires a 2/3 vote. There is an overall time limit of 3 hours for Senate meetings. Specific time limits are set for questions and debate, not for presentations of reports. After approval, extension of time limits requires a 2/3 vote.
Remaining 2020-2021 University Senate Meetings
[Fall 2020/Spring 2021: All meetings will be held virtually in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines set forth by President Holloway in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.]
April 30, 2021
(The April 30 meeting may convene at 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. This meeting is the last of this year’s Senate, but will begin with the first meeting of next year’s Senate, at which Senate officers, Executive Committee members, and board representatives will be elected. The start time will be determined by the Senate EC in April 2021.)
MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate
DATE: March 26, 2021
TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Remote via Zoom
MEMBERS PRESENT: Albert; Alizadeh; Allamand; Ameri; Arman; Aubert; Avallone; Bachmann; Baldi; Barbarese; Barone; Bekdash; Bhatt; Bhattacharya; Bhuyan; Bogden; Boikess; Boison; Borisovets; Bridgeman; Brienza-Arcilla; Britton; Castaneda; Chefitz; Chen; Chintalapudi; Choo; Cifelli; Cooper; Crews; Dane; Davidson; Ding; Dool; Drazer; Dreyer; Ebert; English; Esposito; Everett; Farmer; Farris; Fernandez Arroyo; Figueira; Foster; Fox; Garcia; Garner; Gillett; Giraud; Gohel; Gomes; Goonetilleke; Guo; Gursoy; Haley; Hara; Hatefi; Hicks; Holloway; Huang; Hunter; Hurd; Ibrahim; Jarrín Montaner; Joergensen; Kane; Kettle; Kiss; Kosar; Kothari; Kovacs; Kustka; Lamar; Lawson; Linardopoulos; Lutz; Lyles; Maglione Rico; Mahajan-Cusack; Mansukhani; Marchetta; Markert; Markowitz; Marsic; Matto; Mayes; McKeever; Mendicino; Miller; Miranti; Moghe; Molloy; Morton; Mutcherson; O’Connor; Oberle; Oliver; Ozel; Parsa; Patel; Pedro-Santiago; Pichugin; Pinto-Figueroa; Piotrowski; Potter; Rabinowitz; Ribau; Rivera; Rizvi; Roth; Ryan; Sagarra; Sahota; Saltzman; Schroth; Schwartz; Schwartz; Sesti; Shapses; Shinbrot; Shobut; Siederer; Simonds; Sinacori; Song; Spiegel; Stephens; Struble; Szatrowski; Thompson; Todorinova; Tommasi; Trees; Valverde; Van Stine; Vellangany; Ventura-Martinez; Vidal; Virani; Volino; Wang; Wang; Ward; Warde; Wayne; White; Willett; Winters; Wirtenberg; Yamaoka
EXCUSED: Buyske; Coleman; Granadeiro; Hunter-Fratzola; Immidisetti; Mena-Segovia; Silver; Stephenson; Takhistov
ABSENT: Adya; Ahmed; Alexander-Floyd; Anderson Eloy; Atkins; Ayad; Bator; Beegan; Blanchett; Cabrera; Cantor; Cavanagh; Chadalvada; Chiu; Cole; Eafrati; Eaton; Fadahunsi; Farley; Feldman; Fellenz; Flynn; Gower; Halkitis; Henderson; Hodes; Holdom; Hsueh; Johnson; Kaplun; Kashalikar; Kaye; Kukor; Lei; Liu; Lopez; Maddox Douglas; Madson; Mahon; Maloney; March; Marchitello; Marsh; Mazurek; Menifield; Moore; Murphy; Nath; Nelson; Nickitas; Paskhover; Ponzio; Potter; Quincy; Rajan; Sacks; Shankar; Shapiro; Stern; Strom; Tan; Thakuriah; Vargas; Veysey; Walkup; Williams
Senate Chair Jon Oliver called the meeting to order at 1:12 p.m. remotely via Zoom. Oliver announced reports to be presented by President Holloway and New Brunswick Chancellor Molloy. In continuing his recent celebration of the positive contributions Senators have made to Rutgers and to the world, he asked all to send him any senators they feel deserve recognition for their work and accomplishments. He mentioned that for the 12th consecutive year Rutgers is the recipient of Fulbright Student Grants and recognized Senator Federico Sesti as a Fulbright Scholar in 2014, representing Rutgers internationally. Due to the length of the agenda, Oliver asked all Senators who speak to be brief and to the point, and only speak to a report if they have suggestions to amend the report. Oliver reiterated, the importance of sending any amendments to the Executive Secretary in advance of the meeting which negates the need for on-the-fly wordsmithing. He wished all senators who are running for re-election to the Senate the best of luck.
REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary
- Agenda: The meeting’s agenda including time limits, was approved by the Senate.
- Minutes: The February 19, 2021 Senate Meeting Minutes were approved as distributed by the Executive Secretary.
