Senate Meeting - Newark Campus Report - Rutgers University Senate Skip to main content
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Mar 22nd
1:00 pm

Senate Meeting – Newark Campus Report


Agenda Distributed On
Friday, March 15th 2024

Friday, March 22, 2024, 1:10 p.m. via Zoom


REPORT OF THE SECRETARY – Vicki Hewitt, Senate Executive Secretary

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Prabhas Moghe, Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs

NEWARK CHANCELLOR REPORT – Nancy Cantor, Chancellor, Rutgers University-Newark


COMMITTEE REPORTS/RESOLUTIONS: The report will be presented/summarized by the committee chair, then will be discussed, and acted upon by the Senate. Substantive amendments to these reports should be given to the Senate secretary in writing prior to or at the time the amendment is moved.

Ad Hoc Committee on Senate Officer Compensation
Michael Joseph and Suja Patel, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2312: Senate Officer Compensation

The ad hoc committee was charged as follows:

To provide guidelines for appropriate compensation for Senate officers and other Senators whose duties as Senators represent a significant fraction of their university obligations. The resources for such compensation should be provided in a manner that does not create conflicts of interest. Procedures for such compensation already in place at some of our peer aspirant universities may serve as useful models.

University Structure and Governance Committee
Perry Dane and Kevin Schroth, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2202-1: Honors College Student Senators (Information Only)

The USGC was charged as follows:

Investigate and recommend how Honors College Students from each campus can best be represented in the Senate. The creation of the Honors Colleges on each campus has created a new unit and community that students live, learn and participate in within the University. Student entitlements to the Senate are based on their academic association and Honors College Students can participate based on those associations if elected via their student governing associations. However, since student Senators are not specifically elected from the Honors College they may not be able to properly represent the needs of the Honors College community.

Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee
Lucille Foster and Robert Schwartz, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2324: Investigate Sunsetting of Academic Credit Across Campuses and Review Any Proposed Changes

The ASRAC was charged as follows:

Review how course credits earned at Rutgers can be sundowned across all Rutgers campuses, recognizing many students are unable to complete a desired academic degree in the usual time sequence. Report and explain the rationale for any proposed changes and offer possible recommendations concerning changes to policy of earned credit toward graduation, with consideration of potential complexities with respect to professional/graduate studies that are externally accredited.

Ad Hoc Committee on Develop Nomination Procedures for a Senate Representative for the Policy Approval Committee
Lucille Foster and Kerry Hennessy, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2327: Develop Nomination Procedures for a Senate Representative for the Policy Approval Committee

The ad hoc committee was charged as follows:

To develop nomination procedures for a Senate Representative for the Policy Approval Committee for addition to the Senate Handbook. As part of the new policy approval process, the University Senate is entitled to a representative on the University-wide Policy Approval Committee. As the Policy Approval Committee begins meeting in February 2024, the current representatives to the Board of Governors will serve as interim representatives to the Policy Approval Committee in the meantime.


Senate Handbook Change – Name of the Nominating Panel

Budget and Finance Committee
Abdelrahman Ibrahim and Carolyne White, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2302: Budgetary Considerations Underlying Potential Merger of the RBHS Subunits Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and New Jersey Medical School into One Medical School

The BFC was charged as follows:

Investigate any relevant financial issues that will emerge if there is a proposed merger of RWJMS and NJMS. Make necessary recommendations to the Senate.

Senate Handbook Change – Committee Co-Chair Elections and Eligibility Requirements for Senate Officers






*Note: Addition of items to the Agenda requires a two-thirds vote (Senate Handbook, Article III, Agenda). There is an overall time limit of 3 hours for Senate meetings. Specific time limits are set for questions and debate, not for presentation of reports (Senate Handbook, Article III, Procedures). After approval, extension of time limits requires a two-thirds vote.

**Note: The Senate Handbook, Article IV, 1 states, “All new matters shall be referred to committee before coming to the Senate (unless extenuating circumstances apply, as indicated in Article III, Agenda, 3 above).”]

