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Executive Committee

Senator Constituency
This Committee Does Not Exists For This Term

2017-2018 Senators

Senator Constituency Email Address
Abayhan, Kemal Rutgers Business School: Graduate Programs N/NB, Student
Ahmed, Adeel School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Alidou, Ousseina School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Alizadeh, Farid Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty
Anaele, Akeen Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student
Ardeshna, Anil Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Faculty
Artun, Tuna School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Balaguru, Perumalsam School of Engineering, Faculty
Barbarese, Joseph Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Camden, Faculty
Barchi, Robert L. University President
Barone, Joseph Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Dean
Battle-Brown, Latoya Newark College of Arts and Sciences, Dean Designee
Bekdash, Rola Newark College of Arts and Sciences, Faculty
Benford, Robert Mason Gross School of the Arts, Faculty
Bhuyan, Sanjib School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty
Blanchett, Wanda Graduate School of Education, Dean
Boikess, Robert New Brunswick At-Large, Faculty
Booth, Samantha School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Bora, Irfan Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty
Borisovets, Natalie Libraries, Faculty
Boruchoff , Susan Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty
Bridgeman, Mary Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty
Brunson, Rodney School of Criminal Justice, Dean
Bubb, Daniel Camden College of Arts and Sciences, Faculty
Bugel, Mary Jo Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences At-Large, Faculty
Burley, Stephen New Brunswick Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty
Butterfield, Sherri-Ann Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Newark, Dean
Cahill, Michael Rutgers Law School in Camden, Co-Dean
Cantor, Nancy Newark Chancellor
Chayko, Mary School of Communication and Information, Faculty
Chen, Ronald Rutgers Law School in Newark, Co-Dean
Chulak, Daniel School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Student
Civile, Matthew School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Student
Coiro, Ann School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Collins, Theresa School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Conway, Francine Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Dean
Covington, Anthony Student Charter Trustee
Coyne, Megan School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Craig, Vicki Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty
Cummings, James Alumni Association
Dalton, Christina School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Dana, Kristin School of Engineering, Faculty
Dane, Perry Rutgers Law School in Camden, Faculty
Dasari, Babu University College-Camden, Faculty
Davis, Diane School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty
DeFilippis, James EJBSPPP, Faculty
Denham-Barrett, Misty New Brunswick Staff
Deshpande, Aneesh Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student
Detloff, Kathy VP Financial Planning/Budget
Dettloff, Kathy VP Financial Planning/Budget
DiVito, Timothy Camden Staff
Dixon, Joseph School of Graduate Studies, Faculty
Drachtman, Richard Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty
Dreyer, William Alumni Association
Dutta, Debasish New Brunswick Chancellor
Eastman, Wayne Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty
Eaton, Adrienne School of Management and Labor Relations, Dean
Eisenstein, Robert Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty
Emmons, Robert Camden At-Large, Faculty
Eng, Emily Mason Gross School of the Arts, Student
Esposito, Adrienne New Brunswick Staff
Fagan, Julie School of Graduate Studies, Faculty
Farmbry, Kyle Graduate School-Newark, Dean
Farris, Thomas School of Engineering, Dean
Feldman, Cecile Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Dean
Fellenz, Chazz Newark Staff
Field, William School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Filippelli, Anthony Lecturer-RBHS, Faculty
Fitzgerald-Bocarsly, Patricia New Jersey Medical School, Faculty
Fletcher, Natasha Camden Staff
Fox, William New Brunswick Staff
Gabriel, Sherine Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Dean
Ganesh, Jaishankar School of Business-Camden, Dean
Ghate, Shrey School of Engineering, Student
Ghesani, Nasrin New Jersey Medical School, Faculty
Gillett, Peter Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty
Goh, Chon School of Business-Camden, Faculty
Goldfarb, Sally Rutgers Law School in Camden, Faculty
Gonzalez, Jonathan Rutgers Law School in Newark, Student
Goodman, Robert School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Dean
Gould, Ann School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty
Gower, Michael Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Administration
Graber, Judith School of Public Health, Faculty
Greenberg, Michael EJBSPPP, Dean
Gross, Juliane School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Haddon, Phoebe Camden Chancellor
Halkitis, Perry School of Public Health, Dean
Hartman, Jean Marie School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty
Hatefi, Arash Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Faculty
Heckscher, Charles School of Management and Labor Relations, Faculty
Hernandez, Daniel School of Criminal Justice, Student
Holzemer, William School of Nursing, Dean
Honeycutt, Nathan School of Graduate Studies, Student
Iannini, Christopher School of Graduate Studies, Faculty
Ivanovski, Igor School of Graduate Studies, Student
Joergensen, John Rutgers Law School in Newark, Faculty
Johnson, Robert New Jersey Medical School, Dean
Johnson, Antoinette Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff
Joseph, Jennifer School of Health Professions, Faculty
Junboonta, Nattawan Graduate School of Education, Student
Kabia, Fatmata Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff
Kane, Cecelia Camden Staff
Kasichainula, Svikriti School of Engineering, Student
Kay, Christopher School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Kelly, Michael Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty
Kettle, John Newark At-Large, Faculty
Khattab, Aladdin School of Public Health, Student
Koelb, Tadzio Lecturer-New Brunswick, Faculty
Kothari, Om School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Krapivin, Viktor School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Kukor, Jerome School of Graduate Studies, Dean
Kustka, Adam School of Arts and Sciences - Newark, Faculty
Langer, Jerome Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty
Langsam, Julie Mason Gross School of the Arts, Faculty
