(Executive Committee members are elected by the Senate. Senators should select from among the other standing committees when indicting a committee preference.)
Standing Charge: To perform those duties defined in University Policy 50.2.2., to coordinate the activities of the Senate and its committees, and to exercise such powers as the Senate may delegate to it.
The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the Senate between meetings of the Senate, and report these actions to the Senate. (Note: On September 29, 1970, the Senate passed a motion authorizing the Executive Committee to act on its behalf between meetings of the Senate as provided in University Policies 50.2.1.F. and 50.2.3.F., and requiring the Executive Committee to report these actions to the Senate.) Although the Executive Committee is empowered to act for the Senate in exceptional circumstances, it shall minimize responding to emergency situations that require its independent, precipitous action, and shall strengthen and publicize its planning, referral, evaluation, and liaison functions, as follows:
a. Planning Function of the Executive Committee
- To review the annual reports from Senate committee chairpersons and decide which charges should be continued or modified, and to anticipate and propose other matters needing Senate attention. The Secretary will transmit these matters as charges to the appropriate committee with background information.
- To assign members to Senate standing committees and panels, ensuring broad representation on each of the committees (to the extent possible within the limitation in the third paragraph of “Committees of the Senate”).
- To take responsibility for assuring standing committees, and the Senate as a whole, sufficient time in which to study and advise on all proposals brought to it.
- To issue, at its discretion, a rule calling for a specific voting procedure on a resolution pending before the Senate, including voting by secret ballot, to ensure an efficient voting procedure, and to protect the integrity of the vote whenever issues of extreme sensitivity or confidentiality exist.
b. Referral Function of the Executive Committee
- To refer new matters to the committees throughout the year. The Secretary will transmit these referrals in writing with appropriate supporting information.
- To establish ad hoc committees and charge them appropriately. In keeping with its referral function, the Executive Committee shall generally refrain from initiating discussion of new issues on the Senate floor but rather move all business through the committee structure.
c. Evaluation Function of the Executive Committee
- To review and evaluate the performance of Senate committees and the Senate body as a whole periodically throughout the year. To report to the Senate the results of such evaluations.
d. Liaison Function of the Executive Committee
- To arrange for and monitor compliance with liaison arrangements among Senate committees, the Administration, and University committees.
- To be the buffer between the Administration and other University groups and the Senate, guarding the Senate’s rights and responsibilities from encroachment by keeping in close touch with persons and events in the University community.
- To appeal to the Board of Governors as provided in Section 2.2.2 Paragraph B, item (2) when the President does not consult the Senate in the areas defined for such consultation.