Remaining 2023-24 University Senate Meetings

All meetings are on Zoom

April 26, 2024 – Organizational Meeting of the 2024-2025 Senate
April 26, 2024 – Last Meeting of the 2023-2024 Senate


MINUTES: Regular Meeting of the University Senate

DATE: March 22, 2024

TIME AND PLACE: 1:10 p.m., Remote via Zoom

MEMBERS PRESENT: Abusah, Allen, C. Anderson, K. Anderson, Andrews, Apel, Ardeshna, Askew, Aubry, Axelsson, Ayorinde, Barbarello Andrews, Bhavaraju, Bhuyan, Boikess, Boison, Borie-Holtz, Borisovets, Boucher, Boxer, Cahill, Campbell, Cantor, Caponegro, Carpenter, Chang, Charles, Chiricolo, Choron, Ciolek, Clarke, Collick, Cooper, Cuitiño, Dai, Dane, Davis, Desir, Dinnall, Dock, Easley , Eastman, Ebert, Esposito, Everett, Everts, Fatahzadeh, Fedorko, Figueira, Foster, Fulton, Gahlawat, Giermanski, Giraud, Godoy, Gower, Graham, Granadeiro, Griffin, Gursoy, Hisham Hamawy, Haviland, Hayes, Hennessy, Hewitt, Ibrahim, Javanmard, Kahng, Kaplan, Kelly, Kettle, Khan, Knievel, Kustka, LaMorte, Lamorgese, Lawson, Lee, Lutz, Maeng Brown, Marchetta, Markowitz, Mattis, Mazurek, Mbadugha, McCarthy, McKeever, Meshoyrer, Moghe, Morales, Morton, Murphy, Nucci, O’Connor, O’Halloran, Oberle, Olivera, Orelus, Osorio-Fernandez, Parsa, S. Patel, Pichugin, Pierce, Pintar, Purcell, Rabinowitz, Robson, Rodriguez, Rossman-Murphy, Roth, Salas-de la Cruz, Saltzman, Sayde, Schwartz, Scott, Searcy, Sergel, Shapiro, Shaw, Shinbrot, Siederer, Simonds, Sloan-Power, Smart, Smith, Sonnenberg, Spiegel, Suh, Tewfik, Thompson, Torres, Truschke, Weiss, White, Winters, Wirtenberg, Wolfe, Yusuf, Zhang, Zhou, Özel

MEMBERS EXCUSED: Abdelfattah, Adamo, Bachmann, Bridgeman, Edelstein, Haley, Kahanda, Keates, Kiss, Ladell, Levine, Prihoda, Ramachandran, Serrano, Takhistov, Volino

MEMBERS ABSENT: Adya, Ameri, Amjad, Anderson Eloy, Ariwoola, Barone, Blanchett, Bond, Chama, Conway, Copeland, Cundiff, Di Bella, DiGiovanni, Ditching, Eaton, Edwards, Fang, Feldman, Flynn, Fortson, Fox, Geary, Giberson, Glenn, Gong, Guo, Guo, Habeb, Halkitis, Henderson, Hernandez, Holloway, Inman, Johnson, Joseph, Kamen, Kaye, Kolben, Lehman, Lei, Leibman, Lemish, Levin, Lildhar, Manzini, Matta, Mayers, Merisier, Murtha, Nickitas, Paiste, Papakonstantinou, K. Patel, Priya Patel, Perez, Quincy, Samaan, Santos Mendoza, Sarath, Savage, Schnetzer, Schroth, Shafik, Shapiro, Shobut, Strom, Szatrowski, Tillis, Tirino, Vito, Wade, Wagner, White, Whitehead, Yang


Chair Simonds called the meeting to order at 1:11 p.m. She reminded senators to submit nominations for the upcoming Senate leadership elections. She announced Senator Borisovets would serve as Deputy Parliamentarian for the March Senate meeting. She also reminded senators the Senate Social will be held on April 12.