LaPointe, Eleanor School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Lasala, Luke School of Nursing, Student
Leavy, Barbara Lecturer-Camden, Faculty
Lee, Barbara Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs
Lee, Christina School of Nursing, Student
Lei, Lei Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Dean
Levy, David Rutgers Law School in Camden, Student
Lewis, Jan Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Newark, Dean
Lindboe, Theresa School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Lindenmeyer, Kriste Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Camden, Dean
Linz, Sheila Camden At-Large, Faculty
LoGrippo, Maria School of Nursing, Faculty
Lugg, Catherine Graduate School of Education, Faculty
Lulia, Aaron Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Student
Lutz, Carol School of Graduate Studies, Faculty
Mahon, Gwendolyn School of Health Professions, Dean
Majumdar, Mrittika Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate Newark, Student
Maloney, Krisellen Vice President for University Libraries and University Librarian
Mammis, Antonios New Jersey Medical School, Faculty
Manyaga, Jacquelyn School of Communication and Information, Student
March, Peter School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Executive Dean
Marchetta, Josephine Alumni Association
Marchick, Natasha School of Management and Labor Relations, Student
Marconi, Claudia School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Markert, Joseph Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty
Masiello, Regina School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Matto, Elizabeth New Brunswick Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty
Mazurek, Monica School of Graduate Studies, Faculty
McKeever, Kenneth New Brunswick At-Large, Faculty
Miller, Kenneth School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Minsky, Naftaly School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Molello, Parker School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Moran, Elizabeth New Jersey Medical School, Faculty
Mun, Eun-Young Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Faculty
Murphy, Brian Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Newark, Faculty
Murphy, Kyle School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty
Nash, Bridget School of Social Work, Faculty
Norville, William Alumni Association
Novelli, Dominic Lecturer-Newark, Faculty
O'Brassill-Kulfan, Kristin School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
O'Neill, Karen School of Graduate Studies, Faculty
Oleske, James RBHS Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes, Faculty
Oliver, Jon New Brunswick Staff
Owens, Jennie Alumni Association
Pagan, Kevin Newark Staff
Pandey, Virendra New Jersey Medical School, Faculty
Pantazis, Caroline School of Graduate Studies, Student
Pappas, Tina New Brunswick Staff
Pardlo, Gregory Graduate School-Camden, Faculty
Parsa, Houshang Alumni Association
Parvathaneni, Sindu Rutgers Business School: Graduate Programs N/NB, Student
Patel, Suja Newark Staff
Patel, Anish EJBSPPP, Student
Patel, Meet School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Patel, Shivane School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Student
Patrick, Philip Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty
Patton, Charles Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Faculty
Phadke, Jaidev School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Pichugin, Alexander School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Pintar, John Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty
Ponzio, Nicholas New Jersey Medical School, Faculty
Potter, Cathryn School of Social Work, Dean
Potter, Jonathan School of Communication and Information, Dean
Powell, Kristen School of Social Work, Faculty
Powell, V. Hope Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff
Pradhan, Archana Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Faculty
Puhak, Robert Faculty of Arts and Sciences-Newark, Faculty
Rabinowitz, Sam School of Business-Camden, Faculty
Reinfelder, Ying School of Graduate Studies, Faculty
Resnick, Jessica School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Rivera, Alicia Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Staff
Roberts, Aakansha School of Graduate Studies, Student
Robinson, Joanne School of Nursing-Camden, Dean
Ross, Caroline Ini School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Rothpletz-Puglia, Pamela School of Health Professions, Faculty
Salazar, Cecilia School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Salmond, Susan School of Nursing, Dean
Saltzman, Cynthia Lecturer-Camden, Faculty
Samant, Asha Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Faculty
Sanchez, Karen School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Schneider, Laura School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Schwartz, Robert New Jersey Medical School, Faculty
Scoloveno, Robert School of Nursing-Camden, Faculty
Sen, Meheli School of Graduate Studies, Faculty
Serrano, Julie School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Settimo, Natalie School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Student
Settles, Alexander Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty
Shah, Chirag School of Graduate Studies, Faculty
Shapses, Sue School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty
Sheflin, Neil School of Arts and Sciences-NB, Faculty
Sheridan, John Newark College of Arts and Sciences, Dean Designee
Shinbrot, Troy School of Engineering, Faculty
Shinn, Christopher School of Business-Camden, Student
Siddiqui, Sana New Jersey Medical School, Student
Singh, Gurpreet Lecturer-Newark, Faculty
Soto, Martha Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences At-Large, Faculty
Spiegel, Menahem Rutgers Business School: Newark/NB, Faculty MSPIEGEL@RBS.RUTGERS.EDU
Stauffer, George Mason Gross School of the Arts, Dean
Steinberg, Marc Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences At-Large, Faculty
Strom, Brian Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Chancellor
Szatrowski, Ted Newark At-Large, Faculty
Takhistov, Paul School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty
Tasneem, Hasin Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate NB, Student
Thomas, Andrew New Jersey Medical School, Faculty
Thompson, Karen Lecturer-New Brunswick, Faculty
Thomson, Barbara New Brunswick Staff
Toney-Boss, Permelia Newark Staff
Tracey, Debora School of Nursing, Faculty
Tsakalakos, Thomas School of Engineering, Faculty
Van Ryzin, Gregg School of Public Affairs and Administration, Dean
Van Stine, Michael Graduate School-Camden, Student
Warburton, Joseph Camden College of Arts and Sciences, Student
Waters, Chelsea Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Student
Wilde, Tyler Camden College of Arts and Sciences, Student
Winkler, Matthew New Brunswick Staff
Zurlo, Karen School of Social Work, Faculty