- Communications:
- The following are responses to Senate reports by President Holloway:
- President Holloway’s response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on charge S-1905: Normal Teaching Loads
- President Holloway’s response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on charge S-2001: Re-evaluation of Student Fee Consolidation
- President Holloway’s response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on charge S-2016: Lessons Learned from University-wide Online Learning
- President Holloway’s response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on charge S-2017: Evaluation of the University’s Continuity of Operations
- President Holloway’s response to the Senate’s report and recommendations on charge A-2021: Re-Examination of the Add/Drop Period During COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond
- Mickelsen reviewed the Call for Nominations for 2021-2022 Senate Officers and Executive Committee Members, and Representatives to the Boards of Governors and Trustees and asked for Senators to send nominations by April 16. Senators were reminded that while unit elections for next year are pending, continuing Senators or those who are likely to be elected to the Senate may be nominated.
- Mickelsen announced that 2021-2022 Staff and PTL Senator Elections are currently underway. Staff Senator results will be posted to the Senate website on April 6 and PTL results on April 22.
- Mickelsen asked all continuing Senators to please add the Senate dates to your schedules: Schedule of 2021-2022 Senate and Executive Committee meetings .
- The following are responses to Senate reports by President Holloway:
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Jonathan Holloway, President of the University
President Jonathan Holloway provided the Administrative Report consisting of the following topics:
- Holloway signed a letter along with other University Presidents for more support for Fulbrights;
- Men’s/Women’s Basketball team success;
- Three Rutgers Wrestlers attain All-American Status;
- Two Professors Win National Book Critics Circle Awards;
- Requirement of students returning for Fall 2021 to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination;
- Rutgers has been approved as a distribution site, however the vaccines are not available – hopes that will change in the next several weeks;
- BoG and BoT approved the divestment from fossil fuels;
- Understand the decision comes with consequences – cost the University over $50M and possible future donors
- Major focus on fundraising campaigns
- The work of the Climate Task Force work is ongoing with a final report in the next 6-8 weeks
- Reached a tentative agreement with several union organizations on the Physical Emergency MoA.
NEW BRUNSWICK CHANCELLOR’S REPORT – Christopher Molloy, Rutgers-New Brunswick Chancellor
University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-1908: Honorary Degree and Commencement Speaker Selection Process – Peter Gillett, USGC Chair
The USGC was charged as follows: Consider possible improvements to our policy and processes for selection of recipients of Honorary Degrees and Commencement Speakers.
Gillett summarized the work of the committee and the USGC’s Response to Charge S-1908: Honorary Degree and Commencement Speaker Selection Process. This is the second time the Senate has been presented with this report, as per the Senate Handbook. The report was discussed, voted on, and approved with no amendments.
University Structure and Governance Committee Response to Charge S-1904: Review of the Proposed Resolution on Rutgers’ Faculty Councils Inclusion in the University Policy Library – Peter Gillett, USGC Chair
The USGC was charged as follows: Consider and recommend appropriate policy changes relating to the role and status of faculty councils at Rutgers.
USGC Chair Gillett summarized the work of the committee and reviewed the recommendations of the USGC’s response to Charge S-1904: Review of the Proposed Resolution on Rutgers’ Faculty Councils Inclusion in the University Policy Library. This is the second time this report has come before the Senate as per the Senate Handbook. Then after some discussion and clarification, the report was approved.
A meeting extension for 60 minutes was presented and approved.
Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Response to Charge S-1910: Grade Inflation – Lucille Foster and Robert Schwartz, ASRAC Co-Chairs
The ASRAC was charged as follows: Investigate the extent of grade inflation at Rutgers over the past 20-years. Determine what factors contributed to whatever grade inflation exists and make appropriate recommendations.
ASRAC Chair Schwartz summarized the work of the committee and their recommendations. After some debate the report was approved with the following amendment to the resolution:
Be it resolved that the Rutgers University Senate endorses the Academic Standards, Regulations, and Admissions Committee’s endorses #2 and 3 of the recommendations listed above and urges the Rutgers University Administration to implement them expeditiously.
Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee Response to Charge S-2007: PTL Health and Wellness – Farid Alizadeh and Joseph Markert, FPAC Co-Chairs
The FPAC was charged as follows: Investigate the range and awareness of health and wellness services available to part-time lecturers across the University and make recommendations.
FPAC Chair Alizadeh reviewed the charge and the committee’s resolutions. After a lengthy discussion and the passing of the below amendment, there was a call for quorum. It was determined that not enough Senators were present at this point in the meeting to continue.
“*including all part-time faculty (salaried or per course)” where ever it mentions PTLs in the 6 resolutions
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Minutes prepared by:
Mary Mickelsen, Executive Secretary of the University Senate
Present Senators
Excused Senators
Absent Senators
Committee Meetings
Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:30 am
Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:30 am
Information Technology Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Student Affairs Committee Meeting
Zoom @ 10:30 am
University Structure & Governance Committee
Zoom @ 10:00 am
Caucus Meetings
Faculty Caucus Meeting
Zoom @ 12:00 pm
Student Caucus Meeting
Zoom @ 12:00 pm
Alumni Caucus Meeting
Zoom @ 12:00 pm
Staff Caucus Meeting
Zoom @ 12:00 pm