SECRETARY’S REPORT – Vicki Hewitt, Executive Secretary

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – Prabhas Moghe, Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs

EVPAA Moghe provided the Administrative Report consisting of the following topics:

  • Open access agreement with Elsevier
  • Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice has developed a Rutgers Researchers on Race database
  • “Meet the Moment with Humanity” Campaign
  • Newark City of Learning Collaborative
  • Rutgers Weight Management Center of Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (NJMS)
  • Prof. Naa Oyo Kwate wins 2024 Best Book Award in Urban Affairs
  • Strategic Research and Academic Alliance with Army DevCom
  • Grants Awarded to Investigate the Spread of Tobacco Disinformation
  • eIRB+ expected to launch this spring
  • Prof. Ousseina Alidou named Kluge Chair at the Library of Congress
  • TODAY Show Book Club Pick – We Must Not Think of Ourselves by Prof. Lauren Grodstein
  • Student awards and fellowships
  • Alumni AI Movement in South Africa
  • Hall of Distinguished Alumni Inductees
  • 2024 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders
  • University Finance and Administration Town Hall on March 26
  • Administrative responses to Senate reports

EVPAA Moghe then answered questions submitted in advance via the Qualtrics form:

  • Problems with bus routes to Busch campus
  • RCM budget model
  • Turnaround times for hiring
  • Recruiting and retaining nursing faculty
  • CourseAtlas and academic scheduling
  • Reimbursement of outside graduate fellowships
  • Staff affected by integration with RWJBarnabas
  • Location of RBHS Chancellor’s office

EVPAA Moghe then answered questions on the following topics:

  • How RCM cost pools are allocated to units and schools
  • Providing for technology needs of lecturers
  • Including staff highlights in the administrative report

NEWARK CHANCELLOR REPORT – Nancy Cantor, Chancellor, Rutgers University-Newark

Chair Simonds presented a resolution honoring Chancellor Cantor. The resolution passed with unanimous consent.


Senator Pierce presented this resolution to the Senate. The resolution was adopted.

COMMITTEE REPORTS/RESOLUTIONS: The report will be presented/summarized by the committee chair, then will be discussed, and acted upon by the Senate. Substantive amendments to these reports should be given to the Senate secretary in writing prior to or at the time the amendment is moved.

Ad Hoc Committee on Senate Officer Compensation
Michael Joseph and Suja Patel, Co-Chairs
Report on S-2312: Senate Officer Compensation

The ad hoc committee was charged as follows:

To provide guidelines for appropriate compensation for Senate officers and other Senators whose duties as Senators represent a significant fraction of their university obligations. The resources for such compensation should be provided in a manner that does not create conflicts of interest. Procedures for such compensation already in place at some of our peer aspirant universities may serve as useful models.

Senator Patel presented this report and recommendations to the Senate. A motion was made to amend the recommendations to remove the option of a course release. The motion was lost.

A motion was made to amend the recommendations to provide a choice of course equivalent in cash, course release, or course credit. A motion was then made to refer the report back to the ad hoc committee. The motion was adopted.


A motion to extend the meeting by 30 minutes was lost. The meeting adjourned at 4:03 p.m.

Minutes prepared by:
Vicki Hewitt, Executive Secretary of the University Senate

Present Senators

Dina Abdelfattah Felix Abusah Warren Allen Cori Anderson Katie Anderson Rochelle Andrews Robert Apel Anil Ardeshna Consuella Askew Marie-Pierre Aubry Victoria Axelsson Tumininu Ayorinde Liza Barbarello Andrews Rajita Bhavaraju Sanjib Bhuyan Robert Boikess Detlev Boison Debra Borie-Holtz Natalie Borisovets James Boucher Paul Boxer Christine Cahill Sara Campbell Nancy Cantor Mihaela Caponegro Nichelle Carpenter Joy Chang Sabrina Charles Antonio Chiricolo Rachel Choron Morgan Ciolek Alison Clarke Charlie Collick Taryn Cooper Alberto Cuitiño Wei Dai Perry Dane Siatta Davis Perle Desir Angelique Dinnall Malica Dock Lisa Easley  Wayne Eastman Gary Ebert Adrienne Esposito Brian Everett Bart Everts Mahnaz Fatahzadeh Brielle Fedorko Thomas Figueira Lucille Foster Abigail Fulton Sonal Gahlawat Lauren Giermanski Ralph Giraud Christopher Godoy Michael Gower Dewanna Graham Andre Granadeiro John Griffin Kemal Gursoy Adam Hisham Hamawy Martha Haviland Michael Hayes Kerry Hennessy Vicki Hewitt Abdelrahman Ibrahim Mehdi Javanmard SungWoo Kahng Joshua Kaplan Michael Kelly John Kettle Rehan Khan Timothy Knievel Adam Kustka Gerard LaMorte Matthew Lamorgese Laura Lawson Kangsoo Lee Carol Lutz Rachel Maeng Brown Josephine Marchetta Norman Markowitz Jacqueline Mattis Monica Mazurek Nkechi Mbadugha Bill McCarthy Kenneth McKeever Emanuel Meshoyrer Prabhas Moghe Christine Morales Patricia Morton Kyle Murphy Mary Nucci James O'Connor Kimberly O'Halloran Jennifer Oberle Tiffany Olivera Easter Orelus Arturo Osorio-Fernandez Houshang Parsa Suja Patel Alexander Pichugin Heather Pierce John Pintar Wendy Purcell Sam Rabinowitz Mark Robson Wendy Rodriguez Lisa Rossman-Murphy Monica Roth David Salas-de la Cruz Cynthia Saltzman Mark Sayde Robert Schwartz Rob Scott Safanya Searcy Emily Sergel Michael Shapiro Taylor Shaw Troy Shinbrot Martin Siederer Adrienne Simonds Elizabeth Sloan-Power Michael Smart Morgan Smith Frank Sonnenberg Menahem Spiegel Nanjoo Suh George Tewfik Karen Thompson Jose Torres Audrey Truschke Robert Weiss Carolyne White Alexis Winters Jeana Wirtenberg Wojtek Wolfe Nusrath Yusuf Yahong Zhang Zhongren (David) Zhou Tuğrul Özel

Excused Senators

Lauren Adamo Gloria Bachmann Mary Bridgeman Michelle Edelstein Anna Haley Galathara Kahanda Debra Keates Geza Kiss Ronald Ladell Jeffrey Levine Katherine Prihoda Rohit Ramachandran Carlos Serrano Paul Takhistov Lucio Volino

Absent Senators

Monica Adya Mason Ameri Fauzan Amjad Jean Anderson Eloy Azeezat Ariwoola Joseph Barone Wanda Blanchett Johanna Bond Eduardo Chama Francine Conway Paul Copeland Bill Cundiff Matthew Di Bella Jeffery DiGiovanni Clyde Ditching Adrienne Eaton Richard Edwards Wei Fang Cecile Feldman Linda Flynn Casey Fortson Margaret Fox Jason Geary Mary Rose Giberson Abigail Glenn Jie Gong Grace Guo Zhixiong (James) Guo Daniel Habeb Perry Halkitis Taja-Nia Henderson Julia Hernandez Jonathan Holloway Arpana Inman Robert Johnson Michael Joseph Madelyn Kamen Rachel Kaye Kevin Kolben Richard Lehman Lei Lei Ray Leibman Dafna Lemish Jason Levin Emily Lildhar Chiara Manzini David Matta Tiffany Mayers Moses Merisier Amy Murtha Donna Nickitas Acer Paiste Periklis Papakonstantinou Kush Patel Priya Patel Ilce Perez Ronald Quincy Mirna Samaan Gary Santos Mendoza Bharat Sarath Amy Savage Stephen Schnetzer Kevin Schroth Domatius Shafik Stuart Shapiro Sarah Shobut Brian Strom Ted Szatrowski Antonio Tillis Chloe Tirino Elijah Vito Juli Wade Mary Wagner Tiana White Ian Whitehead Kaifeng Yang

Committee Meetings

Academic Standards, Regulations & Admissions Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Budget & Finance Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Faculty Affairs & Personnel Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Information Technology Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Instruction, Curricula & Advising Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Research, Graduate & Professional Education Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

Student Affairs Committee Meeting

No location or time for this committee meeting

University Structure & Governance Committee

No location or time for this committee meeting

Caucus Meetings

Faculty Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting

Student Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting

Alumni Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting

Staff Caucus Meeting

No location or time for this caucus meeting